Lin Lan originally planned to go to Dongyun City, the destination of his passenger ship, to purchase necessary daily necessities there before transferring to the port area.

Because his port area is relatively remote, in a suburb far away from Dongyun City.

Rivers in the Eastern Continent extend in all directions, and his port area is located at the estuary of the river that crosses Dongyun City.

If necessary, he was also prepared to report to the Navy Department in the city to get acquainted with the superiors of the Navy Department who would be collecting oil in the future.

But he was still half a day away from Dongyun City. Zeppelin's reconnaissance plane discovered the appearance of Leviathan and the attacked Tianou Group fleet.

Lin Lan has long heard that Tianou Group is close to the Ministry of Navy due to its own industrial needs, and often issues commissions to port commanders to earn extra money.

Therefore, after a brief discussion with Hu Teng, he decided to help.

Sell ​​favors to the other party, and once you have connections, subsequent cooperation will be much easier.

However, Lin Lan did not expect that there would be a big shot from Tianou Consortium in this fleet.

Excuse me...are you the adult who just helped me?

Mobile phones in the United States of America all have built-in functions for searching for surrounding signals.

After Lin Lan turned on his mobile phone, he was expecting the communication request from the other party.

Do you know how much ammunition I wasted? How did your Tianou Group provoke Leviathan here?

Lin Lan did not choose to answer the other party's question, but directly launched a question.

He actually doesn't care about the answer to this question, he just wants to know the other party's attitude.

...Sir, our Tianou Group will repay you for your life-saving kindness. We would like to express our gratitude to you personally. I wonder if you are willing to reward me.

Lin Lan was very satisfied with the unexpected understanding of the other party.

That's the good thing about dealing with smart people, it saves you a lot of money.

Then be prepared, I don't want to see too many people.

After saying that, Lin Lan hung up the communication directly.

He has learned one thing in his more than ten years of work, that is, it is better to talk less than to talk more.

Talking too much will only make yourself full of loopholes.

Hehehe, the tone of the servant's words is quite oppressive, not bad.

Dezhi grinned after listening to Lin Lan's communication.

This is how you deal with strangers. No one knows what the other person is thinking.

After Lin Lan finished speaking, after thinking for a moment, he asked Dezhi and Spey to wait here, and he returned to the mass-produced transport ship.

In the simple living room inside the ship, there is a strong aroma of coffee.

In addition to the two little destroyer girls Z23 and Z46 who stood up from the sofa when he came in, holding books in their hands, there were also three iron-blooded ship girls.

Commander, how is the battle situation? Do you need us to attack?

Wearing a white military uniform skirt and a black and red short cape, with a navy black sword hanging on her waist, the sassy silver-haired and blue-eyed woman put down the coffee cup in her hand, got up from the sofa and walked forward.

Her figure can be called perfect. The combination of white garters and black leg rings on her slender legs is enough to make any man unable to take his eyes away.

However, there was a serious and unsmiling expression on her face, revealing an aura of keeping strangers away.

The third phase of Iron Blood's scientific research cruise, the single recommender of black coffee - Mainz.

Historically, she was originally supposed to be designed and born as the fourth heavy cruiser of the Admiral Hipper class.

However, due to Tieshe's sincere compromise to the royal family, although she was designed to have the armor and displacement of a heavy cruiser, she was classified as a light cruiser because the main gun caliber design did not reach the heavy cruiser level.

After the rise of Iron Blood and the royal family being regarded as a target of war, this compromise was no longer necessary.

So the historically iron-blooded executives decided to scrap the Mainz design and instead build Weser and Tallinn.

Therefore, poor Mainz became an abandoned child before he was even born.

It was the linkage between the game official and the Minsk Shipyard that gave her the opportunity to be born as a ship girl.

And without players investing time and energy into her, she would never be able to come to this world and experience the beauty of the world.

No, Hu Teng and the others have already taken care of it.

Lin Lan looked at the serious Mainz in front of him and suddenly thought of something.

In the game, Mainz wore the same military uniform as now.

Due to the painter, Mainz was obviously a scientific research ship with excellent strength and appearance, but it did not have a single costume change until Lin Lan traveled through it.

Poor Mainz also received a (permanent) title among the player community:

The leader of the skinless group.

However, now that he has traveled through time, he naturally has to take away the title of Mainz.

Commander, do you need me to make you another cup of coffee?

When Mainz heard that there was no chance to appear, a hint of regret appeared on his face. He turned around, picked up the empty cup that Lin Lan had placed on the table, and asked him.

Looking at the poor group leader in front of him, Lin Lan secretly made up his mind.

When they arrived in Dongyun City, the first priority was to give her new clothes.

However, along the way, Lin Lan had already drank several cups of coffee brewed in Mainz.

Although the black coffee brewed in Mainz tastes very mellow, he couldn't resist drinking the coffee as water.

Just when Lin Lan was about to refuse, a lazy and gentle female voice came:

Mainz, please don't give the cute human-san too much coffee. No matter what you do, you need to be in moderation.

Lin Lan looked sideways.

The silver-white long-haired girl was lying on the red sofa, holding her lower neck with both hands, looking at him and Mainz with an elegant smile.

The girl was wearing a white iron-blooded military uniform and white stocking boots, and the tight-fitting clothes outlined her perfect figure.

Her left eye was blocked by the white rose eye ornaments, and her right eye was crystal clear. With her extremely delicate face and flawless white skin, she was so beautiful that she seemed to be out of this world.

Swan of the East, Dresden-class light cruiser No. 2, Emden.

Emden's movements reveal an extremely elegant and noble temperament. A strand of long white hair hangs down on the left side of his forehead, like a fairy who has descended into the world.

Emden is right, I've had several cups of coffee and I need to take it slow.

Lin Lan gave Emden a grateful look and patted Mainz on the shoulder to express comfort.

Then he looked at the silver-haired ship girl wearing a black cloak and looking out the window with her back to him, and said:

Egil, please release a mass-produced destroyer.


Egil doesn't want to talk to you.

Um, Egil, are you still angry?

Lin Lan reluctantly walked to Egil, who was looking out the window.

Wrapped in a cape and wearing an iron-blooded formal military uniform, the girl with silver hair and golden eyes and devil horns pouted her lips righteously.

Uh-huh, human-san, not every companion is as willing to change clothes as Emden is.

Emden gracefully covered his mouth on the sofa and laughed softly.

Lin Lan understood immediately what Emden was referring to.

Emden's original dress was a long white gauze dress like a dress, while Egil wore a one-piece tight black silk dress that exposed a large amount of skin.

There is no problem with this kind of clothing when living in the port area, the Iron-blooded Fortress, or fighting at sea, but it becomes a big problem when going out to meet outsiders.

Walking in this kind of dress on the street, I am afraid that anyone will be attracted to it and cannot move their eyes away.

Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, before departure, at the request of Lin Lan and Bismarck, Emden and Egil both changed into iron-blooded black and red military uniforms.

You actually asked me, the majestic God of the Deep Sea, to wear such popular clothes. How dare you ask me if I'm still angry?

Egil snorted angrily, crossed his arms across his chest, and continued to look at the sky outside the window.

This is going to be difficult.

But the person who tied the bell must untie it, and the girl he offended must be coaxed by himself.

Lin Lan could only use his almost zero love experience and the memory of the love game guide to think of countermeasures crazily.

At this time, Z23 next to him carefully pulled the corner of his clothes.

The cute little loli teacher Nimi pointed to Lin Lan's iron-blooded military uniform, made a gesture of shaking it off, and then made a gesture of carrying a bag.

After Lin Lan stayed for a second, he immediately understood what Z23 meant.

When you get to the city, you won't wear these clothes. I'll buy you new clothes.

Worthy of being my first secretary ship! I understand!

Egil, I haven't bought you new clothes for a long time since the maid outfit last time.

Lin Lan had a smile on his face.

The silver-haired girl with golden eyes trembled slightly and her eyes moved over.

I can't possibly let you all wear iron-blooded military uniforms all the time. When we get to Dongyun City, I will buy you several clothes. Buy whichever one you like.

Lin Lan said firmly.

Not only did Egil turn his head in surprise, Mainz, the group leader who was pouring coffee beans into the coffee machine, also immediately brightened up after hearing Lin Lan's words.

He didn't even react when he poured too many coffee beans into his hand.

Hahaha, it's rare that you have such intention. In that case, I will reluctantly wear these clothes for a while.

A smile finally appeared on Egil's face.

She waved the cloak in her hand valiantly and walked out of the boat.

Lin Lan quietly gave a thumbs up to Nimi, and Teacher Nimi gave Lin Lan a cute smile in return.

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