Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 402 Bremerton’s “Conspiracy” (2900 words)

After entering the cabin, Lin Lan asked Mori to determine the destination of the mass-produced destroyer and set it on the coast ten kilometers away from Hengyue City.

Hengyue City is currently shrouded in micro-layered mixture and mirror sea. Naturally, he will not choose to rush in directly. It would be terrible if there is an ambush in the mirror sea and he is trapped in it.

The safest way is to wait for New Jersey and Saratoga to arrive from Xinyang City, and then he enters Hengyue City with the huge White Eagle Fleet.

Although that is said, the investigation work that needs to be done will still need to be done. Lin Lan's preparation will depend on the situation.

When he returned to the room to change his dusty clothes, the mass-produced destroyer slowly sailed away from the port area of ​​Hongye City in the darkness of night.

Coming out of the room, Lin Lan heard the sound of rushing water coming from the bathhouse in the corridor of the cabin.

Apparently there was already a White Eagle shipgirl taking a bath, and the faint sound of voices also showed that there was not only one shipgirl in the bathhouse.

He thought about it carefully. Although the intensity of today's battle was not high, fighting on land would definitely be stained with a lot of dust. It was normal for the girls of the White Eagle to take a shower.

Speaking of which, it seemed like he should take a shower, but it would be better to wait until later.

Just as Lin Lan was thinking this and was about to walk through the corridor to the cabin living room, suddenly the door of the bathhouse behind him was opened.

Then a loud voice came over the sound of flushing water in the bathhouse:

Hey, do me a favor, ask Akashi if there is any shampoo... Ah! Point to the point...

Lin Lan instinctively turned his head and instantly saw a girl with short brown hair, wrapped only in a white bath towel and standing barefoot at the door of the bathhouse with wide eyes, looking at him blankly under the white steam.


At this time, this heroic heavy patrol girl had taken off her handsome combat uniform. Although her perfect figure stained with water drops was covered by a bath towel, her large areas of snow-white skin were still exposed.

Lin Lan immediately understood what was going on.

Obviously, Baltimore noticed the footsteps outside, thought it was other White Eagle companions in the corridor, and wanted to ask him to help find Akashi to buy shampoo.

I just didn't expect that the person in the corridor would be him.

At this moment, Baltimore, who always had a hearty smile, was filled with shyness.

Before the stiff-haired girl with short hair could finish her stuttering words, another playful voice came from the bathhouse:

Oops? Why is Sister Baltimore so stunned? Is the commander outside the corridor~

The next second, a tall girl with loose pink slightly curly hair, a plumper and proud figure than Baltimore, and a splash of water on her flawlessly white skin, poked her head out from behind Baltimore and looked over curiously.

It is the Bremerton, Baltimore's sister ship of the same class.

Unlike Baltimore who was standing at the door, Bremerton didn't even have a towel on her body. She completely used Baltimore's body to block the key parts.

When she saw Lin Lan staring blankly here, Bremerton showed a sly smile. At the same time, she clung to Baltimore in front of her, put her hands around her sister's smooth shoulders, and used He smiled in a seductive tone:

Hey~ I knew that Sister Baltimore must have seen the Commander, so we can only ask the Commander to help us find the kitty profiteer and buy a bottle of shampoo and bring it over. We want peach flavor, please~

Lin Lan, who was already so shocked by this beautiful scenery that his heartbeat was racing, coughed twice and nodded awkwardly.

He quickly looked away from the two White Eagle heavy patrol sisters and quickly escaped from the corridor.

After seeing Lin Lan running away in a hurry, Bremerton burst into laughter.

She covered the door of the bathhouse, pinched Baltimore's face hard, and joked with a smile:

Really, that's the commander who was honest with me last night. Sister Baltimore, why can't you keep your tongue straight like Haman?

Only then did Baltimore's stiff body finally soften.

After coming back to her senses, she turned around helplessly and looked into her sister's crimson eyes. She also understood that she seemed a little too timid just now.

Then Baltimore, whose face was still flushed, retorted angrily:

Although that's true...but wouldn't you feel too embarrassed to bump into the commander on such an occasion?

No, I even wanted to tease him and ask him if he would like to come in and take a bath together. It just so happens that I can get more inspiration for the new chapter of the 'Dating Diary' series~


Hearing his sister's unrestrained words and bold ideas, the corners of Baltimore's mouth twitched slightly.

She finally understood why Minato's masterpieces such as Stealing the Commander's Heart on a Date published by Bremerton were so popular.

It turns out that Bremerton had personally studied these things from the commander, and they were not all based on imagination.

Hey Sister Baltimore, do you think the commander will be captured by other sisters soon?

I don't know, and I don't want to guess...

Bremerton gently took off the bath towel from Baltimore's body, and the two slender girls were soon hidden in the steam of the large bathhouse.

When Lin Lan returned to the cabin's living room, he found Akashi and Ingraham at the edge of the living room, playing with the small metal device they had shown him before.

And it seems that Akashi is the leader. Ingraham holds a small book in his hand and takes notes carefully like a student.

Well, it should be said that although Akashi is a well-known profiteer, he is only a maintenance ship after all.

Akashi is also a master in his knowledge of mechanical equipment and engineering.

This can be seen from Akashi's participation in the planning and decoration of the port area, as well as the development of the hot spring uninhabited island in various game activities.

If profiteers don't have any real skills, they really can't seize these money-making opportunities every time.

However, seeing that the two little lolita were so serious at this time, Lin Lan thought about it and felt that it would not be a good idea to ask Akashi, who was teaching Ingraham's skills, to deliver shampoo at this time.

So he walked to the two little lolita and listened for a while. After Akashi finished speaking a detail, he interrupted and said:

Akashi, do you have shampoo here? Give me a bottle.

Meow? Which men's shampoo does Commander want? I have it here...

I'd love something peach-scented, but I'm bringing it for someone else.

Lin Lan saw that the other White Eagle girls were chatting on the sofa and didn't notice it, so she lowered her voice and answered.

Seeing his sneaky look, Akashi was stunned for a moment, then immediately showed a meaningful smile and took out an unopened bottle of shampoo and handed it over:

Oh~ Commander, I understand, nya, go ahead, nya.

Lin Lan couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief after taking the shampoo from the little profiteer.

Just as he was about to return to the corridor, he found that at some point at the entrance of the corridor, Wichita had blocked his way with a wicked smile.

Commander, I just heard someone saying they wanted to take a mixed bath.


Before Lin Lan could explain, Helena's faint voice came from behind him:

Commander, if this is what you want, just say it directly and everyone can satisfy you...

He turned his head suddenly and suffered a sudden cardiopulmonary arrest.

It turned out that before he knew it, all the White Eagle girls in this spacious cabin living room had cast their scorching eyes at him.

And Helena was already standing quietly behind him, looking at him with her hands behind her back with a rosy face.

I'm not, I...

Lin Lan was about to explain, but found that with the pink packaged shampoo in his hand, his words of explanation were feeble.

It's just a bath together. We don't mind what you are so particular about. The bathhouse is big enough to accommodate all of us.

Washington walked over carelessly and took one of his arms.

And South Dakota also rarely walked side by side with Washington, took his other arm, held it close to his chest, looked at his face seriously and said:

Commander, guarding us all the time is also a very important task for us.

Lin Lan found that the situation was getting more and more out of control at this time. He wanted to find the company, but found that the company was not in the living room.

It turns out that at this time, the company has taken Santiago and Mori to the sea to escort...

Hehehe~ Commander's shy look is also something worth recording.

Wuwei also came forward with Bunker Hill and Shangri-La. As a dumpling-level girl, Shangri-La pushed up her round glasses and looked directly at him with a naughty smile.

Even Nicholas, who had fallen asleep on the sofa, sat up alertly and gently shook Lafite awake. The two little lolita also looked this way.

Lin Lan suddenly understood that Bremerton was plotting against him!

Now he jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't clean himself.

Um, Shangri-La, just forget about the records...

This was Lin Lan's last request before being dragged away.

In the end, he was held up by one arm by South Dakota and Washington, and led into the corridor of the cabin by the White Eagle ship's ladies.

Even Ingrahan coughed twice, put away his notebook with a rosy face, and quietly followed and mixed in with Nicholas and Raffi.

Looking at the backs of the White Eagle girls leaving in excitement, Akashi, the only profiteer who stayed in the living room, had a wicked smile on his face with great anticipation.

Meow~ Don't worry, Commander, you have to adapt to all this in advance, meow, otherwise when you see Chong Ying's companions, they will eat them up, meow hum...

Another hundred chapters have passed, and the story of the White Eagle is not even halfway through yet. It seems to be such a long story (laughs)

Moreover, there will be a batch of new Iron-Blooded ships on the market, and if Bismarck also transforms them, there will naturally be no shortage of Iron-Blooded ships in the future, and they will have to be added later.

Here, the author must sincerely say a word to all readers who have seen this, thank you for your continued support!

There's another chapter tonight

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