Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 44: The Iron-Blooded Accompanying Fleet (Additional update, 3,000 words)

Just as Zhao Rui and Sun Dewang were desperately waiting for death above their heads, suddenly, a deafening explosion came from behind Leviathan.

From that ugly sharp-toothed mouth, an indescribable low and mournful sound came out, as if it could pierce a person's eardrum.

The Leviathan, which had been unscathed by Zhao Rui's main guns and carrier-based aircraft, and remained indifferent, suddenly retracted its tentacles tremblingly, as if in great pain.

It was only then that a burst of gunfire came from the distance.

Before the two of them could recover, another series of violent explosions sounded, and a golden stream of cannonballs like a curtain of light came like raindrops, blasting Leviathan's huge body to pieces.

A large amount of dark green blood and flesh splashed from the monster's body, dyeing the ocean a light green.

Leviathan's huge body slowly turned around, trying to use its tentacles to block the incoming shells, but what greeted it was a group of bombers swooping down from the sky.

The indescribable screams were masked by the superimposed explosions, and the smoke from the intensive saturation bombing even directly surrounded Leviathan's body.

Several tentacles were waving wildly in the air, but under the exquisite control of the carrier-based aircraft controller, not even one was hit.

After a round of bombing by the bombers, Leviathan, which had no intact skin left, made an action that no one expected.

It retracted all its tentacles into the sea, and then - its body sank rapidly, sinking to the bottom of the sea in just a few seconds.

It was like a wild dog that had been beaten severely and ran away with its tail between its legs. the power of the ship girl of your naval command? How much strength does your navy have hidden? Isn't this so damn handsome?

Sun Dewang looked at the Leviathan that had completely submerged into the sea and disappeared, and then looked at the group of black bombers in the sky leaving in the distance.

After narrowly escaping from death, he realized that his pants were actually wet.

But Zhao Rui faced him with a confused and confused expression, opened his mouth and said something, but there was no sound at all.

Sun Dewang immediately realized that the two of them had been temporarily deafened by the series of violent shelling and bombings.


Hey, that dirty thing escaped before the torpedo crew reached the best release point. If the wolf pack is here, it will never come back.

On the sea about thirty kilometers away from the direction where Leviathan disappeared, three black iron-blooded mass-produced transport ships were advancing slowly.

At the edge of the deck of the transport ship at the front, a savage Lin Lan stood on his shoulder. He used his binoculars to watch the Leviathan figure slowly disappearing in the distance and breathed a sigh of relief.

On the sea in front of him, three ship girls with their ships deployed were finishing the battle.

The person who just spoke was none other than the famous iron-blooded regular aircraft carrier, the Graf Zeppelin, who was tall and had long curly white hair.

The huge mechanical dragon ship was installed next to her and continuously recovered the bombing groups that flew back and landed into her body.

It is still difficult to kill a monster of that size directly with bombers alone. Senior Zeppelin does not need to blame himself.

The short red-haired ship girl wearing a black and white skirt uniform and black boots also used the ship uniform to collect the returning bomber team and said.

Weser, originally a Hipper-class heavy cruiser No. 4, was later converted into a light aircraft carrier.

Hu Teng stood on the sea, gently stroking his ship's dragon after firing its main gun, silently looking at the direction where Leviathan disappeared in the distance, seeming to be thinking about something in his heart.

Zeppelin had a very unhappy expression on her face. In her opinion, the monster should have been completely blown to pieces.

She also wanted to keep this extremely ugly monster head as a collection for her future dormitory.

As soon as Lin Lan put down the telescope, the voice of an arrogant and iron-blooded girl came from beside him:

Hey, servant, don't just look at yourself, give me the telescope to take a look at too!

Lin Lan looked helplessly at the girl who spoke.

Wearing a military cap, a black windbreaker and high-heeled military boots, his long black hair has a touch of red highlights and a touch of long white hair at the front.

The short girl with blue eyes saw that he was in a daze and snatched the binoculars from his hand.

A bellicose smile appeared on her face, and she looked through the telescope in the direction of the shelling:

Not bad results. I think this round of attacks will make that sea beast never dare to appear in Iron Blood's sight again in this life.

Lin Lan never expected that this girl De Zhi would also come with her.

Deutschland-class armored ship A, Deutschland, she was the first armored ship of the Iron Blood, so she was given this special name.

In the game, she and her sister Graf Spee are both classified as heavy cruisers.

And because although they are heavy cruisers, they are equipped with main guns that exceed the heavy cruiser level, they have a unique name.

Pocket battleship.

This is reflected in her and Spee's abilities in the game, both of which deal extra damage to all destroyers and cruisers.

What troubled Lin Lan the most was that this girl, because of the specialness of her name, always thought of herself as an iron-blooded princess.

Although she was renamed Lützow after the war broke out in history, she also served as the Lützow for a period of time after the ship was salvaged and captured by the Northern Alliance.

But now she still calls herself Deutsch, and in the game's personal plot, with the help of Lin Lan, she untied the knot of her past as a member of the Northern Alliance.

Although Lin Lan had long known about the character of Deutsch No. 1, but when he really faced her, he realized how bad it was.

Forget it, you call me a servant, I call you the German wife.

We each discuss our own affairs and it doesn't matter.

Sister, don't steal the commander's things.

A girl with short silver hair and a red highlight, with blue eyes and a red gothic dress, hides half of her face in a black and red scarf.

Both of her hands were equipped with huge red steel claws, indicating her identity - Germany's sister, Count Spee.

Seeing Dezhi snatching the telescope from Lin Lan's hand, Sipe said weakly to her sister.

Lin Lan's originally helpless heart towards Germany suddenly felt healed.

He is indeed the little angel of Spey.

He couldn't help but think about why the personalities of Deutsch and her sister were so different, both being Deutsch class.

Hehehe, what's wrong with the master taking the servant's things?

Dezhi laughed arrogantly and looked at Lin Lan:

Wasting oil and ammunition to save those inferior creatures, what are you planning, what bad ideas are you planning, tell me quickly!

Lin Lan sighed deeply and rubbed his temples.

After he got up in the morning, he met with the accompanying fleet at the Iron Blood Fortress dock under the leadership of Z23.

The accompanying ship girls include the following people:

The battleship Hutten, the regular aircraft carrier Graf Zeppelin, the large cruiser (supercruiser, CB) Egil, the heavy patrol Deutschland, and the heavy patrol Graf Spee.

Light cruiser Emden, light cruiser Mainz, destroyer Z23, destroyer Z46.

If he hadn't known that he was going to take office, Lin Lan would have thought that he was preparing to go to the port to carry out a robbery.

Although they were all old faces, Lin Lan hugged them one by one and said goodbye to Bismarck and Frederick who were seeing them off.

After the port area is completed, other Predator girls will move in in batches, so this short separation is not worthy of a grand send-off.

The three mass-produced transport ships basically carry oil and ammunition.

The way he left the Iron-Blooded Fortress shocked him greatly.

Those sea sculptures that he thought were decorations actually had the function of starting ship teleportation in the mirror sea.

Through the teleportation of those sculptures, it only took them a few seconds to reach the edge of the Iron-blooded Mirror Sea and leave the scope of the Iron-blooded Fortress.

Looking at Dezhi who was looking at him expectantly, Lin Lan stretched out his hand, performed the iconic head-butt kill, and patted the little iron-blooded princess's military cap.

I have my own plan, Deutsch, don't worry yet. If you are really bored, you can go back to the cabin and let Mainz and Emden make you a cup of coffee.

Lin Lan said this, but in his heart he kept thinking about why creatures like Leviathan appeared in the waters of the United States of Oran.

In the marine biology class at Hongye Naval Academy, he learned about this deep-sea monster that did not exist on Blue Star.

This kind of evil creature that only appears in fantasy novels actually exists in this world.

However, they all live at the bottom of the Great Trench, the deepest part of the territorial waters of the Saint Rosolon Teaching State across the ocean from the eastern continent of the United States of Oran.

In the history of this world, Leviathan has never appeared in the territorial waters of the United States of Oran.

Is this a coincidence or...

Lin Lan was halfway thinking when Dezhi bit him on the hand.

The head-touching kill was a huge failure.

Let me go, why are you biting me? Do you know that your teeth are sharp?

Looking at the neat tooth marks on his hand, although there was no bleeding, it still made him shake his hand in pain.

The coffee brewed by Mainz is so terrible. She doesn't even put sugar in her coffee. Didn't you want to murder your master by letting me drink it?

When Dezhi heard that Lin Lan actually asked her to go to Mainz to drink coffee, Dezhi hummed and stared at Lin Lan.

As we all know, Mainz only drinks the most original and authentic black coffee, without compromising on adding a piece of sugar or a drop of milk.

This extremely bitter and mellow black coffee is absolutely impossible for Germany, who loves sweets, to drink.

At this moment, a communication request came from Lin Lan's cell phone, which she had not used for several days.

Not caring about teaching Dezhi a lesson, he looked at the application on his phone with a smile on his lips.

His conclusion was correct, the fish took the bait.

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