The girl who was the representative of the heavy patrol was standing at the door of the conference hall with a smile on her face, holding an ice cream cone in her hand, humming a tune and eating it with gusto.

If her appearance wasn't so unique, most people would have thought she was an ordinary girl who loves cosplay.

The moment they saw this agent appear, the company almost instinctively wanted to unfold the ship's equipment.

Although the Agent looks so cute, as a subordinate of the Arbitrator, the arbitration agency in the Sirens that is specifically responsible for fighting, the Agent's combat power is much stronger than that of the Experimental Agency's executors.

Wait for the company first. This agent doesn't seem to have noticed us, and her current state is not quite right.

When Lin Lan saw that the company beside him was ready for battle, he quickly pulled the hem of the company's white navy uniform and whispered to stop him.

After hearing Lin Lan's words, the company quickly realized this, and Agent VIII seemed to be in trouble.

Under normal circumstances, she would have discovered the existence of this agent long ago, or the other party would have detected her arrival and launched an attack on her.

But the current situation is that not only did she not sense the aura of the arbitration agency at all, but Agent VIII was still humming a ditty and eating ice cream.

This extremely inconsistent scene has never happened to even experienced companies.


Ariel noticed that Lin Lan and Enterprise were both standing at the escalator and did not move forward, so she turned around and cast a confused look.

Lin Lan knew that if he wanted to attend the so-called meeting on the 26th, it seemed that he had to pass through the gate guarded by Agent VIII.

So he took a deep breath, ready to use the power of the reality lens at any time, and motioned to the company to walk with him.

When the three of them arrived in front of Agent VIII, the agent girl seemed to be caught slacking off, with a very humane look of panic on her face, and she quickly stuffed the ice cream into her mouth.

Then Agent VIII smiled awkwardly at them, bent down and made a gesture to invite them in. He didn't even notice that between the steel plates and armor on his body, Lin Lan could see a large area of ​​white and tender skin.

Ahem, don't mess with things next time you work. If you're tired, go find a place nearby and take a good rest.

Seeing that Agent VIII was so well-behaved, Lin Lan looked away from him, smiled, reached out and touched the head of the agent girl and said.

When the company next to him saw that the commander actually dared to reach out to tease the agent, a bit of shock flashed in his eyes, and at the same time he was extremely vigilant.

Although she had known for a long time that the commander was a coward in the port area, and he often touched his friends who had just joined the port area.

But she really didn't expect that the commander would dare to behave like this in front of the agent. Are you really not afraid that the other party will suddenly react and give him a shot?

But the reaction of the agent in the next second caused the world view of the legendary White Eagle God of War to be subverted.


The long-haired Advocate VIII didn't seem to be able to speak, but he seemed to understand Lin Lan's words. He raised his head, gave him a cute and innocent smile, and made a very pleasant sound.

When Ariel saw this scene, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes that exuded a blue mechanical luster.

Lin Lan saw that Actor VIII seemed to be very happy being touched by him, so he began to rub his face even more aggressively.

It wasn't until a minute later that he finally realized that he seemed to be biting his nose.

Well, who said that the face of the agent girl felt so good when pinched?

So Lin Lan reluctantly took his hand away from the face of the agent girl, looked at Ariel and Enterprise who were stunned at the side and smiled:

Okay, let's go in and have a meeting.

Hearing that he finally stopped playing with fire, Enterprise and Ariel were relieved at the same time.

The three of them bid farewell to Actor VIII, who was guarding the door, and walked into the conference hall together.

Entering the conference hall, Lin Lan saw that the interior decoration of the hall was extremely luxurious, mainly decorated in blue and white tones.

A large brown round table was placed in the center, filled with speakers, water glasses and notebooks.

The chairs beside the table were already filled with people from Oran who were also wearing formal clothes. Lin Lan took a quick look and found that there must be at least a hundred people.

He understood that the people sitting around the round table should be the so-called core discussion group.

In the middle of the round table where the discussion group was seated, there was a podium with a high-gloss finish.

This podium is obviously the seat where the host of this meeting will speak.

Originally, people in the conference hall were talking among themselves, but when they saw Lin Lan and the other three walking in, they all stopped their discussion and looked towards them.

Are all the participants in the core discussion group...all humans?

After Lin Lan glanced at the faces of all the core discussion group members, some doubts arose in his heart.

Based on the intelligence he had collected along the way, he had already seen that the level of this meeting was not low.

It may even be an important meeting that will affect the future development direction of the entire virtual world.

In this virtual world created by the Rubik's Cube energy robot host, in his opinion, this kind of meeting should never happen in the first place.

Even if it appears, it should be attended by the Rubik's Cube Energy Robot, not the Oran people who are full of resentment against the Rubik's Cube Energy Robot from the outside world.

But now that he's here, Lin Lan can only wait and see how it will develop.

He and Enterprise followed Ariel side by side and came to the large round table and sat down at the empty seat closest to the rostrum.

Teacher, this Utopia meeting does not require you to make any proposals. Even if you do not express any opinions, it is perfectly fine to just observe.

Ariel stood behind Lin Lan, leaned down and whispered in his and the company's ears.

Lin Lan and the company looked at each other, nodded, and waited for the meeting to begin.

Time's up, Utopia Meeting No. 26 has officially begun!

As a male voice sounded on the radio, all the core discussion group members in the conference hall fell silent.

A middle-aged Oran man with a folder in his hand stood up from the round table and walked slowly to the podium in the center of the round table.

Good morning, fellow Utopia citizens, I am He Ce, the theme proposer of this Utopia Meeting No. 26.

To make a long story short, the topic I propose for this meeting is whether regular maintenance of third-generation robots should be canceled in order for Utopia to develop faster.

Originally, Lin Lan was very interested in hearing what the theme of this meeting was.

But when he heard this theme, the expression on his face was stunned, and he even suspected that he had heard it wrong.

You know, the Rubik's Cube energy robot is still a robot after all.

Even if you have mental Rubik's Cube fragments and do not need to obtain energy from the outside world, the parts on these Rubik's Cube energy robots still need regular maintenance.

Even if the ship girls attack continuously, their mood will drop, and their favorability level will even drop.

Not to mention that everything in this virtual world utopia was created by the Rubik's Cube energy robot host. Most of the Orans here are taken care of by the Rubik's Cube energy robot.

And the most important thing is that the Rubik's Cube energy robots here are not the ones on his artificial island in Xinyang that do not have the emotion simulation system turned on.

Can a Rubik's Cube energy robot that truly acquires emotions still be called a tool?

Before Lin Lan could recover, the Oran man named He Ce continued to speak loudly:

The third-generation robot needs maintenance one day a week, which seriously affects the development speed of Utopia. The body of the third-generation robot is inherently more durable than humans, so why does it need to be maintained?

Our technology has reached the point where we can mass-produce third-generation robots. We can completely eliminate overused third-generation robots immediately and seamlessly fill the vacancies with newly produced robots, greatly improving the development efficiency of various industries.

After He Ce finished speaking, whispers resounded throughout the conference hall, and many participants fell into deep thought, weighing the pros and cons.

Now, all colleagues here are invited to start putting forward proposals. If no one puts forward proposals within three minutes, and then more than half of the votes are counted, then this topic will officially become a rule of Utopia.

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