After the sweeping machine cleaned the floor, Ariel also changed her clothes for going out and walked down the stairs.

This white long-haired Rubik's Cube energy robot girl was wearing a thin white dress of unknown material. Her long white hair was spread behind her, which made Lin Lan feel the body of this fragile girl for a moment. With a sense of illusion.

If it weren't for the fact that there were so many charming ship girls in his port area, I'd probably be shocked by her beauty.

Lin Lan complained secretly, luckily he was a blue player.

Teacher, it takes twenty-three minutes to get to the core center. I have already stopped the automatic navigation car at the door.

Ariel slowly walked up to Lin Lan, stared at him with eyes shining with blue mechanical luster, hesitated for a moment, and then took his hand.

Please come with me, teacher.

Lin Lan did not refuse Ariel's hand and allowed Ariel to lead him out of the attic door.

He also knew that at this time, he still needed to give priority to going to the core center according to Helena's instructions, and not to leak any clues to prevent extraneous matters.

After all, this is a virtual world created by the Rubik's Cube energy robot host, and it is not a place to stay for a long time.

After coming outside, Lin Lan saw the garden outside the attic under the bright sunshine.

The garden is filled with various plants and flowers, most of which are specialties of Oran, which he had seen at Hongye Naval Academy.

There were two garden robots in the garden that were pruning shrubs with scissors in their hands. They all nodded in greeting when they saw him and Ariel coming out.

The warm breeze blew on his face. Lin Lan raised his head and looked up. The sky was cloudless, and it was a good weather for going out.

But just such a beautiful scene made Lin Lan frown.

He actually felt the rich light element from the sun that had just risen in the sky.

This is a virtual world. After arriving here, he has always felt that all natural elements have been cut off, and he is completely unable to connect with any elements.

But why does the sun in the sky have the same light element as the real sun?

Lin Lan did not express his doubts on his face. He kept this matter in his heart and followed Ariel out of the garden.

There was already an autonomous navigation car parked beside the road at the door. Ariel let go of Lin Lan and took the initiative to sit in the driver's seat.

After the car started, Lin Lan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, also looked at the surrounding scenery.

In the sky, smart drones flew over their heads carrying takeout boxes.

On both sides of the road, Lin Lan also saw many Oran people walking on the road who had a very harmonious relationship with the Rubik's Cube energy robot.

He even saw many Rubik's Cube energy robots pushing strollers with smiles on their faces, taking care of the children in the strollers very competently and making them happy.

He also saw the second-generation robots, but these behemoths were actually...

Plant trees?

That's right, these large robots that once turned into a nightmare for countless survivors in Hongye City actually placed street tree saplings in pits on the roadside under the command of Olan workers on the roadside.

After the vehicle drove into the city with tall buildings, Lin Lan also saw the construction site that was once his nightmare.

It's just that in this virtual world, the workers who climb on the outer frame and perform work on the main structure have all become robots.

On the ground of the construction site, many Olan workers and Rubik's Cube energy robots were having a heated discussion around an architectural design drawing, seemingly discussing the next construction process of the building.

Everything is so natural, as if this is how it should be.

If he hadn't recalled the battle with Hongye Naval Fortress in Hongye City and witnessed the robots charging desperately, Lin Lan would not have believed that these robots could still have such a docile side.

He couldn't help but think about it, could an intelligent robot really reach such a state of emotion just by relying on the emotion simulation system?

And the most important thing is that he originally thought that the Oran people in the virtual world would be full of despair and pain, or that the Rubik's Cube energy robots would enslave humans in a world.

But looking around, he saw only harmony, equality, and hope.

What he saw most from the faces of these Oran people were smiles, and they were smiles from the heart.


In the car, Lin Lan heard the melodious car music and repeated the name softly.

The original meaning of this word refers to a happy society without classes. It is a completely imaginary, impossible to realize, synonymous with beauty that only exists in ideals.

But at this moment, in this virtual world, he actually felt like he was seeing an actual utopia.

With the joint efforts of intelligent robots and humans, a beautiful world is flourishing and developing.

Teacher, this is Utopia, a world without any discrimination, prejudice, or pain, a beautiful world created by humans and intelligent robots.

Ariel's voice came from his ears, and the voice of the Rubik's Cube energy robot girl was filled with sincere pride and happiness.

Lin Lan looked away from the car window and turned to look at the white-haired robot girl sitting in the driver's seat.

He didn't know if it was his misunderstanding, but he always felt that Ariel's face was a little pale at this time, and the blue light in her eyes was a little dim, as if she was very weak.

Yes, Utopia. This is indeed like a Utopia that is almost impossible to achieve and can never be reached...

Hearing Lin Lan's words of praise, Ariel could no longer hide her weakness, but still had a bright smile on her face.

But Lin Lan's next words made the smile on the face of the Rubik's Cube energy robot girl suddenly freeze.

But what's the price of all this?

Lin Lan moved his eyes away from Ariel, looked out the window at the prosperous urban area, and said as if talking to himself:

In the early days of mankind before robots appeared, if you wanted to make your country prosperous, you had to ruthlessly exploit other countries that were weaker than it.

This price will be borne by the countries that are exploited.

In order for an exploited country to get rid of its shackles, people will inevitably shed blood and sacrifice, and countless anonymous workers will definitely spend their youth, so that they can finally rise and become a powerful country.

This price will be borne by those who sacrificed their youth and even their lives for the rise of the country.

After Lin Lan said this, he looked at Ariel again and said lightly:

So Ariel, who is responsible for the price of creating such a beautiful utopia?

Seeing the girl with the Rubik's Cube energy robot in front of him take back the smile on her face and look at him silently, he did not choose to continue talking.

In his opinion, this virtual world utopia is most likely the host of the Rubik's Cube energy robot using the thoughts and will of the captured Oran people as nourishment.

What he just said was addressed not only to himself, but also to the Rubik's Cube energy robot girl in front of him.

As he looked at Ariel, Lin Lan was ready to use the power of the reality lens at any time.

The reason why he said this can be regarded as a temptation on his part.

Perhaps the Rubik's Cube Energy Robot girl in front of her can convey these words to the Rubik's Cube Energy Robot host through the mental Rubik's Cube network.

Or maybe the Rubik's Cube energy robot girl in front of me is the host will of the Rubik's cube energy robot!

As expected of a teacher...he looks at the problem very thoroughly.

The two looked at each other like this for a long time. Ariel took the lead in retracting his gaze, with a complicated smile on his face, shook his head slightly and said:

But Ariel doesn't know who is bearing the price behind Utopia. The teacher may be overly worried.

Lin Lan sighed softly after hearing Ariel's words.

It seems that the Rubik's Cube Energy Robot host is not focusing on processing the dialogue data in this virtual world at this time, but is focusing entirely on the war in the Eastern Continent.

And this robot girl is not the will of the Rubik's Cube energy robot host.

After he discovered that Ariel was malfunctioning in the attic, he immediately suspected whether Ariel was the host will of the Rubik's Cube energy robot.

However, through the testing just now, he has determined that this robot girl should be just an ordinary Rubik's Cube energy robot.

If it was really the host's will, I'm afraid after listening to what he just said, he would have been able to confirm his identity and take action against him.

Lin Lan withdrew his gaze from Ariel and looked ahead at the city center he was about to arrive at.

At this time, except for the sound of light music in the car, neither of them continued the discussion.

But just when Lin Lan thought the topic was over, Ariel's gentle voice suddenly came to his ears:

But teacher, Ariel believes that if there really is that person, she... won't regret it.

Lin Lan turned his head again and looked at the Rubik's Cube energy robot girl with confusion.

But this time Ariel didn't look at him, but looked forward silently in despair.

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