Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 422 Admiralty General Enterprise

Lin Lan's suspicion, which had been dismissed, was raised again because of Ariel's words.

It was only that Ariel obviously had no hostility towards him and no more strange behavior in the next few minutes, which made him slightly relieved.

Ariel said 'she' won't regret it. What does that mean?

With questions in his mind, Lin Lan finally drove to a huge building in the center of the city.

This is a building with a very peculiar appearance design. Compared with a building, it looks more like a cubic factory building wrapped in white metal.

At a glance, he couldn't even find a window in this cubic building.

It seems that this should be the core center of Utopia.

On the roadside next to this cubic building, many Rubik's Cube energy robot soldiers were already standing in line, maintaining order for the large number of Oran journalists on the street.

Teacher, we are here.

When the car stopped steadily on the street in front of the entrance of the building, Ariel said to Lin Lan with a gentle smile as if nothing happened just now.

While Ariel spoke, two uniformed Rubik's Cube energy robot soldiers also stepped forward to open the car door for Lin Lan and bowed as an invitation.

Lin Lan walked out of the car, and the reporters around him pressed the shutters of their cameras one after another. The click sound made him frown.

It was his first time to experience such a big scene, and it made him feel a little uncomfortable.


At this moment, the voice of the company suddenly came, which made Lin Lan feel refreshed and looked along the sound.

Wearing a handsome white navy uniform and a white cloak, the silver-haired and sassy Royal Sister walked quickly towards him from the other side of the street with two teams of Oran navy soldiers.

A company that already has a very leadership temperament, paired with this tailor-made Navy uniform, it really looks like a general, just like a real general who has been on the battlefield for many years.

And despite his change in appearance, the company still recognizes him instantly.

This may be the inherent connection between the ship girl and the commander.

But when the purple-eyed Admiralty Admiral, who was originally smiling, walked up to Lin Lan, he frowned slightly as if he noticed something was wrong.

But the company quickly covered up all this, stretched out his hand to Lin Lan, who was already stunned, and said with a smile on his face:

Long time no see. Commander, you have been working hard on your research these days.

Same to you, General Corporate.

Lin Lan quickly realized that the company was reminding him to continue acting.

So he also smiled, as if greeting an old acquaintance, and stretched out his right hand to hold the company's right hand with the oath ring on it.

Next, the two had a ceremonial hug. Everything seemed very normal. At this time, the reporters around them took this very memorable photo for the news headlines.

But while hugging the enterprise, Lin Lan suddenly heard the enterprise whispering in his ear in a very low voice:

Commander, Helena's communication was suddenly interfered with when I approached you. Let's improvise first and then try to contact Helena.

The whispers from the company shocked Lin Lan.

He originally thought that the company was like him, but Helena's communication was not stable as soon as he came to the virtual world.

But when the company said it, he immediately understood that before meeting him, the communication between the company and Helena was not so intermittent, but very stable.

So why on earth would the company's communication with Helena be disrupted after seeing him?

After letting go of the company, Lin Lan couldn't help but look at Ariel, the Rubik's Cube energy robot girl, who was standing obediently next to him.

He had already roughly guessed the reason.

The company also looked at Ariel doubtfully after letting go of him.

She still didn't know the identity of the Rubik's Cube energy robot girl who followed the commander.

Teacher, General, meeting No. 26 will begin soon. If you want to talk about personal matters, you can wait until the meeting is over.

As if aware of the company's wary eye on her, Ariel nodded slightly to her and said softly.

Then let's go... Ariel, do you want to attend the meeting with us too?

This is natural. Ariel is the teacher's exclusive auxiliary third-generation intelligent robot. It is my responsibility and obligation to assist the teacher in his work.

Lin Lan seemed to ask Ariel very casually, and the answer he got was not beyond his expectation.

So after he and the company who understood Ariel's identity nodded tacitly, he took Ariel with him and walked into the core center.

The windowless core center was not as boring and depressing as Lin Lan imagined, but quite the opposite.

It is like a clean large shopping mall, surrounded by clean white floors and walls, with escalators connecting each floor.

Lin Lan looked around and saw a large number of scientific researchers wearing white coats and Rubik's Cube energy robots.

These scientific researchers are carrying out their own design and experimental work in the transparent glass laboratories on each floor, and the sound of metal processing can be heard from time to time.

Teacher, General, please come with me. Meeting location No. 26 is reserved on the top floor, and other colleagues participating in the meeting have already entered.

Ariel consciously acted as a guide at this time, walking in front to lead Lin Lan and Enterprise to the escalator, and also introduced them carefully:

In addition to being the location for important meetings, the Core Center is also Utopia's most important omnic development center, ship design institute, and Rubik's Cube Energy Research Institute.

This is also the place where teachers work on weekdays. Teachers should feel very familiar with it.

Lin Lan, who was walking behind Ariel and looking around curiously with the company, couldn't help but twitching his lips when he heard this.

He knows a ghost.

The workplaces he is most familiar with are probably the construction sites that were surrounded by fences on the way here...

But everything here made him feel a bit like the original world in the game.

Perhaps in the original world, the first generation of ship girls were developed in a similar place.

As Lin Lan and the others took the escalator upstairs, many researchers greeted them with smiles, as if they had already known them.

Ariel, in particular, would even stop occasionally to give the researchers some advice on their work.

But Ariel attributes all of this to Lin Lan, who is a perfect auxiliary intelligent robot.

Lin Lan and the company were walking behind Ariel. Just now, he had used the reality lens to generate two miniature spy communicators and handed one of them to the company.

Now the two of them were analyzing the situation in hushed tones.

Commander, the communication interference is still serious here. The problem does lie with her.

Looking at the back of the fragile Rubik's Cube energy robot girl in front of him, the company said to Lin Lan with some concern.

Lin Lan nodded in agreement. If he had only doubted Ariel's identity before, now he has basically confirmed that this robot girl has an unusual identity.

So he whispered to the company:

Yes, it seems that even if she is not the host of the Rubik's Cube energy robot, she is still a very special robot sub-individual with interference functions. Let's finish this meeting first, and then I'll see if I can get rid of her.

At present, although the communication has been interfered with, since Helena has not withdrawn our consciousness, it means that at least we are still safe now.

While discussing the next plan in a low voice, the two took the escalator to the top floor of the core center under the leadership of Ariel.

The space on the top floor is much larger than that downstairs. There are no laboratories blocked by glass walls. Instead, there is the main entrance of a conference hall.

However, when Lin Lan and Enterprise saw the appearance of the guards guarding the door of the conference room, they were all stunned.

Golden eyes, long dark blue hair, dark blue steel plate clothes and black and red mechanical arms.

The girl responsible for guarding the conference hall turned out to be Agent VIII who New Jersey had reminded them about appearing in the waters around Hengyue City!

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