Dee-dee-dee-dee! Dee-dee-dee-dee! Dee-dee-dee-dee!

Along with a piercing alarm, Lin Lan opened his eyes in a daze.

The first thing that caught his eye was the bright morning sunshine shining through the curtains on his face.

He immediately sat up from the bed and looked around.

At this time, he was on the bed in a clean and tidy bedroom.

In addition to the bed he sleeps on, this large bedroom also has a wooden bookcase full of books, a workbench with a chair and full of drawings, and...

A strange girl with white hair and blue eyes, wearing a maid outfit and holding a folded clean formal suit in her hand, stood beside his bed and looked at him timidly?

What expansion is this?

Lin Lan instinctively turned off the alarm clock on the bedside table, and kept recalling what happened before in his mind.

Fortunately, he still remembered who he was. He came here to help Helena hack into the Rubik's Cube energy robot host, and he entered the virtual world together with the company.

At the same time, he also remembered the unexpected situation that happened before entering this virtual world called Utopia.

Fortunately, it seems that he has successfully entered the virtual world without missing any parts.

As for the company not being around, Lin Lan is not worried at all.

After all, before entering this virtual world, he remembered that the Rubik's Cube energy robot host said that they would be matched with the best positions based on their experience.

Maybe the company is somewhere else in the virtual world right now, and then just let Helena guide them to rendezvous.

After confirming that there was no loss of memory or body, Lin Lan carefully looked at the well-behaved maid standing next to his bed, with timidity written all over her face.

And when she saw the exquisite mechanical pupils in the girl's blue eyes that were completely different from those of normal humans, Lin Lan couldn't help but be stunned, and her original sleepiness suddenly disappeared.

This doll-like delicate white-haired maid is actually a Rubik's Cube energy robot? !

O-teacher, good morning, um, I have prepared breakfast and placed it on the dining table in the living room downstairs. I have also finished processing today's schedule and uploaded it all to the teacher's mobile phone.

Before Lin Lan could think about how he should respond, the white-haired robot maid beside the bed spoke to him cautiously like a little rabbit.


When Lin Lan heard this name that would only be called by Anchorage, he repeated it in confusion.

But it didn't matter that he opened his mouth. The familiar hoarse voice made him immediately realize that there seemed to be something wrong with his body.

He looked at the phone next to the pillow, picked it up, and turned on the front camera to look at it.

As expected, what appeared on the phone screen was his appearance during the Blue Star period. He was much older and more mature than his post-travel body.

It's just that his current posture is significantly different from what he was before the time travel.

Although they are similar in age, it is obvious that whether it is skin or appearance, they are not at all like a weathered country man.

On the contrary, through the screen of his mobile phone, he found that the temperament on his face at this time was more like that of a gentle scientific researcher.

Teacher, Utopia Meeting No. 26 will start at nine o'clock in the core center. The topic of this meeting is very important. If you are absent, other colleagues in the core center will be disappointed... so...

Seeing him staring blankly at the phone screen, the robot maid said cautiously again.

Lin Lan looked at the time on his phone. It was now 7:30 in the morning, but the year and month were not displayed, and not even the perpetual calendar could be found.

Well, it seems that it is better to collect as much information as possible before Helena contacts him.

I understand. Then you go and prepare the documents for today's meeting. I will go downstairs after changing my clothes.

Lin Lan was still wearing white pajamas at this time. As soon as he finished speaking, he lifted the quilt and prepared to get out of bed, but found that the robot maid in front of him did not leave, but stared at him blankly.

After the two looked at each other for a few seconds, the robot maid seemed to have made some important decision and said to him:

Ariel, the auxiliary third-generation artificial intelligence robot. Teacher, Ariel is my name, and it is also the name you gave me...

Lin Lan understood immediately that the robot maid named Ariel was emphasizing that he should use this name to give instructions to her.

But why does he always feel that this Rubik's Cube energy robot is so stupid?

And does the Rubik's Cube energy robot in the original world also call itself a third-generation robot?

Lin Lan thought for a while and decided to send the robot away first. He would first sort out the current situation.

Okay Ariel, you go and do your work first. I just woke up and need to calm down for a while.

After he gave the order to the weird Rubik's Cube energy robot maid using the name Ariel, the timidity on the robot maid's face finally disappeared, revealing a cute and reassuring smile.

After placing the clothes she brought for him beside the bed, Ariel bowed to him, walked to the workbench in the bedroom, and sorted out the drawings.

While changing into formal clothes, Lin Lan also looked out the window from the corner of his eyes.

Through the curtains, outside is a park surrounded by high-rise buildings.

There are not only artificial lakes and neatly planted woods, but also many ordinary people who get up early to exercise.

But taking a closer look, Lin Lan quickly discovered something was wrong.

Those who exercise around the lake seem to be accompanied by a Rubik's Cube energy robot, handing them towels and water glasses, which is very harmonious and harmonious.

The high-rise urban planning in the distance was also different from any city in Blue Star that he had an impression of. Instead, it was more like the urban style of Oran.

The most important thing is that the statue in the center of the artificial lake in the park is also holding the sword and shield weapon representing the Oran Navy Department, which makes Lin Lan even more convinced that this is definitely not the original world.

In his impression, the original world in the game plot should be closer to Blue Star, or no matter what, it should not be related to the United States of Oran.

Could it be that this virtual world has not yet been completely transformed into the original world...Does the Siren plan to slowly and subtly change it?

After seeing this scene, Lin Lan murmured in his heart.

Based on his understanding of the sirens, it stands to reason that since the Oran people have been imprisoned in the virtual world, wouldn't it be better to just make the virtual world the same style as the original world and let the Oran people adapt?

Why bother with all this and still retain so many Oran elements?

With this question in mind, Lin Lan also put on the formal suit and walked to the floor-length mirror in the bedroom.

At this moment, he looked extra energetic against the backdrop of this smart outfit.

I don't know if it was because of the changes in his personality that he experienced after time travel. Lin Lan found that his current temperament, in addition to the bookishness of having experienced scientific research work, also had a tough look as if he had been on the battlefield.

Well, he's quite handsome...

Just as he was looking in the mirror to admire his appearance, Helena's voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

Commander... the core... the closer the better...

Helena's voice seemed to be interrupted by signal interference, but Lin Lan still understood what Helena meant through these fragments of words.

It was a coincidence that he was about to go to the so-called core center for a meeting.

Although he still couldn't figure out why he, a man with various experiences as a country man, a commander, a brave man, and the president of Orlando, suddenly had an unrelated identity as a teacher.

But it doesn't seem like this will affect what he does next.

And since even he can receive Helena's communication, the company must also be able to receive it.

In this case, they might meet at the so-called core central meeting soon.

After clearing his thoughts, Lin Lan was about to walk out of the bedroom, but the robot maid girl who was sorting out the drawings on the workbench suddenly looked at him with some confusion and asked:

Teacher, don't you plan to wash up first?

Hearing this question, Lin Lan was stunned.

He was just thinking about going to the core center early, but he actually forgot about his daily washing.

Oh yes, I was just thinking about the meeting. Thank you for reminding Ariel.

Hehe, this is what Ariel should do~ And the teacher doesn't have to worry about the meeting. You just need to tell the teacher your truest thoughts at the meeting.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Lin Lan looked at the Rubik's Cube energy robot girl who smiled happily at him, and always felt that she would be very happy every time he called her name.

The bathroom is over here. Ariel will prepare hot water and towels for the teacher right away.

After the Rubik's Cube energy robot girl quickly folded the drawings on the workbench, she happily walked to the small room next to the bedroom while talking.

Lin Lan followed Ariel slowly, feeling secretly sorry in her heart.

If Siren hadn't messed around, maybe Olan in the future would really be able to develop robotics technology to what it is now, and equip everyone with a robot that can take care of their daily lives.

But, since he has so many ship girls, he definitely doesn’t need robots to take care of his daily life.

When passing by the bookcase and workbench, Lin Lan couldn't help but stop and looked curiously at the books in the bookcase.

History of Modern Naval Warfare, Predictions and Deductions about Electronic Warfare, Evolutionary Trends of Modern Navy, Teacher's Self-cultivation, How to Gain the Favor of a Girl as Quickly as possible...

What's this all about? Why did you suddenly jump from war to love?

Lin Lan glanced at the titles of the books in the bookcases and found that most of the books in these bookcases were about naval warfare and naval command.

But there are still a few books about how to get closer to a girl and how to be a competent teacher.

This very strange library combination made Lin Lan's lips twitch slightly.

However, he was quite interested in these books. If he wasn't going to attend the so-called meeting, he would really want to open them and take a closer look.

But when Lin Lan moved his eyes to the drawings on the workbench, he suddenly took a breath of cold air and felt his scalp numb.

On the topmost drawing in the stack of drawings, there was actually a sketch of the structure of a Tyrant mecha that he was very familiar with!

And in the sketch of this Tyrant mecha, a red cube is highlighted——

Yuan Rubik's Cube!

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