Lin Lan walked to the workbench, stretched out his hand and held the top drawing in front of his eyes to look at it carefully.

On the drawing, in addition to the most obvious sketch, the application equations of Yuan Rubik's Cube and Tyrant Mecha were scrawled next to the sketch, followed by a series of calculation equations that he could not understand.

Originally, Lin Lan thought that this drawing was sent here by someone else, but when he saw the signature of the designer at the bottom of the drawing, his heart trembled again.

Because what is written in the signature place is his name.

Then Lin Lan picked up the drawing below and discovered something that made him even more surprised.

Because the subsequent drawings contained more content that he couldn't understand at all, but every drawing had a Rubik's Cube sketch on it. In addition to the red Yuan Rubik's Cube, there was also a blue Mental Rubik's Cube.

There are also many drawings with designs for the hull parts of warships printed on them.

If these drawings are generated by this virtual world based on my experience, and I made an oath with Mech Girl Sui Qiong, it would not be surprising that Tyrant Mecha would appear in these drawings, but...

Where did the drawings of the Mind Cube and Yuan Cube come from? I am a commander, not a Rubik's Cube researcher, and I am also called teacher...

Lin Lan frowned when he thought of this, and for a while he couldn't figure out what position he was assigned to in this virtual world.

Teacher, the water temperature has been adjusted. You can come over.

Ariel's voice came from the bathroom, and Lin Lan responded while folding all the drawings and placing them on the table.

After washing up with doubts, he and Ariel came to the living room on the first floor of the attic.

The living room is decorated in a modern and simple style, with all the necessary furniture. There are also several automatic sweeping machines cleaning the dust on the floor.

Sitting at the dining table, Lin Lan found that the breakfast Ariel prepared for him was quite sumptuous, but the food was still Oran's food.

At this time, a small metal ball with a propeller on its head floated in front of him from the sofa and asked him in a synthesized voice:

Good morning, master, I am a second-generation housekeeper robot for home use. Do you have any instructions?

While Lin Lan was cutting the meat on the plate with a knife, he looked at the small robot curiously and said:

Turn on the TV for me and tune it to the news station.

Good master.

As the small home robot responded, the large-screen TV in the living room automatically turned on and the channel automatically switched to the morning news.

With the concerted efforts of all omnics and human citizens in Utopia, Utopia is developing rapidly.

Today at nine o'clock in the morning, Utopia Meeting No. 26 will be held in the Core Center. Lin Lan, a famous Rubik's Cube researcher and professor at the Naval Academy, and General Enterprise of the Navy will jointly attend this meeting and work with the Core Center discussion group on the future of Utopia. The development plan makes important proposals.”

The next content is an introduction to the upgrade of the third-generation robot module. This time...

Lin Lan, who was chewing breakfast, felt happy when he heard this.

Sure enough, companies will also come to participate in this meeting.

Moreover, the company seems to have been set as a general of the Navy in the virtual world. If Wichita comes here with him, maybe the red-haired girl can really enjoy being a general.

The official name of the position he was given was finally revealed. He is indeed no ordinary school teacher.

The only thing that still puzzles him is how he got his dual identity.

As for the professor of the Naval Academy, he can still understand it. It may be related to his status as commander.

But he really doesn’t have any work experience related to scientific research, let alone a Rubik’s Cube...

Rubik's cube researcher?

Lin Lan stopped what he was doing, feeling vaguely like he had grasped something important, but he couldn't recall it no matter how hard he thought about it.

Why does this status and position always feel so familiar to him?

Damn it, I wish I had read the plot of the game carefully, but it’s really terrible that I can’t remember it now...

Teacher, is breakfast not to your liking? Ariel will prepare another breakfast for you.

When he was upset, Ariel, the robot maid, came towards him from the kitchen carrying a plate of milk. Seeing that his expression was not good, she asked with concern.

Lin Lan sighed helplessly.

Since he can't remember it, he should forget about it for now. The boat will naturally straighten when it reaches the bridge. Maybe he will remember it one day in the future.

No Ariel, it's just that I just thought of some trivial matters... Speaking of which, why did you call me teacher?

Because a teacher is a teacher, there is no special reason.

Hearing the white-haired robot maid's reply with a faint smile, Lin Lan understood that he should not be able to get anything out of Ariel's question about this matter.

But just as Ariel was about to walk to his table with the plate of milk, Ariel's face suddenly changed, and she fell to the ground with a somewhat painful expression.

The dinner plate in her hand slipped out of her hand uncontrollably, and the glass full of milk fell to the ground with a crisp shattering sound.

The milk in the cup naturally spilled all over the floor, and a lot of it was stained on the black and white maid uniform of the robot girl.

Ariel, are you okay?

Lin Lan immediately stood up from the chair, walked quickly to Ariel, knelt down, supported the robot maid, and asked with a worried look on her face.

He was counting on the robot maid to take him to the meeting, so it wouldn't suddenly malfunction.

But when his hand touched the arm of the robot maid, Lin Lan found that what came from his hand was a soft touch, just like real flesh.

No, it's okay. Maybe there is some glitch in my node. It will be repaired automatically soon. Ah, I'm sorry, teacher, I'll prepare the milk again right away...

Ariel raised her head weakly, looked at him with blue eyes, and forced out a somewhat apologetic smile.

Forget it, it doesn't matter if you don't drink the milk, as long as you are not injured... Oh, yes, Ariel, you are a robot and are not afraid of broken glass. Go and change your clothes first.

Okay, okay teacher, I will take you to the meeting after I change my clothes.

Lin Lan helped Ariel up and asked her to change out of the maid uniform that was wet with milk.

Watching the Rubik's Cube energy robot maid go upstairs, Lin Lan showed a solemn look on her face.

A guess emerged from his mind when he just saw the robot maid fall, but he was not absolutely sure yet.

But when he saw the sweeping machines surrounding him, preparing to clean up the milk and glass fragments on the ground, Lin Lan's mind moved and he was ready to try the power of the reality lens.

The glass was not broken and the milk was still in the glass.

Lin Lan was thinking this silently in his mind, looking at the milk and glass shards on the ground, recalling in his mind the scene where these were still intact just now.

The next second, an extremely magical scene happened.

The milk and glass shards on the ground were still there, but out of thin air, a cup of milk appeared on the ground that was exactly the same as before, steaming and intact.

Lin Lan bent down, picked up the glass of milk from the ground, and poured it into his mouth.

The extremely real milk flavor spread from his mouth, and both the taste and temperature were just right.

Then he looked at the empty glass in his hand and once again imagined that the glass had never existed.

Sure enough, the empty glass in his hand disappeared, leaving no trace left except the smell of milk in his mouth that proved the glass had existed.

Is this the power of the reality lens... I don't know where the power of this reality lens is, and whether it can withstand my imagination.

After Lin Lan confirmed that the reality lens could be used, a confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

With such power in his body, even if the conjecture just now was true, he was not worried at all.

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