After hearing what the company said, Lin Lan suddenly realized the problem and looked doubtfully at Ariel, who was hiding her face and crying.

Indeed, as the company said, when Ariel answered his question just now, she called herself AL-2, and he heard it clearly.

Teacher, teacher... I did something wrong, I'm sorry...

Obviously, there are still human beings like teachers... AL-2 was wrong, AL-2 thought wrong...

Ariel spoke intermittently with a heart-wrenching cry, causing Lin Lan and Enterprise to look at each other with a look of astonishment on their faces.

No matter what AL-2 means, the true identity of this Rubik's Cube energy robot girl is self-evident at this time.

She is the host will of the Rubik's Cube energy robot!

But just as Lin Lan was about to comfort the crying Ariel and persuade her to release all the consciousness of the Oran people, he suddenly discovered that the entire space in the conference hall began to twitch and twist.

It was like a TV channel with poor contact. Except for him, the company, and Ariel who suddenly raised her head with a frightened expression, everything around her changed with the space. The figures of the Oran people became blurred and gradually dissipated. .

Lin Lan was shocked by this extremely strange sudden change. As soon as he held Enterprise back, Helena's anxious voice came from his and Enterprise's minds at the same time:

Oh no, Commander! The system of the Rubik's Cube Energy Robot host was suddenly invaded by an unknown higher authority, and the entire host's mental Rubik's Cube network was controlled by it, causing unstoppable changes!

Enterprise, please take the commander and escape to the edge of the virtual world. Now the system of the Rubik's Cube energy robot host has been completely changed. I cannot withdraw your consciousness immediately. Then, the unknown higher authority will enter soon. The core of the virtual world...

Helena's voice was cut off abruptly before she could finish speaking.

Lin Lan understood what happened before he finished listening to Helena's words.

The host of the Rubik's Cube Energy Robot was probably directly taken over by Siren.

The reason why he is so sure is simple.

At this time, the scene around him and the company had completely changed, turning into an endless deep blue sea.

The sky is no longer a sunny blue sky, but a cold space reflected by countless beating dark blue data codes.

A huge, pitch-black tower towering into the sky stood on the dark blue sea hundreds of meters in front of him and the company.

And at the top of this tower, a huge blue ball of light like the sun is constantly absorbing and emitting the dark blue codes that make up this world.

He and Enterprise, who had deployed their ship equipment and were standing on the sea with a mechanical longbow in hand, were surrounded by hundreds of Siren III executioners.

These ships are equipped with terrifying Type III Executors covered with dark purple dazzling patterns. In addition to Explorers, Trackers and Ocean Leaders, there are even seven or eight Type III battleship Breakers and Aircraft Carrier Players!

Purple energy that jumped like thunder and lightning emitted from this huge fleet of Type III Executors, making people shudder just by looking at it.

However, neither Lin Lan nor Enterprise focused their attention on the Type III Executor fleet that surrounded them.

The two of them were all focused on the man with golden eyes in white robes, who was sitting on a huge jet-black deep water bug ship at the front of the Executor fleet, surrounded by a blue energy shield, looking down at them indifferently. Attracted to white-haired girls.

Advanced Siren of Experimental Institution - Constructor.

Ah... you... you... how...

Ariel was sitting on the sea behind Lin Lan, looking up at the builder. Uncontrollable fear had filled the face of the girl who was the host of the Rubik's Cube energy robot.

But before Ariel could finish her words, a blue tentacle suddenly sprang out from the sea and directly wrapped Ariel up and dragged her into the seabed.


All this happened in the blink of an eye. Before Lin Lan and the company could even stop the tentacle, Ariel had completely disappeared from their sight.

Lin Lan wanted to try to dive directly to the bottom of the sea, but for some reason, the sea surface here was like the ground, making it impossible for him to enter the sea water.

Damn it, it's so close that Ariel can release the consciousness of those Oran people back to the real world!

He hammered hard on the hard sea surface, and after confirming that it could not penetrate the sea surface, he stood up in annoyance and looked at the indifferent senior siren girl in front of him.

This isn't his first time dealing with builders.

He had already seen this builder with short white hair during the shipwreck when he went to the Western Continent.

Later, when he returned to the Xinyang artificial island, the other party personally led the Siren fleet to encircle and suppress him and the White Eagle girls.

If he hadn't come up with a quick idea at that time, I'm afraid the group would have been destroyed by this builder.

At this time, only the enterprise was left around him, and in addition to the builders, there were also a large number of Type III executors. The combat power between the enemy and ourselves was extremely disparate.

Under this situation, he could only hope that Helena outside could withdraw his consciousness from the company as soon as possible, and then enter Hengyue City to settle accounts with the builder.

The data recording is completed and has been uploaded to the Antix network. It is confirmed that sufficient variables have been generated in experiment number AL-01-3 and emergency experiment number AL-2, and the result data has been logged in.

Two intruders were found in the conscious world of AL-2...the identities have been confirmed. Just as the calculated results show, you will indeed connect to AL-2's conscious world in person.

On the builder's fair and delicate face, the pair of golden pupils were staring at Lin Lan intently, and he spoke calmly in a cold voice.

It's like narrating something unexpected.

It was only then that Lin Lan and the company finally understood what Ariel's self-proclaimed AL-2 meant.

This is not Ariel's model number, but the Siren's experimental number.

Enterprise stood on the sea in front of Lin Lan, with the long bow in his hand drawn, pointing the arrow tip straight at the builder, without any fear on his face.

When she was facing the builder with her bow, she also encouraged Lin Lan in a low voice:

Commander, no matter what happens, I will do my best to delay time for you!

But before the company could say anything, their bodies began to become unreal.

When Lin Lan saw this change happening to him and the company, he immediately felt happy.

This is Helena withdrawing their consciousness!

Seeing this scene happen to the two people in front of her, the builder's expression immediately changed, as if she was recalling something from the past that made her unhappy.

This is such a familiar hacking style... No, it's not her...

Saying this, the builder had no intention of stopping the two from leaving, as if he was ready to let the two intruders in front of him leave.

Just when Lin Lan saw that his and the company's figures were almost transparent and about to disappear, suddenly, something unexpected happened to him.

Commander! Be careful!

The urgent voice of the company suddenly sounded in Lin Lan's ears.

And when he heard the reminder from the company, when he looked back, he felt as if his body had been hit hard, and he was knocked down directly by a slender black shadow and pinned to the sea.

And his body also changed from illusion back to reality, and the withdrawal of consciousness was directly interrupted.

Lin Lan, who was in pain, quickly saw who was attacking him and pushing him to the surface of the sea, and a wry smile appeared on his lips.

A girl with long dark blue hair and golden eyes, with a sturdy dark blue ship suit spread out on both sides of her body, wearing a dark dark steel plate armor, and black and red steel fists on her hands, looked down at him with a smile.

It was none other than the Arbitration Organization girl whom he had raped before - Agent VIII.

No, you are too vindictive. Didn't I just touch your head and face? And I asked you to fish, why are you still so hardworking...

Seeing the smiling expression of the agent girl, Lin Lan couldn't help but spoke bitterly.

If he had known that this agent was so vengeful, he would not have owed anything before.

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