Although the bathhouse on the White Eagle mass-produced destroyer is still much smaller than the normal bathhouse, as Washington said, it is not a problem to accommodate so many of them.

Naturally, such a lively scene was recorded by Bremerton with a smile.

Looking at the bright smile on Bremerton's face in the bathhouse, Lin Lan helplessly showed a wry smile.

He knew that there would be another book about him in the port area for the ship girls to read.

Of course, due to space reasons, this mixed bath was really just a mixed bath, and the real action was left to bedtime at night.

After taking a shower and putting on clean clothes and leaving the bathhouse first, Lin Lan chose to come to the deck to get some fresh air.

At this time, the time had just reached eight o'clock, and it was still too early to go to bed.

Of course, taking advantage of the sea breeze carrying snowflakes to calm down the burning desire in my heart also played a large part in the reason.

But he had to admit that after taking a bath, he felt that the fatigue accumulated today had subsided a lot, and he even felt a little refreshed by the sea breeze.

Although the White Eagle mass-produced destroyer sailing under the night was much faster than most Oran ships, it was extremely smooth and it was difficult to feel the bumps.

Lin Lan also sincerely lamented that it was indeed a mass-produced ship manufactured by Rubik's Cube Technology.

It can reduce the turbulence on the sea to such an extent that even a seasick person will not feel any discomfort on the boat. He already understood without thinking that this is the effect blessed by Rubik's Cube technology.

Just as he walked to the railing at the bow of the ship and looked at the snowy sea ahead with the help of the lights outside the deck, suddenly a figure fell from the railing on the deck beside him.

Commander, why did you come out alone?

Hearing this familiar and reliable voice, Lin Lan smiled.

As this figure approached, a silver-haired ship girl wearing a black combat trench coat came to him.

It is the company that conducts escort missions.

I just finished taking a shower, and I wanted to come out to breathe for a while and come see you by the way.

Feeling the chilly wind blowing against his face, Lin Lan looked at Enterprise with a surprised look on his face, stretched out his hand and gently buttoned Enterprise's windbreaker.

Commander, actually to this extent...

The strict company was a little confused by his move. Just as he was about to explain, he was interrupted by Lin Lan with a smile:

I know you're not afraid of the cold, but when it's cold, you should put on more clothes. If not, you should button them up to block the wind.

Looking at the smile on Lin Lan's face, Enterprise, whose silver hair was blown by the sea breeze, blushed and nodded silently.

This is indeed the case. When they were still in Minato City, they would change into seasonal clothes every suitable season.

But then the commander disappeared, and they looked for him all over the world, so they didn't have much mood to change clothes anymore, but came as convenient as possible.

If the company thinks about it carefully, maybe it is because the commander always goes to Akashi's store to buy them new clothes when he is in the port area, so they are in the mood to wear those clothes and show them to the commander.

After this incident is over, she should really take out all the clothes the commander bought her and put them on...

Seeing Enterprise who seemed to be deep in thought, Lin Lan reached out and gently held Enterprise's hand.

There was a slightly rough touch in the warm palm, which made Lin Lan a little surprised.

Logically speaking, the physical strength of the ship girls born from the Mind Cube is perfect, and it is difficult to cause fatal injuries even if they are hit by a giant cannon.

But the company's palms are like calluses. How many battles must it have taken for it to become like this?

Is it because of my own reasons?

Lin Lan recalled that he had sent companies to attack many times, and a strong sense of guilt suddenly arose in his heart.

However, Enterprise looked at the ocean on the coast in front, with a happy smile on his face, and slowly said:

As expected, as long as you are by my side, no matter how many cruel battles I endure or how many painful separations I face, I will definitely be able to go on with hope.

It was just an inadvertent sigh, but it instantly shocked Lin Lan's heart.

He had heard this sentence many times from the company. This was a line in the story of the silver-haired beauty next to him who had vowed to change her clothes in the game.

I once naively thought that as long as I kept fighting and becoming stronger, I would be able to bring a happy ending to myself and the people around me.

If you think about it carefully, I was really naive at that time, hahaha.

The company did not notice his surprise at this time, but continued to smile, looking at the sea ahead and said slowly:

Fight, yes, fight.

All the lights in the sky are stars, and all the lights on the sea are enemies. Even if I can defeat a country by myself, the price is that the people I value will leave one by one.

Even though I have won all the honors and merits and become the invincible Queen of the Pacific, my heart will still be filled with regret whenever I am alone.

Lin Lan knows why companies feel this way.

As a legendary aircraft carrier, the company narrowly escaped death in World War II against Chong Sakura, ended the war with its own hands, and was regarded as a hero by countless people.

A total of 911 enemy aircraft were destroyed, 404 were shot down in the air, 507 were destroyed on the ground, 71 ships were sunk, and more than 192 were damaged. This is the answer the company handed over to White Eagle.

Throughout the history of Blue Star, no battleship has such a glorious record and such a legendary life.

But the price behind this honor is undoubtedly cruel to the enterprise.

Her beloved sister Yorktown and sister Hornet were sunk during the war, and the frigate Morrie, which had been accompanying her during the difficult times, was also forced to retire due to long-term strain.

And many of her old partners, including Saratoga, Independence, Nevada, Salt Lake City... also parted ways with her during Operation Crossroads.

After the war, the companies moored at a dock in New Jersey never went out to sea. They could only stay in the dock, quietly watching as the familiar faces became fewer and fewer.

Lin Lan once imagined what kind of emotions would be in the hearts of companies that had gained so much glory during that period.

Are you proud that you finally ended the war? Are you confused about your future destiny? Or are you looking forward to the aircraft carrier era that will be ushered in by the younger generations?

Now the answer has been revealed, it is none of these.

All that is left to this Queen of the Pacific is endless regret.

She regretted why she had not protected her sisters, why she had not discovered the hidden wounds that gradually accumulated in her bodyguards earlier, and why she had not retained those former comrades who had left her one by one.

In the end, the fate of the company was the same as that of many other maritime warriors who sacrificed their lives for White Eagle in the war: it was sold and dismantled.

Lin Lan couldn't help but think of the following congratulatory message during her launching ceremony when the company was born:

I hope she can proudly say in the future: I have made some contributions to the country.

The company, which carries the high hopes of countless people, stepped forward when her motherland was in the most critical moment. She and her sisters withstood countless pressures. After she was the only one left, she resolutely chose to move forward with injuries.

At the last moment of being dismantled, the company will undoubtedly be able to proudly say the famous saying to this congratulatory message:

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the way I should go, and I have kept the way I should keep. From now on, there is a crown of righteousness reserved for you.

Yes, as a legendary hero, the company's great achievements will never be forgotten by the world.

But who will really understand what the company is thinking?

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