Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 425 The Heart of the Omnic (Part 2) 2800 words

What is...heart?

Lin Lan had already explained what the heart he was referring to before. The second question he asked at this time made all the discussion group members in the conference hall stunned.

Hahaha, Dr. Lin Lan, didn't you just tell us that the heart is just thoughts, feelings and spirit...

He Ce on the podium was about to answer with a smile, but he suddenly realized something, and the words in his mouth were stuck here.

The other discussion group members also instinctively wanted to answer, but they all realized what the answer meant.

All the participants in the conference hall looked at each other and realized an extremely critical issue.

If they want to answer this question, and the heart is thought, emotion, soul and life, then there is absolutely no way to avoid the first question raised by Lin Lan.

The third generation robot, are you interested?

For a moment, the conference hall fell into strange silence again, and no one could answer Lin Lan.

Seeing this scene, Enterprise, who was sitting on the chair, raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

The commander is really cunning.

This topic is actually unanswerable.

If you want to answer what is the heart, you cannot avoid citing the definition of heart that humans have for themselves.

And if you apply it to the Rubik's Cube energy robot, everything can be applied.

The essence of the Rubik's Cube Energy Robot is actually very different from that of the Ship Girls. They are both made using the Mind Rubik's Cube.

This has led to the fact that the Rubik's Cube energy robot is more inclined to life forms than omnipotent AI, and its emotions are richer.

He Ce, who was standing on the stage, looked at Lin Lan. After a while, he finally thought of how to refute Lin Lan's question:

Dr. Lin Lan, although they can also communicate with us and respond to our commands, everything they have is based on the emotional simulation system and learning program.

How can they be as free as the hearts that only intelligent beings like humans have when they are constrained by these program codes?

He Ce's answer made everyone in the conference hall focus on Lin Lan once again, waiting for Lin Lan to give the answer.

Ariel couldn't help but raise her head and look at Lin Lan's back with expectant eyes, as if a person in despair had seen the ray of light that brought hope.

He Ce is right.

Although those third-generation robots who can cry, laugh, be sad and happy like them are almost harmless to humans.

But all this is set innately from the programs and codes written.

The thinking of doing things with optimal efficiency and not violating the obedience of the program code are the principles that have been engraved into the code since the robot was created.

How can such a rigid robot violate the program code that has been set to restrict its actions and be as free as the human heart?

Faced with He Ce's doubts, Lin Lan sneered softly, pointed at the Oran man closest to him and said:

That's a good question, so can you shoot him now?


Lin Lan's words not only stunned He Ce, but also the discussion group member he pointed at was too stunned to react.

I said, can you shoot him now and kill him?

Lin Lan stared at He Ce with cold eyes and repeated again.

This, this is illegal, how could I kill someone...

When He Ce answered with cold sweat on his forehead, everyone in the conference hall suddenly realized, with surprised expressions on their faces.

Lin Lan glanced around the crowd with satisfaction and showed a sneer:

It seems that everyone has understood that even us so-called free-hearted humans are not completely free.

Since even we ourselves cannot achieve complete freedom, there are laws and morals that restrict us, and violators will be punished and condemned.

Then what qualifications do we have to instruct a robot that strictly abides by the program code?

What's more, these program codes are also set by us.

As the words fell, Lin Lan suddenly turned sideways, allowing Ariel, who was standing behind him, to stand in the bright light where he was.

Ariel, who was suddenly being watched by everyone, had a look of confusion on her face. She didn't expect that Lin Lan would suddenly have everyone watching her.

As for the rigid efficiency-oriented thinking of robots, there happens to be one of my third-generation robot assistants here, and we can let her confirm whether our stereotype is correct.

After Lin Lan stood beside the white-haired robot girl and finished speaking, he looked into the dazed Ariel's blue mechanical eyes. A gentle smile appeared on his originally cold face, and he asked loudly:

Ariel, please answer me. If one day you get an urgent combat mission from me and you want to complete it, you have the following two options.

The first option is to kill a large number of innocent humans, but you can greatly improve the efficiency of completing the task, and even complete the task I assigned you ahead of schedule.

The second option is not to kill anyone, but you risk serious damage and the emergency combat mission has a high chance of failure.

Tell me which option you would pursue.

Hearing Lin Lan's question, Ariel still looked confused, but as if instinctively, she immediately answered without thinking:

Killing innocent citizens goes against the core principles of third-generation robots. AL-2 should give priority to protecting all citizens, including the teacher. AL-2 should implement the second option given by the teacher.

Ariel's voice was not loud, but it was enough for everyone in the entire conference hall to hear clearly.

Snap, snap, snap!

The next second, a member of the discussion group sitting on the chair stood up spontaneously, with great respect on his face, and clapped his hands and applauded Lin Lan.

As if it was a chain reaction, every Oran man sitting in front of the round table stood up one after another and looked at Lin Lan with the same admiration and applauded.

In just an instant, all the discussion group members in the entire conference hall joined in the spontaneous applause, and the applause resounded throughout the entire conference hall, like bursts of thunder.

Even He Ce, who was standing on the podium, breathed a sigh of relief as if he had let go of a huge stone in his heart. He showed an expression of admiration to Lin Lan and clapped his hands and applauded him sincerely.

The third-generation robot brought by Lin Lan has made all the members of the discussion group understand one thing through this test.

That is, as long as robot technology develops to a certain extent, robots will not only rigidly adhere to the idea of ​​efficiency first.

They are not tools, they are not cold machines, and their citizenship rights are deserved.

Dr. Lin Lan and his assistant announced this conclusion to the entire Utopia:

That is the Rubik's Cube energy robots. Like the humans who created them, they have what only intelligent beings can have -


Dr. Lin Lan, and colleagues, I choose to abandon the conference topic I proposed.

Now that the third-generation robot has been confirmed by Dr. Lin Lan as an omnic with a heart, my theme is no longer applicable to them, these utopian omnic citizens like us.

As He Ce's words with a relaxed tone fell, the bright lights of the conference hall were lit at the same time.

The gradually stopping applause of the discussion group members also grew louder again, even more intense than before.

Because this means that He Ze has given up on the upcoming voting process, and it also means that the No. 26 meeting, which was broadcast live for all Utopia citizens and changed the future of Utopia, has officially come to an end.

After all the members of the Oran discussion group present gradually stopped applauding, they did not leave. Instead, they spontaneously started a new round of discussions.

Now that the third-generation robots have been proven to have hearts, should we establish laws to protect them from harm?

Yes, although it seems that no one has harmed them in Utopia, but as Dr. Lin Lan said, we should all add this to the law.

Let's invest the recycling department's budget into opening a third-generation robot maintenance industry, or we may also consider whether omnics will need nursing homes.

We have to wait until Dr. Lin Lan gets the test results to make a decision, hahaha.

Looking at the discussion group members who were discussing with great enthusiasm as if they were opening the door to a new world, Lin Lan also showed a wry smile.

Although this is a virtual world, if it were reality, this meeting would involve the interests of countless people and collectives, and it would never end so easily.

But in fact, this should have been the status that the Rubik's Cube energy robot should have in Oran. Even if it is not now, it will definitely be achieved in the future.

The Rubik's Cube energy robot is just like those chess pieces of the Navy Department. Sooner or later, it will be accepted by the Oran people.

But when Lin Lan returned his gaze to Ariel beside him, he found that the slender robot girl lowered her head and was shaking all over.

The Rubik's Cube energy robot girl covered her face with her hands.

she cried.

Commander, did you notice just now?

At this time, Enterprise, who stood up, took advantage of the discussion of people around him and whispered to Lin Lan through the communicator:

When this Rubik's Cube energy robot just answered your question, it claimed that it was not Ariel, but AL-2.

Commander, is this her model number?

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