Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 424 The Heart of Omnic Machines (Part 1)

After these words were spoken, all the participants in the entire conference hall began to discuss.

Soon, Lin Lan heard one opinion after another being put forward by the discussion group:

Canceling the weekly maintenance of third-generation robots is indeed conducive to the development of Utopia in both the short and long term.

Although this will inevitably speed up the wear and tear of the third-generation robots, if monitoring is strengthened, robots that are prone to damage can be replaced in advance to minimize the risk.

Regarding the recycling of excessively damaged robots, we should really set up a recycling department in advance to deal with those third-generation robots that have been seriously damaged.

Yes, the establishment of a recycling department is necessary, and in order to prevent robots from resisting, the recycling department must be armed. Well... it is best for robots to perform recycling work.

The topic in the conference hall quickly evolved from whether or not to agree with the topic at the beginning, to discussing the relevant steps after implementation.

The theme of this meeting, the abolition of regular maintenance of third-generation robots, has become a certainty.

Lin Lan rested his chin on the table with his hands, his face gloomy, like an outsider, silently listening to the heated discussions and proposals in the conference hall.

At this moment, he felt an inexplicable nameless fire in his heart, which made him feel extremely disgusted and angry.

Is it because of the endless overtime that he had when he was at Blue Star?

Or is it because I associate the Rubik's Cube Energy Robot, a product of Rubik's Cube Technology, with the Ship Girls?

Or maybe, he always felt like he had seen such a scene before?

Ariel, all third-generation robots in Utopia should have turned on their emotional simulation systems and are legal citizens of Utopia, right?

Lin Lan suddenly turned his head and asked the Rubik's Cube energy robot girl standing behind him.

The company had already noticed Lin Lan's gloomy expression and cast a somewhat worried look at him, not knowing what he planned to do.

Ah, yes, teacher, I...all the third-generation robots have turned on the emotional simulation system, and all third-generation robots are citizens of Utopia.

The white-haired robot girl seemed to be frightened by the development of the meeting in front of her, and her expression was very ugly. It was not until Lin Lan asked her that she hurriedly opened her mouth to explain.

Oh, that's really interesting.

Lin Lan sneered, looked around coldly at the heated discussion group members, and continued to choose silence.

It's just that the company's face has shown a hint of solemnity.

She understood the character of her commander. The more silent Lin Lan was, the more anger was building up.

So in this case, she only needs to stand in front of the commander and clear all obstacles for him.

Even if it means killing on the spot, he will not hesitate.

Soon the meeting came to an end, and the intervals between various proposals gradually became longer.

And He Ce stood in the middle of the podium, constantly responding to many proposers with a smile on his face.

The expression on his face was already one that could not be concealed.

In his opinion, it is almost certain that the topic proposed by him at the 26th meeting will be adopted.

It only takes more than three minutes for no one in the discussion group to propose a proposal, and then a round of voting by all members, and the topic he proposed can be determined as a rule of utopia.

By then, the useless waste recycling department he is responsible for will be transformed into a robot recycling department.

In this way, he can make huge profits from it.

Although he himself didn't understand why he had such thoughts, it was like his instinct, subconsciously teaching him to do such things.

It was as if he had done this type of thing skillfully countless times.

There are ten seconds left. If no one continues to propose, then the vote will begin...

Sorry, I have something else to say.

Seeing that no one was using the speaker anymore, He Ce looked at his watch and announced.

But before he finished speaking, a strange male voice sounded from the round table in front of him, interrupting his words.

You are...ah, Dr. Lin Lan, it is my honor for you to give your valuable advice.

As the light shone on the speaker, He Ce immediately recognized who the man was and spoke enthusiastically.

Yes, the person who put forward the opinion at the last moment was Lin Lan with a cold face.

The other members of the discussion group seemed to know Lin Lan, and they all focused their curious eyes on Lin Lan, waiting for his next words.

Being watched by so many people in the conference hall, Lin Lan slowly stood up from the chair, took the speaker in his hand, coughed dryly and said slowly:

I have listened carefully to all the proposals you just put forward, but before voting, I have two questions that I hope you can answer.

There was no emotion in Lin Lan's tone. After a pause, she continued:

The first question is, do you believe in the third generation of robot citizens?


Hearing this word, not only He Ce on the podium was stunned, but other members of the discussion group also had doubts on their faces.

Why did Dr. Lin Lan suddenly mention this issue?

Yes, heart. Or we can call it another name, soul, emotion, or thought, life.

In summary, do you think that the third-generation robots, like us humans, have hearts that represent all of the above?

The question raised by Lin Lan made all the discussion group members look at each other, as if they had heard an extremely ridiculous question.

He Ce on the stage smiled softly and blurted out instinctively:

Dr. Lin Lan, although the third generation robots are made using Rubik's Cube energy, we all know very well that they are just robots after all and do not have hearts like us humans.

In addition to He Ce, other members of the discussion group also spoke one after another:

Yes, Dr. Lin Lan, this question is obvious. Robots are just robots after all. How can they be considered to have hearts?

After all, machine creations act according to the logic of artificial intelligence programs. How can this be considered a heart?

Speaking of which, grant them citizenship... When was this the topic of the meeting? I can't seem to remember. Do any of you remember?

Hearing the words of these discussion group members, Ariel behind Lin Lan turned even paler. She even lowered her head and gently grabbed the hem of her white dress with her hands.

The company keenly captured Ariel's expression changes and small movements.

She stared at Ariel from the corner of her eyes, ready to summon her ship at any time to prevent the Rubik's Cube energy robot girl from suddenly attacking and hurting Lin Lan.


Just as people in the conference hall were talking and discussing, a dull collision suddenly exploded, interrupting everyone's words.

The whole place fell silent for a moment.

Lin Lan clenched his right hand tightly into a fist and hammered it on the wooden table. The top of this wooden round table was even dented, forming a fist mark.

Several members of the discussion group sitting next to Lin Lan couldn't help but gasp when they saw this scene.

You know, the material of this heavy wooden table is extremely hard, even as strong as metal, and it is extremely laborious to process.

But a wooden table made of such material was actually hit with a fist mark by a human's bare hands.

How powerful is this?

Everyone, it seems that you have already answered my first question, so it's my turn to ask the second question.

Lin Lan glanced at the discussion group members in the conference hall, his expression did not change at all, and he said in a deep voice:

My second question is very simple. Please tell me what the heart is.

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