Although Lin Lan was a little surprised by Jian Qianou's lack of hesitation, he soon understood why.

Although Jian Qianou had a time bomb set in his body, what this old guy saw was the benefits brought by it.

Compared with that supreme power, as long as Jian Qianou completely obeys his orders, this time bomb will never explode.

As expected of an old guy who has lived for so many years, he really knows how to weigh the pros and cons.

After thinking about this, Lin Lan was completely relieved.

It is undeniable that Jian Qianou is really good at his command, and with the double guarantee of being given great power and the elemental shock talisman, the possibility of this old guy betraying him is almost zero.

In this case, it just so happens that he plans to dump most of the work in the United States of Oran directly to this guy.

And since Jian Qianou likes power, he will give this guy power, so that he can perfectly help Saratoga and New Jersey free themselves from the heavy government management work.

Lin Lan has been trying every means to help Xiaojiajia and the others relieve their pressure. Since Jian Qianou wants power so urgently, isn't he an excellent tool?

Even the tool man had to thank him.

Lin Lan couldn't help but smile with satisfaction when he thought of this. This could be regarded as solving a major issue on his mind.

It is not what a competent commander should do to make his ship's girls work under high pressure all the time.

Presumably if Little Gaga and New Jersey were in the game now, their mood value during this period would probably be reduced to yellow face due to the busy government affairs.

If you continue like this, you may lose your favorability points.

At this time, the other White Eagle ship girls were also ready and ready to go.

Rafi and Nicholas were also woken up by Mori, and the two lazy little lolita yawned sleepily and walked to his side to cuddle up.

The battle downstairs has basically ended. Enterprise, Shangri-La, and Bunker Hill have also recovered their fighter jets into their ships. The sound of artillery fire downstairs has also stopped a lot, leaving only sporadic gunshots.

Walking down the corridor, Enterprise came behind him and gave him a detailed report on the battle just now.

At the beginning, in addition to dispatching second-generation robots, the Rubik's Cube Energy Robot also dispatched a large number of mechas and armed helicopters.

Obviously, the Rubik's Cube energy robot has occupied the weapons reserve of the Zhuhai Chamber of Commerce in Hongye City and obtained these regular army equipment.

Although these weapons will not have much impact on the Oran Chess Piece Ship Girl and South Dakota downstairs, they will completely crush the citizen resisters who have just arrived here.

However, when they released their fighter jets, the situation on the battlefield surrounding the news station building was instantly reversed.

Whether they were walking mechas or armed helicopters, they were all wiped out by the machine guns on the fighter jets.

The South Dakota, Fearless and Portland sisters who were responsible for the defense downstairs were not vegetarians. Together with the chess piece Ship Girl who came to support later, they quickly repelled the attack of the Rubik's Cube energy robot.

Well done. In this way, the main force of the Rubik's Cube energy robot army in Hongye City has basically been eliminated.

Lin Lan said with appreciation after listening to the company's report.

He had to admit that the computing power of the Rubik's Cube Energy Robot's host computer was astonishingly powerful.

Be the first to occupy heavy factories and energy plants, control second-generation robots to attack areas with strong organized resistance, obtain a large number of weapons and ammunition for arming, control AI cars to cause car accidents and block traffic, arrest citizens and cause riots...

While every city in the entire Eastern Continent can do all this, it can also ensure that every Rubik's Cube energy robot does not kill an Oran person when attacking.

If this Rubik's Cube energy robot host wants to kill all humans, it will definitely have killed countless people at this time, and the results will undoubtedly be greater.

Fortunately, the host still had the final bottom line and did not choose to do this.

However, even though the computing power of the Rubik's Cube Energy Robot's host computer is so amazing, it is still helpless in the face of the overwhelming strength of the White Eagle Ship Girls.

Even if those Oran weapons could injure Oran's chess pieces and ship girls, the most they would do to his White Eagle ship girls would be a layer of gray.

Even a White Eagle ship girl with shield skills like Indianapolis might not be able to get even the ash...

After walking out of the building, the outside of the news station building was already full of craters and was even more dilapidated than when he came.

Commander, South Dakota has successfully completed its escort mission.

When South Dakota and others saw Lin Lan taking the lead, they all walked up immediately.

Looking at the black-skinned battleship girl who had helped a lot just now, Lin Lan was about to praise her, but Washington behind him took the lead and scanned the surrounding Rubik's Cube energy robot wreckage, and said with a smirk to South Dakota:

Pang Nan, the defense mission you were responsible for was too poor. You actually allowed the enemy to get so close. The effect of the commander's live broadcast upstairs was greatly affected.

When South Dakota heard that Washington was criticizing her in front of the commander, her face immediately darkened. She glared at her old enemy fiercely, clenched her fists and said coldly:

Try calling me Fat Nan again?

Her prototype battleship, the South Dakota-class battleship, is White Eagle's only first-class new battleship with an aspect ratio below 6.5, causing the overall appearance to appear wider and fatter than other battleships.

Hence the nickname Nan Fat.

Although after becoming a ship girl, she was not fat at all and had a perfect figure that made men unable to take their eyes away, Washington would always use this nickname to tease her.

In the port area, every time Washington felt itchy and wanted to fight, he would call her Nan Fat, so that she, who was always calm, couldn't hold back her anger every time. The two would go to the training ground to practice together.

However, Washington's words also brought a hint of worry in her yellow eyes. The commander wouldn't really have failed the lecture because of her, right?

Washington, you can't say that. These Rubik's Cube energy robots are coming from the streets from all directions. In order to avoid causing more noise, South Dakota cannot fire with its main gun in the city. It has completed the task very well.

Seeing the two old enemies' words getting heated in front of him, Lin Lan also acted as a peacemaker and laughed.

He was really afraid just now that South Dakota would fire its main gun directly at the street, which would really blow a large area in front of it to the ground.

The power of the battleship-level main gun is no joke, not to mention that the South Dakota's main gun is made of Rubik's Cube technology and strengthened to the full level of the Champagne Cannon, which is even more powerful.

In addition to South Dakota, Wuwei and others, Lin Lan suddenly noticed that there were several open-air tents of the Admiralty that had just been set up at the street entrance where the snow had been cleared not far away.

Around the tent, many young students wearing Hongye Naval Academy uniforms were busy coming in and out, directing the chess girls to help stack boxes of items.

Commander, those tents were set up by military doctors from this country. They are planning to set up a temporary medical point here.

When Indianapolis saw Lin Lan looking at him curiously, he opened his mouth to explain to him at the right time.

Hearing what Indy said, Lin Lan suddenly realized that those military doctors were actually the medical students at Hongye Naval Academy.

At this time, a large number of citizens and resisters were injured in Hongye City, and the hospital was unable to resume work for a while.

The fact that medical students can come here from the Naval Academy to establish a temporary medical point at least shows that order has been basically restored on the way from Hongye Naval Academy to here.

Let's go. Let's go back to the dock first. If nothing happens later, we will go back to Xinyang City to find Xiaojiajia and the others tonight.

Now that the surrounding area was safe, Lin Lan decided not to stay too much in Hongye City and handed over Hongye City to the Navy Department.

He turned to look at Jian Qianou and said:

The reconstruction work after Hongye City will be left to you. Please cooperate with my teacher. I will arrange for my ship girl to coordinate with you on the government affairs work in other cities. Don't let me down.

In response to his order, Jian Qianou nodded heavily, indicating that there was no problem at all, and even started to rub his hands excitedly.

Seeing Jian Qianou looking like this, Lin Lan couldn't help but feel funny.

This old guy has become a soul body, so he is really not afraid of death from overwork.

All in all, after Xiaojiajia and New Jersey hand over all government affairs to Jian Qianou, they will be officially free.

Okay, now go and convey my intention to my teacher. The rest of the work will be discussed by the two of you. If there is anything important, please contact me via communication.

After Lin Lan waved his hand and finished speaking, Jian Qianou immediately turned into mist and disappeared in front of everyone.

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