After taking Santiago back to the cabin living room, Lin Lan felt guilty and never mentioned the matter of letting Jin Kaela sing.

Washington and others also wisely stopped mentioning this topic.

After all, if Santiago is to arouse the desire to sing again, the three Eldridges lying on the sofa will be a lesson to them.

This is no joke.

Fortunately, the three Eldridges only fainted temporarily and woke up soon, and they were all fine.

Akashi, come to the deck with me. I want to ask you something.

Lin Lan rested for a moment, and after finally regaining his composure, he looked at the small profiteer who was discussing maintenance techniques with Ingrahan and said.

When he was at the racing track before, he still remembered what the company said.

He should settle the score for this little profiteer who rented a large number of Barbarians to the White Eagle camp for use in the racing circuit to create a lively atmosphere without his approval in the port area.

Of course, this is not the key. Whatever happened before is fine.

He mainly wanted to ask Akashi for some props for drawing charms, and he happened to be bored on the boat so he could practice his skills.


Akashi twitched his little cat ears and walked to the deck with him in confusion.

At this time, Lin Lan noticed that the seagulls that had fallen on the deck had also flown away. It seemed that Santiago's singing was not enough to kill people directly.

But it’s certainly okay to leave mental scars.

Akashi, when I was in Minato before, I remember that I didn't approve of you renting Manju to the White Eagle camp for use as a racing track, right?

Lin Lan picked up Akashi from the deck, ravaged the green-haired kitten's ears in his arms and asked with a smile.

Hmm~ Meow?! Isn't that what the commander has already agreed to, Meow?

Akashi, who had been rubbed by Lin Lan's cat ears and made a pleasant sound, opened his eyes wide when he heard this and asked in surprise.

But this confused Lin Lan. When did he agree?

Commander, have you forgotten meow?

Seeing the surprise on his face, the little profiteer's cute little face revealed a wicked smile:

After I made the racing girl-style outfit, Commander, you looked straight at it and didn't hesitate to buy it from me in exchange for the red tip.

If you buy those costumes from me, doesn't it mean that you agree to the racing competition by default? Otherwise, how could I rent so many Manju to the White Eagle camp?

Lin Lan was speechless by what the profiteer said, as if what Akashi said made some sense.

Since he has spent money to dress up in the style of a racing girl, can he still not let others hold racing competitions?

Okay, then when I return to the port area, remember to wear more outfits in this style...

So Lin Lan accepted Akashi's explanation and whispered to Akashi with a bad smile on his face.

Meow hum, leave it to me, meow, I know the commander likes to see this, meow~

The two of them reached a consensus, and they both showed understanding smiles.

Lin Lan then put Akashi down and asked the all-powerful port proprietress for some spell-making props and a pocket that could hold many gadgets.

Speaking of which, do you have any props that I can use, similar to the cabin storage space installed on your ship?

After hiding the fanny pack under the hem of his navy uniform, Lin Lan suddenly remembered this matter and consulted the small profiteer.

After hearing his words, Akashi touched his chin and made a serious thinking expression. After thinking for a moment, he said:

Hmm, I don't have such a thing here, meow, but I remember that there has always been a project to study space folding technology in the Xinghai Laboratory of the White Eagle camp, meow.

Are you talking about Xinghai? I seem to have the impression that the Type II ship suit used to cure York City and the others was found through the 'Reality Lens' project in the Xinghai Laboratory.

Lin Lan is no stranger to the term Xinghai.

In the previous event plot of the game, as a player, he entered Anchorage's mind through the so-called 'reality lens' at Star Ocean Laboratory and experienced a return to the original world.

Wait a moment!

Reality lens, return to the original world...

A female figure wearing red-rimmed glasses and a loose white researcher's coat flashed through his mind.

Dr. Anjie...Dr. Aosta...could it be said...

Lin Lan was suddenly excited and thought of the dream he had about sirens during this period.

He originally thought that it was the siren he only dreamed about because he was attacked by observers and chased by builders some time ago.

But now that he thought about it carefully, how could there be such a coincidence that he would dream of the Sirens from the original world twice!

Moreover, these two dreams were so real that he could even remember the contents of the dreams clearly to this day.

Generally speaking, dreams are quickly forgotten.

The more Lin Lan thought about it, the more horrified he became. The first time he dreamed of returning to the original world was when he escaped from the Siren stronghold and returned to the artificial island of Xinyang.

Could it be that the observer made some modifications in my body?

But why? I remember Dr. Aosta was the creator of the sirens. At that time, the sirens were indeed called ANTI-X, or Antix.

Why did Siren want me to witness the memory fragments of how they were born?

Lin Lan suddenly fell into deep thought and could no longer think about Bai Ying's Xinghai Laboratory's project on space folding technology.

There was something obviously wrong with these two dreams, but even the Kitchen Goddess's physical examination found nothing wrong with him, which meant that even the technology of the White Eagle camp could not detect the manipulations Siren had done to his body.

If this continues, is there a possibility that he will really fall into the memories of the original world in his dream and be unable to escape?

Although this possibility seems unlikely at present, Lin Lan understands that Siren will not do anything meaningless.

Who knows if Siren just wants to use this soft knife to control him in his dream?

Just like when he was captured before, he was trapped in a dream and unable to extricate himself.

That's right, Shinano!

Suddenly, Lin Lan thought of the master expert on dreams who saved him from the dream at that time, Shige Sakura the Great Fox Shinano!

If it was Shinano, maybe there would be a way to solve his situation.

Meow? Commander, why did you suddenly mention Shinano-sama, meow? Could it be that the racing girl who missed Shinano-sama changed her clothes, meow?

Akashi heard Lin Lan suddenly speak and actually mentioned Shinano, who was still far away in Liaozhou, and asked in confusion with his kitten ears trembling.

The little profiteer's words immediately made him angry, and his thoughts were successfully interrupted.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed the back collar of Akashi's white dress, lifted the scumbag up, and said with a helpless smile:

I was thinking about something serious. What do you mean when you suddenly mentioned the racing girl Shinano to me?

Gumiao, Commander, what serious thing can you think of? Just now we were talking about the racing girl's dress change, and you suddenly mentioned Shinano-sama. Isn't it because you are greedy for Shinano-sama's body?


Lin Lan was once again silenced by Akashi's words. At the same time, he was reminded of Shinano's outfit by Akashi's words.

Just imagine, the aloof white fox lady who has always had a noble temperament puts on sexy and attractive racing girl clothes, showing off her extremely perfect figure, and showing you an extremely shy expression that you can't usually see...

What man can handle this?

Ahem, even though that's what I said, in your mind I can't think about serious things. Do you think I'm just a commander full of pornographic waste...

Lin Lan coughed twice and was about to lecture Akashi. Suddenly, a heroic figure jumped from the sea to the two of them.

It is a company with a serious look on its face.

Commander, a large-scale siren mass-production fleet has been discovered in the waters around our destination ahead. The sirens are besieging Hongye Naval Fortress.

The company looked at Lin Lan holding Akashi in his hand and reported in a serious tone.

What?! The siren is actually attacking Hongye Naval Fortress?

The sudden information surprised Lin Lan, and he said in shock:

Normally, the Siren would choose to attack the city and let the Navy Department's port area send chess pieces and ship girls to defend it. Why would they directly attack the fortress?

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