Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 393 Emergency News Broadcast (4400 words)

Not any news station has the authority to broadcast such an emergency news broadcast that affects mobile phones across the continent.

Only the real Oran regime has the key to unlock this level of broadcasting rights.

Even though ten years have passed since the Zhuhai Chamber of Commerce seized power, there has never been such a mandatory emergency news broadcast.

Because the senior officials of the Oran regime who were supposed to have the key were all dead, and the Siren would not retrieve memories for such a trivial matter.

All the elderly Oran people looked at the notifications on their phones in surprise. Many of them even rubbed their eyes and patted their cheeks that were sore from the cold.

The last time they saw this push screen was the war mobilization at the beginning of the Siren Disaster.

Obviously only ten years have passed, but at this moment, many Oran people suddenly came to their senses. In these ten years, they even forgot that only the real Oran government has this ability.

Originally, they thought that when they opened the screen, they would see Zhao Tianyi from the Zhuhai Chamber of Commerce, mobilizing for war against the current crisis happening around them.

But I didn’t expect that when I opened the push button, it turned out to be a video.

On the ruins of the seaside pier amidst the snowflakes, there are neat rows of naval commanders, soldiers and ship girls wearing white navy uniforms, facing the seaside.

The angle of view of the video slowly lengthened, gradually allowing everyone to clearly see the entire scene in the video.

This, this is Hongye Naval Fortress?!

Countless Oran people almost gasped in unison. The scene in this video was too familiar to them.

Even primary school students in the United States of Orange have seen this place in their textbooks.

The dock of Hongye Naval Fortress is a place engraved in the hearts of every Oranite.

It’s just that the Hongye Naval Fortress in the video has obviously just experienced a brutal war, and most of the entire fortress and dock have been destroyed.

The white uniforms of many naval commanders and navy soldiers in the array are still stained with dust and chips, and many of the ship girls also have scars left by the explosion.

New Jersey and Saratoga both had smiles on their faces when they saw this.

Because they were already in the queue and saw their White Eagle sisters.

This already shows that the commander has definitely accomplished his purpose, which is great.

Isn't it true that the Navy Ministry has always had a bad relationship with the Candle Sea Chamber of Commerce? Why does this emergency news broadcast show the scene of Hongye Naval Fortress?

This is the question that arises in the minds of all Oran people at the same time.

In the past ten years, news websites and televisions have rarely mentioned the Navy Department, let alone directly broadcast the situation of the naval fortress.

Only after each city and county successfully resisted the Siren attack every year, would they occasionally briefly mention the results in the news.

They didn't wonder for too long. The scene in the video quickly switched and the perspective came to the front of the pier.

Three older faces appear in the video, wearing special navy uniforms stained with dust.

Aren't those three generals from the Navy Department? These three generals are here at the same time. What are they doing?

Including Ji Chenlin's old comrade with a scar on his face, these three Navy generals are the Navy personnel who appear in the news most often.

Most Oran people have seen the three of them. After all, in the past ten years, almost all defensive battles against the Sirens have been organized and led by the three of them, which can be said to represent the card of the Oran Navy.

But at this moment, the three of them were standing on the beach with solemn expressions, facing the biting cold wind mixed with snowflakes, as if they were supporting characters.

The next moment, in the video, a middle-aged man wearing a white coat and the uniform of a naval general walked slowly from the formation, holding a tan navy sword with a red leaf hanging in both hands.

It was Ji Chenlin.

Pair your uniform with a white coat, that's what the most powerful man in the Oran Navy Ministry wears!

That sword is the inherited sword of the Navy Department. Only the highest-ranking person in the Navy Department is qualified to carry this sword. There is no mistake. This person is the new person in charge of the Navy Department!

No, then is this emergency news broadcast announcing the appointment of the new supreme leader of the Navy?

No, this is not a ceremony for him to declare his office. Otherwise, he would not be holding the Navy Department's inherited sword with both hands. Instead, it would be handed over to him by the previous person in charge.

Then what are you doing?

Everyone, look! Isn't this Teacher Ji?

In Hongye Naval Academy, which has regained its calm, the students who were sheltering from the wind and snow in the academy building that had not yet been destroyed stared at the video on their mobile phones with their eyes wide open.

Compared with most Oran people who didn't know Ji Chenlin and only knew the inherited sword, almost every student in these naval academy knew the instructor who was teaching them not long ago.

But they all also had a look of confusion on their faces, not understanding what was going on.

They did know that Teacher Ji was transferred back to the Navy from the academy a month ago, but why did he suddenly become the most powerful person in the Oran Navy?

Before countless people in Oran could react to this huge picture, the video angle slowly moved forward along with Ji Chenlin's pace, and finally settled on a man wearing a white Navy uniform on the beach. On young people.

Lin Lan.

who is he?

This was the thought in the minds of most Oran people. Only then did they realize that this young commander was the protagonist in this video.

Isn't this Lin Lan? Is it Lin Lan?!

The student council members in Hongye Naval Academy all screamed in surprise, which shocked the surrounding first-year students.

It turned out that this young naval commander was Lin Lan, whom they had just heard denounced by their seniors.

In the Tianxing Consortium headquarters building in Huanyang City, Zhao Tianyi was standing in the office, looking intently at Lin Lan on his mobile phone.

A cold smile appeared on the corner of her mouth inadvertently.

I knew that they would break the deduction of Laplace's demon (natural calculation system) and cause so many variables in our AL experimental field. It is precisely because you are back.

No wonder the builder would remind me not to worry about any accidents in the AL-01-3 experiment.

It's no wonder that observers will go to the SN experimental site, and have even made follow-up plans to abandon the AL experimental site in advance.

It turns out that they have all had sex with him...hehehe.

The voice that Zhao Tianyi spoke with a sneer was no longer the hoarse male voice that suited his physical appearance, but the cold mature female voice.

The tester disguised as Zhao Tianyi was unable to remain calm after seeing Lin Lan's appearance, and directly used her original voice.

Next to the tester, the silver-haired Arbiter Stelenkus, whose skin was covered with scars and black skin, had the same golden eyes as the tester, staring intently at Lin Lan's face on the screen.

The powerful arbiter of the Siren Arbitration Organization had unconsciously clenched his blue mechanical arms into fists.

Her eyes, which were originally indifferent to everything, were filled with burning fighting spirit.

Soon, Ji Chenlin in the video slowly came to Lin Lan, holding the Navy Department's inherited sword in both hands.

The video paused for a moment, and then a navy soldier took over the heritage sword and walked up to Lin Lan with a solemn expression between the two.

The next second, Lin Lan held the inherited sword that represented the Millennium Will of the Oran Admiralty with one hand, then unsheathed the blade and raised it high against the falling snow.

The ancient and solemn aura that almost condensed into substance burst out from the heritage sword, as if it was about to overflow from everyone's mobile phone screen.

When they saw this, whether it was the students of Hongye Naval Academy or all the other Oran people, they almost realized what kind of ceremony this was at the same time.

Red Leaf Covenant.

Oh my God! Isn't that young man dressed just like an ordinary naval commander? This, this is really the Red Leaf Covenant!

Almost instantly, screams resounded throughout the Orlandon continent.

Red Leaf Covenant, this is a qualification that even the Candle Sea Chamber of Commerce has not obtained from the Oran Navy Department!

This means that the Oran Admiralty will take orders from this young man from now on, and it also means that the Oran Admiralty has recognized that this young man will become the President of the United States of Oran in the future!

What a joke, who is this young man and what qualifications does he have to become the president?

At Hongye Naval Academy, the first-year students who didn't know Lin Lan were doing a little better.

The members of the student union and the senior students who knew Lin Lan were all stunned at this time, and their eyes almost fell out of their sockets.

Even Zhao Heyan has also forgotten to breathe.

She looked at the familiar face and couldn't help pinching her arm to confirm whether she was dreaming.

That guy who was eating and drinking in their student union building every day not long ago, and the classmate they were hanging out with, was actually the target of the Red Leaf Covenant, the future President of the United States of Oran?

They could never even dream of something so outrageous!

Without giving the people in Oran who were watching the video much time to react, the video stopped abruptly, and then the person who appeared on the screen was Lin Lan, who was standing in the Hongye City studio for the live broadcast.

Behind Lin Lan was a pattern of a black hawk and a black shield holding a long anchor in its claws.

All the White Eagle girls watching the live broadcast had proud smiles on their faces. Of course they recognized this pattern.

This is the camp symbol of their White Eagle camp!

As Lin Lan appeared in the live broadcast, faint explosions and intensive gunshots continued to be heard from the live broadcast.

This means that there is a fierce battle going on around this studio!

All Oran compatriots, I am Lin Lan. I believe you are all very curious as to why I was recognized by the Oran Admiralty, but now is not the time to talk empty words.

Lin Lan looked solemnly at the camera lens held by Washington in front of him and began his speech.

Of course, he also knew that there was a fighting going on outside the news station building, and these noises would interfere with the live broadcast, but there was nothing he could do.

After they activated the emergency backup power, South Dakota sent a communication, and countless Rubik's Cube energy robots appeared around the news station building and signal tower.

Although these Rubik's Cube energy robots that were rushing in like crazy were completely unable to get close to them under their cannon fire, the sound of cannons and explosions could not be covered up.

In addition, the chess pieces of the Oran Navy and the resisters who came to support later also joined the battlefield, and the fight downstairs at the news station was already fierce.

Even though the sound-collecting equipment was debugged by the small profiteer Akashi and turned on noise reduction, Lin Lan was not sure how good the noise reduction effect was.

As for the permission key for the emergency news broadcast, Jian Qianou provided it.

This local snake in the Western Continent had already obtained the emergency news broadcast key of the Western Continent many years ago.

The key to the Eastern Continent is exactly the same as the Western Continent.

The Red Leaf Covenant video just now is a streamlined version that Lin Lan asked Akashi to edit.

Because if we really wanted to play all the speeches he and Ji Chenlin had made, it would take at least half an hour.

This emergency backup power supply could only last for a total of one hour, and the preparations for sending emergency news broadcasts to the entire eastern continent were also delayed by less than half an hour.

Therefore, he could only streamline the video, leaving enough time for live preaching.

Even so, there was only less than ten minutes left for him.

Compatriots, you must have heard through the screen that where I am is at the forefront of the battle with the out-of-control third-generation robots.

Yes, just downstairs from me, resisters like you, Oran's navy soldiers and ship girls are fighting brutal battles against out-of-control robots to protect the city.

My compatriots, I know the difficulties you are facing now. Unemployment, hunger, cold, escape, confusion, I know all of this.

So I solemnly announce here that starting from today, the Gou Ilia Consortium, Tianou Group, and Tomahawk Military Industry will separate from the Candle Sea Chamber of Commerce and formally establish a new order together with the Oran Navy Department!

Compatriots, no matter what hardships you are experiencing now, please go to the city within the sphere of influence of this new alliance as soon as possible. I promise to provide you with enough food, supplies, and a safe environment to survive the winter.

Or you can wait patiently where you are. I will call all available fleets to go to every city and county to pick up the suffering compatriots.

For your compatriots who were captured by the out-of-control third-generation robot, I will immediately arrange counterattack troops for rescue. I must protect the safety of all compatriots!

I will stand with you and do my best to protect Oran and tide over the difficulties together!

Lin Lan suddenly saw Akashi standing next to Washington waving to him frantically, and Washington also had an anxious look on his face. He understood that there was not much time left for the power supply.

So after Lin Lan thought for a moment, he finally chose to raise his fist high and shouted in a firm tone:

Olan's thousand-year history will never be crushed by this disaster. We will never waver or be discouraged. We will persist until the end!

One day we will take back the ocean, and let the resurgent Oran fly the flag freely above the sea again!

After saying all this eloquently, the entire studio became dim again, and all live broadcast equipment stopped working.

Huh, luckily I caught up with Meow, we almost had a live broadcast accident Meow...

Seeing that the commander successfully finished chanting the slogan before the power ran out, the little profiteer took a deep breath and wiped the sweat from his forehead with his long cute sleeves.

Washington couldn't help but smile at Lin Lan, gave a thumbs up, and said cheerfully:

Although there are still many shortcomings, this is the commander's first speech, and at least the momentum is in place.

Hearing Washington's words, Lin Lan smiled bitterly and shook his head.

He is not a politician who is good at inspiring speeches. Just now, he was only thinking about how to do it practically. He didn't even prepare a speech, so he didn't know how well he would deliver it.

But he has done his best, and the rest will be left to Little Gaga.

Whether it was finding the location of the host of the Rubik's Cube energy robot or coordinating and managing the situation in various cities, he could not intervene at least until he returned to Xinyang City.

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