Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 394 Concerns about the Queen (2900 words)

While Lin Lan was giving the lecture, he also asked Jian Qianou to take advantage of the time when the signal tower was in use to contact the general agents of Tianou Group and Tomahawk Military Industry in several cities in the Eastern Continent.

He had not had time to communicate with the general agents in these cities before. Now that Jian Qianou is here, he naturally has to let this guy explain the situation clearly.

Let's go downstairs too. It's time to put an end to the chaos in Hongye City.

The sound of artillery and gunshots outside the building continued to ring out. Lin Lan couldn't help but smile slightly when she saw that the little profiteer had moved the camera from Washington's hand into the storage space, and at the same time swept away all the available equipment around it. Said with a smile.

No wonder Akashi's cabin storage space has everything. This little profiteer is really not picky at all, and he just goes wherever he goes.

He should really let Akashi be the brave man. In his impression, the brave men played by players in RPG games scavenge map resources in this way.

Just now, he asked Enterprise to take the other White Eagle girls to rest in the studio next door. However, when he saw the carrier-based aircraft outside the window, he also understood that Enterprise must have released fighter jets with Shangri-La and the others by the window to join the battle. .

There is still more than an hour before dark, and he is planning to at least help the Navy Department restore Hongye City's power system before dark.

If there is no electric heating at night after winter, most citizens of Hongye City can only light fires to keep warm.

After asking Washington to take down the White Eagle camp flag that had been hung on the wall behind him and put it away, the bold silver-short-haired battleship sister seemed to have remembered something, looked at Lin Lan and asked:

Commander, why do I always feel so familiar with the last two paragraphs you just said in your speech? It seems like I have heard them somewhere before?

Is there any?

When Lin Lan heard Washington's question, she asked blankly.

He also improvised the words that came to his mind at the end, perhaps inadvertently quoting from a sermon he had heard before.

I remember, meow!

However, Akashi, the green-haired kitten who was still ransacking the studio, heard the conversation between the two and showed a proud smile on his face.

Seeing that Lin Lan and Washington both looked at her with disbelief, Akashi hummed and said without stopping:

When we were in Minato, Shiranui and I went to the royal camp to promote merchandise. We happened to hear Queen Elizabeth practicing her speech in the garden. There was a section in her speech that was very similar to what the commander just said, nya.

Royal camp...

Lin Lan seemed to have thought of something. After thinking silently for a while, he suddenly realized something.

He understood where the very powerful words he just said came from.

In Blue Star's World War II, the Iron Blood's early blitzkrieg offensive was so overwhelming that the entire royal family fell into chaos.

At that critical moment, a leader of the royal family delivered a very inspiring speech, encouraging the entire royal family to fight to the end and never give up.

This scene was filmed into the movie Darkest Hour, which he also watched when he was in school.

Perhaps it was precisely because of this, coupled with the oath of the Navy Department of the United States of Orange, that he was able to think of those last words just now.

Akashi is right, that may actually be an adaptation of the speech I heard from the royal camp.

After thinking about all this, Lin Lan also found it funny that Queen Elizabeth of the Loli Battleship could actually practice her speech.

The royal camp is also complained by the majority of players as the royal brothel. This is because most of the ship girls in the royal camp have ambitions that are enough to look down upon the port area.

In particular, the four sisters of the Illustrious-class aircraft carrier and the four sisters of the George V-class battleship including the Prince of Wales, as well as a group of members of the Battle Royal Maid Team, are typical representatives of the game's not big enough features.

But as the little Gaga's troubled sister, Queen Elizabeth is the legitimate flagship of the royal camp, but she has a lolita body.

Although this may be related to her entering the water service too early, this is not an excuse.

Regarding the launch time, is it the Royal Fortune or the sailboat? What else can you say?

So even though Shabai has two ships of the same class, the Royal Guardian Knight Warpity, who is also a Loli battleship, and the hero who always wants to usurp the throne and become the flagship of the royal camp as a foil, Shabai will still always face the grudges of other royal camp companions. pregnant.

Lin Lan particularly remembers a scene in the official comics where Shabai and the ladies of the Radiance-class aircraft carrier were drinking tea together, and the displeasure on their faces almost spilled out of the screen.

However, he also felt that Silly Bai need not be like this. After all, as a philanthropist, he always thought that being small was also very cute...

But when he thought that when the Iron-Blooded Ship Girls returned to his port area, the entire port area would only be the Iron-blooded camp except for the royal camp, and he couldn't help but feel a little worried.

There shouldn’t be a fight between these two old enemy camps...

After waiting for the crisis to end and the resource reserves on the artificial island to be sufficient, he thought it would be best to communicate with Shabai and make a special trip to pay his respects to the Queen.

He and most of the Iron-Blooded Battleship Girls had successfully reached the base. Bismarck and other Iron-Blooded Battleship Girls were lucky enough not to make a big deal about it.

But there will definitely be evil-hearted iron-blooded ship girls showing off everywhere to mock the royal ship girls.

Here he had to highlight a certain Hipper-level fun-loving guy and the little princess holding a shark-mouth shotgun.

Based on his understanding of this tsundere queen who is extremely competitive, if he doesn't specifically try to coax her after being ridiculed by something like this, he will definitely get furious, and it might turn into a diplomatic incident for the camp.

While he was distracted, Akashi had already packed up all the intact equipment that could be taken away from the studio, leaving the entire studio empty.

Lin Lan's mouth twitched slightly. This little profiteer was too cruel. Looking at the unwilling expression on his face, he wanted to dismantle all the fixed studio consoles and take them away.

Lin Lan then took the two of them to the studio next door.

As soon as he entered the studio, Lin Lan unexpectedly saw that Enterprise, Shangri-La and Bunker Hill were already standing by the window, unfolding their ship uniforms and releasing fighter jets to join the battle downstairs.

As expected, Lafite and Nicholas were already lying on the remaining sofa in the studio, falling asleep together with Nicholas' big yellow pillow.

The roar of the engines of the Enterprise and others' carrier-based planes taking off and the sound of gunfire downstairs were completely unable to disturb the quality sleep of these two little sleepy men.

Hey, our future president is back. Mr. President, should you officially confer me a general position? Hahaha!

Wichita, who was passing the time throwing dice with Baltimore and Bremerton, saw Lin Lan walking in with a joking smile on his face and waved to tease him.

Wichita's loud voice made all the girls on the White Eagle ship look over, except for the two sleepyheads who had not yet woken up.

They all laughed when they heard Wichita's joke.

Teacher, you were so handsome just now!

Even Anchorage, who rushed to hug Lin Lan, said with a silly smile. This made Lin Lan understand at once that they had just watched his live broadcast on their respective mobile phones.

So while stroking Anchorage's head, he gave Wichita a helpless look:

You can pull him down. I don't deserve to be the president. I'm exhausted from doing so many things every day... not to mention, Wichita, aren't you my frontline general?

Ha! Commander, why didn't I realize that you are so good at talking? But, what's the point of staying in this country? Commander, you should really conquer the sea with us!

Hearing what the commander said, Wichita smiled even happier.

Her commander should be like this. He should not be limited to just one country, but should take a longer-term view.

Wichita, you don't understand. The commander is a hero. A hero should be like that. Well, to use a verse from Donghuang's ancient poetry, he just throws away his clothes and hides his body and fame.

When Lin Lan heard that Baltimore actually knew this verse, he couldn't help but be surprised to take a few more glances at the short brown-haired heavy patrol girl with a bright smile.

But why did he feel weird when this poem was used here? Isn't it about heroes?

Baltimore, this poem is about knights, not heroes...

Commander, I asked Ying Rui for advice before. The knight and the hero obviously mean the same thing. The knight's chivalry and righteousness are not the hero's justice, hehehe~

What you said seems to make some sense...

Lin Lan originally wanted to defend himself, but the example given by Baltimore left him unable to find any reason to refute.

Whether they are knights, heroes, or brave men, they all seem to have something in common about justice.

So he was not prepared to continue chatting on this topic. He could discuss it with Baltimore later.

Now that he has announced the establishment of the new alliance, he and the White Eagle girls should leave here and go downstairs to join South Dakota and the others.

After that, all they have to do is clean up the remaining Rubik's Cube energy robots in the city. After the power is restored, they will prepare to return to Xinyang City.

If everything goes well and he sets out tonight, he will be able to see Little Gaga and the others tomorrow afternoon.

Wake up Lafite and Nicholas, we should go... Huh? Where is Jian Qianou who just led us?

Lin Lan looked around the spacious studio, and halfway through speaking, he realized that Jian Qianou was not here.

Wouldn't this old guy run away while he was giving a speech?

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