Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 397 The White Eagle camp is not interested in eating alone (3000 words)

Santiago! Can you hold me steady? I feel like I'm about to fall!

On the way back to the dock, Lin Lan was held in the arms of the silly girl Santiago with a happy smile on her face like a princess.

While Santiago was moving forward at high speed, he would jump up and spin twice excitedly from time to time, making him feel like he was almost thrown away over and over again.

The reason why it became like this was precisely because he promised Jin Kaila on the way here that if he behaved well, he would let her hug him when he returned.

And Santiago also performed very well. Under Helena's testimony, this girl was the White Eagle Ship Girl who destroyed the most Rubik's Cube energy robots.

In this case, he had to fulfill his promise.

Ahaha! I've been very restrained, Commander, I even want to throw you up high!

However, the extremely happy Santiago obviously didn't listen to his words and even cheered excitedly, which made Lin Lan almost jump out of the girl's arms in fright.

Are you kidding me? It's already embarrassing for him to be held like this. There are many street cleaning citizens looking at him in the surrounding streets.

He can still pretend to be injured. If he is really thrown away by Santiago like a toy, not to mention the degree of danger, he will definitely die directly from society!

Maybe tomorrow morning, he will see Shocked! on the news headlines. Lin Lan, winner of the Red Leaf Covenant, actually did this with the ship girl on the dilapidated streets! 》News with this kind of title.

You must know that he has just conducted a live broadcast for the entire Eastern Continent. Most people in Oran already know him and know his name.

Well, Santiago, stop teasing the commander, there are still outsiders here.

Fortunately, the gentle Haima noticed what Lin Lan was thinking and thoughtfully came over to dissuade Santiago.

After hearing Helena's words, Santiago calmed down a lot and gave up his plan to throw Lin Lan up.

However, although she did not throw him up, Jin Gao hugged him tightly in her arms and rubbed him, as intimately as she hugged a lover.

For the sake of saving face, Lin Lan had no choice but to pretend to be unconscious and let this active girl manipulate him.

From this, Lin Lan was completely convinced that Jin Qila was not stupid at all.

Anyone who believes that Jin Kela is stupid is really stupid!

At this time, the sky was getting darker and the snow was getting heavier.

Since there was no need to fight on the way back, the girls of the White Eagle ship were much faster than when they came.

While being held by Santiago, Lin Lan had already noticed the lights on many shops and upstairs along the road.

This is undoubtedly good news. It means that the urban power supply system of Hongye City has been gradually restored.

Moreover, there were no explosions in the city, only sporadic gunshots sounded like firecrackers during the New Year.

It seems that the host of the Rubik's Cube Energy Robot has realized that it is impossible to capture Hongye City, gave up on Hongye City, and turned to managing the battles in other cities.

Lin Lan couldn't help but sigh when he thought of this.

Although Hongye City has temporarily overcome the crisis, the situation in other cities is still not optimistic.

When the signal tower was restored, the attentive Helena contacted Saratoga, which gave him a rough understanding of the current situation in the entire Eastern Continent.

When the Rubik's Cube energy robots rebelled, the Siren fleets also dispatched one after another to attack the support fleets in various ports of the Oran Navy.

Although the scale of the Siren's attack was not large, and it was the strength of the Oran chess piece ship girls that were the target as before, it also successfully delayed the Oran naval commanders from going to their respective cities or counties for support.

This means that not every city can wait for the support of the Oran Navy today. There are even three cities that have completely fallen and lost contact.

Of course there is good news.

Based on his advance prediction, the damage suffered by the cities that had surrendered to White Eagle was obviously much lower than that of other cities.

Moreover, when these cities communicated with Helena, they had all ended the fighting in the urban areas, and there was not much impact on people's livelihood and urban production capacity.

Hey, where did Siren hide the mainframe of the Rubik's Cube Energy Robot? It's not an option to continue using it like this.

Lin Lan knew that protracted war was definitely not an option if it continued like this.

Winter has arrived, how can humans compare with robots in terms of physical fitness?

Moreover, the Rubik's Cube energy robot does not need to rest. After capturing the heavy factory and energy plant, it will definitely produce weapons and other robots with ultra-high efficiency.

The longer this drags on, the more serious the trauma will be to the United States of Oran.

It just so happens that his return this time will free Little Gaga and New Jersey from their busy government work and devote themselves to the task of exploring the Siren Mirror Sea.

For ship girls, this sort of mission is much more comfortable than staying in the office.

Soon they returned to the gate of Hongye Naval Academy, and Santiago reluctantly put him down.

What, you're still addicted to hugging me. Haven't you had enough of hugging me all the way?

Lin Lan, who was standing on the snow, saw Santiago's pouting expression and couldn't help but laugh and tease, reaching out to touch the red-haired girl's head.

That's right, Anchorage has given up the teacher to you.

An Bao, who had been deprived of his love, had been looking at her with aggrieved eyes from behind Santiago all the way, and now he finally found a chance to complain.

Seeing the aggrieved Anchorage, Santiago also felt embarrassed and said with a silly smile:

Then let me escort you tonight, so I won't fight with you for command in bed, haha...

Hehe, Santiago, don't think we haven't seen how tightly you hugged the commander and how many benefits you secretly ate. If you still try to steal the commander from us at night, it would be a bit too much.

Bremerton, the eldest sister of the Heavy Patrol with pink twin tails, smiled sweetly and complained, making Santiago even more embarrassed.

Lin Lan couldn't help laughing when she saw the blushing Santiago.

Compared to Anchorage, a good boy who hugged him honestly when he set off, Santiago just took the opportunity to take advantage of him a lot.

Although the other White Eagle girls didn't say anything to stop him along the way, it definitely didn't mean they didn't see it.

The act of eating alone is a serious crime in White Eagle.

At this time, the sky was already gloomy and about to turn dark, but the remaining street lights in Hongye Naval Academy were already on.

Most of the surrounding battlefield ruins and robot bodies have been cleared away, and they are much tidier than when Lin Lan and the White Eagle girls set off.

When everyone walked into the college, Lin Lan found that the college was deserted, as if all the students were missing.

He thought carefully and realized that it seemed that most of the students had entered the city and participated in the battle to retake Hongye City.

Moreover, he happened to pass by the dormitory area where he had lived for a year, and couldn't help but stop and take a look.

This place has been destroyed by artillery fire and turned into ruins. A layer of white snow has piled up on the ruins.

Well, seeing how destroyed it is, the students will have to go into the city to find a place to live.

Seeing him stop, the girls on the White Eagle ship beside him also stopped and looked at the ruins curiously.

Enterprise gently patted the snowflakes off his shoulders and asked doubtfully:

Commander, where is this?

This is the dormitory where I lived when I traveled through time and came here. How should I put it, even though I only lived there for a year, I still have some feelings for it.

Lin Lan held the warm palm of the enterprise. He couldn't help but sigh when he looked at the ruins of the dormitory that had changed beyond recognition.

Obviously when he was going to the Western Continent to prepare to take office, he still thought that he would bring his ship girls back to show off to his classmates.

But now it's good, I have brought my ship girls, but the academy is basically in ruins.

Commander, there is no need to be so melancholy. Now that this place has been destroyed, a better dormitory area will definitely be built in the future.

Helena walked up to him in time, looked at his face with red eyes, and said softly:

This is what the commander taught me. Don't be blinded by the sadness in front of you, but try to make changes in the future.

That's true. This place will definitely be rebuilt better than before. If the old doesn't go away, the new won't come. But I'm overthinking it.

Hearing Haima's gentle teachings to him, Lin Lan smiled again and started walking again.

Indeed, as Helena said, after Hongye City survives this crisis, a better dormitory area will definitely be built here in the future.

Just like the United States of Oran, as long as it can truly escape from the hands of the Sirens, it will definitely develop and revive in the future.

He need not be too pessimistic.

After leading the company back to the dock, he also introduced various areas of the Hongye Naval Academy to his White Eagle girls from time to time, and shared interesting things he had experienced in the academy.

After all, he originally planned to wait until the following spring to attend the graduation ceremony here before returning to Minato.

But after the emergency broadcast, this plan was completely ruined.

He really didn't want to face the crazy questioning from his classmates. It would definitely give him a headache if he had to explain it.

So instead of making up excuses to the students when the time comes, it would be better to simply go back to Minato and get it over with.

So at this time, there was no one in the academy, so he acted as a tour guide, introducing the scenery in the academy to his White Eagle Ship girls.

Since he will never come back here again, this can be regarded as a graduation ceremony for himself in advance.

Of course, most of the scenery in these colleges is in ruins, and his White Eagle Ship girls can only imagine what it used to be like from his verbal descriptions.

Just when night was about to fall completely and the lights of the dock could be faintly seen ahead, Lin Lan suddenly saw a graceful figure standing in the middle of the road ahead.

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