Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 367 Did you do it on purpose or accidentally (3300 words)

Seeing that the commander didn't seem to believe what he said, Baltimore wanted to continue explaining, but before he could open his mouth, Santiago had already noticed the two of them whispering.

Commander, Commander! You definitely want to hear my singing, right? I'm your No.1, right?

The red-haired vitality girl rushed directly in front of him, took his arm, and looked at him expectantly with her blue eyes.

Lin Lan thought about it carefully and decided to try it out for herself to experience how terrifying Santiago's singing was.

After all, Jin Kaela was right. The first golden ship he built was Jin Kaela. Jin Kaela was the second golden ship girl in his port area after Prince Eugen, and she was also his first. The golden ship was transformed into a legendary ship girl on the sea.

That's right, this silly girl became a maritime legend after being transformed through microphone props, and was once Lin Lan's only maritime legend.

Based on this No.1, he also decided to give Santiago a chance to prove himself.

Well, Santiago, you come with me to the deck first, and I'll listen to it. If you think it's okay, you can come in and sing.


Hearing Lin Lan's words, Santiago suddenly jumped up with joy.

Baltimore's eyes widened and he shook his head at him crazily.

At the same time, Washington and others also came over. After hearing his words, they quickly tried to stop his crazy move.

But Lin Lan had made up his mind and reassured everyone that they should believe in Santiago and give Santiago a chance.

Teacher, lead by example, go to death, educate everyone, trust your companions, woo woo woo...

In the end, everyone could not defeat Lin Lan and had no choice but to let him and Santiago go to the deck. Anchorage even cried.

The little profiteer Akashi, who had been silent until now, quietly walked up behind him and put a pair of earplugs in his hand.

After getting the earplugs, Lin Lan lowered his head and looked at Akashi in confusion, only to see the little profiteer looking at him with pity as if to see him off. He didn't say anything, but he expressed everything.

South Dakota also told Eldridge, Portland and Indianapolis to use their skills to rescue him as soon as they saw something was wrong with him.

Seeing this, Lin Lan put the earplugs in his hand into his pocket with some anxiety.

Originally, he didn't believe in evil, so it was just Jin Kaila's singing voice, how exaggerated it could be.

But everyone was already like this, even Helena's eyes were full of worry, which made him swallow his saliva.

I always feel like I made a huge wrong decision.

So under the sad eyes of all the White Eagle ship girls, he and Santiago, who was still very happy, came to the deck of the mass-produced destroyer.

At this time, they had arrived in the waters of Hongye City, and he could even see the coastline in the distance.

Although there were snowflakes in the sky, there were still many seagulls circling. At the same time, he could also see dolphins jumping out of the sea to play in the water around him from time to time.

Although he didn't know whether Blue Star's dolphins could survive in water of this temperature, this was a different world, and Lin Lan didn't pay much attention to the ecology here.

Alright Santiago, please start your show.

Lin Lan first checked the position of his earplugs in his pocket to ensure that he could take them out and put them on as soon as possible. After making all preparations, he smiled at the girl who was already eager to try.

In fact, in addition to the White Eagle camp in his port area, each camp also has idols who are good at performing.

After all, there have been two idol live concerts to simulate the μ-armor uniform test. For example, Baltimore and Lafite Royal Family have their own idol μ-armor uniforms.

And if the linkage activities are true, then his ship girls should also have contact and learn from those virtual idols and idols in other games.

In this case, even if you are not a Kanji who is particularly passionate about music, your understanding of music should not be that bad.

When he was in the Iron Fortress, the two young idols Z35 and Z36, who had not yet debuted, had very good singing voices, not to mention that he had listened to the records of the Lexington and Saratoga sisters that sounded like nature before.

With Santiago's obsession with his idol, nothing could be better...

Lin Lan was still comforting himself in his heart, but his thoughts were interrupted by the heart-rending singing the next second.

What Santiago sang was not her previous character song, but turned on the accompaniment on her mobile phone, and sang the song from Little Gaga's record that he had heard on the way back to the artificial island from Anna City.

Santiago's singing voice is obviously very sweet and lovely, but it is like two completely different songs from Saratoga's singing.

If he hadn't heard the familiar accompaniment, Lin Lan would have even thought it was an original new song.

Santiago's singing almost didn't match the accompaniment. It was almost the accompaniment, and she sang hers. The two seemed to be on two parallel lines, with no integration at all.

But it was this kind of combination that should be considered a failure, but Lin Lan found that he was unknowingly immersed in Santiago's singing and couldn't help himself.

He even noticed that his body no longer belonged to him, and all he could think of was the girl in front of him holding a microphone and singing, and the song that was engraved into his soul.

Crack! Crack!

At this time, the sound of objects colliding came, and Lin Lan finally regained some consciousness and was able to look around with the corners of his eyes.

But the sight almost made his heart stop for half a beat.

It turned out that the source of these collision sounds was caused by seagulls falling directly to the deck from high in the sky.

The bodies of these poor seagulls were still twitching wildly and they could no longer get up.

On the surrounding sea surface, all the dolphins that had been actively playing in the water were already floating on the surface with their bellies turned over, and were thrown back by the tail waves of the mass-produced destroyer.

All of this made Lin Lan understand one thing immediately.

It turns out he had been wrong all along.

The reason why Santiago's modified prop is a microphone is not for Santiago's debut as an idol.

But it is used by Special Meow as a weapon!

Who come to save me, Eldridge, Portland, Indianapolis! I can't move, come and save your commander!!!

After understanding everything, Lin Lan regretted his willfulness just now, but the ownership of his body no longer belonged to him.

He could only desperately continue to enjoy Santiago's performance and singing that had fallen into narcissism.

I don’t know if a minute has passed or an hour has passed. Finally, Santiago sang the last syllable and the song ended.

At this time, Lin Lan was already standing on the deck like a statue, his mind completely empty, and he was blankly clapping and applauding Santiago for his dedication to the performance.

He finally survived until the end of Santiago's song.

After the torture was over, Lin Lan discovered something that sent chills down his back. That was that the mental power he used to unleash the brave skills had unknowingly been reduced to less than a quarter amidst Santiago's singing.

Santiago's singing can directly reduce the mental energy of the audience! What is the concept? This is a super group control killing skill that does not distinguish between friend and foe!

While Lin Lan was applauding, he also looked behind him in confusion.

He remembered that Eldridge and the Portland sisters should be at the rear ready to rescue him at any time, but why did Santiago not come yet even after the singing of Santiago ended.

But when he looked back, he realized that Eldridge, Portland and Indianapolis were already leaning on the wall beside the cabin, sitting on the ground and fainting.

I'll do it...

Lin Lan's heart trembled, and she finally realized that what Baltimore just said was not an exaggeration...

If Santiago were allowed to sing loudly in the living room of the cabin, his White Eagle girls would really be wiped out!

Commander, commander, do I sing well? You see, they have all been impressed by my singing and have fallen asleep. Do you want to hear me sing other songs for you?

However, Jin Gaila, who was full of energy, had no consciousness at all about the horror of her singing voice, and walked up to him happily and asked happily.

It was only then that Bunker Hill and Morrie, who were responsible for escorting the sea and closest to the mass-produced destroyer, jumped onto the deck from the side in their ship suits, quickly ran to his side, and supported him with great concern.

Commander, are you okay? Commander...are you okay?

The two of them had noticed everything happening on the deck early, but even if they wanted to come to the rescue, they were unable to do so.

You can only wait until Santiago's singing ends before you dare to get close.

Seeing the concern on the faces of the two White Eagle ship girls, Lin Lan smiled bitterly and shook her hand, saying that she was fine, and asked them to go and take Eldridge and Portland back to the cabin first.

If he hadn't had the mental power recovery skill of the Brave Skill and the skill to increase the maximum mental power limit, I'm afraid he would have met the same fate as Eldridge and the others.

Santiago, let me ask you something.

Lin Lan reached out and gently touched Santiago's cute round face, tried his best to smile kindly, and said weakly.

With the melody of the song still echoing in his mind, he now only regretted his stupid choice.

After all, he could be brainwashed by Santiago's character song across the screen. Now he should have expected all this.

If you don’t listen to good people, you will suffer the consequences in front of you...

Commander, you are the judge, come and comment on my singing fairly!

The silly red-haired girl smiled brightly, covered his hand tightly, placed it on her belly, and asked expectantly.

However, Lin Lan no longer had the energy to feel the soft touch in his palm, thinking about how this silly girl learned to operate this hand.

He probably tried hard and asked with a smile:

Did you sing like this on purpose or accidentally?

Upon hearing the commander's question, Santiago smiled brightly, puffed up his chest and said with pride:

Of course I did it on purpose! This is a song I have been practicing for a long time especially for Commander!

After receiving the answer, Lin Lan almost staggered and almost sat on the ground, but Santiago's quick eyes and hands helped him support him.

Okay, okay, Santiago, your singing voice is very good. I am willing to turn around for you. But you have to promise me one thing.

Lin Lan looked at this silly girl with a pale face and said in a very solemn tone:

From now on, you can only sing this song on the battlefield, and you must tell your comrades before singing, okay?

No problem, no problem! My singing voice is finally recognized by the commander! I can finally make my debut! Yeah, yeah, yeah!!!

Obviously, Santiago only heard the first half of what he said, and he hugged him tightly with joy.

Lin Lan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so she could only hug the stupid girl in her arms.

Well, this is indeed a debut in a sense...

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