Meow... meow haha... this is the one given to me by Saratoga...

A drop of cold sweat fell down the cheek of the little profiteer who stole the car. While laughing, he cast a pitiful look at Lin Lan asking for help.

Seeing Akashi's appearance, Lin Lan smiled helplessly and said to Eldridge:

Forget it, let Akashi return the car later. Now everyone should get in the car first.

After all, Akashi took out this car to help him on his way. He couldn't possibly say that he was adding insult to injury.

But this profiteer is too stupid. He stole someone else's car and modified it at least. Taking it out intact is really discriminating against the intelligence of the White Eagle girls.

After hearing what Lin Lan said, Eldridge dissipated the electric light that had gathered.

Even so, many of the green hairs on the bright stone have been curled up by the electricity, looking very funny.

But after solving the problem of the source of the car, another key issue faced Lin Lan.

That means he doesn't know how to drive Oran's car.

When we were in the Western Continent, there was an old driver Sui Qiong who was responsible for driving. Although he had a car now, he really didn't know how to drive this Oran car.

Commander, our White Eagle's car is made based on the driving patterns of cars in the port area.

Seeing Lin Lan wearing a mask standing next to the driver's seat but not opening the door, the lovely Lafite seemed to see the reason for his hesitation and reminded him.

Hearing Lafite's words, Lin Lan suddenly remembered that when he saw Enterprise and New Jersey driving their cars on the artificial island, it seemed that they were indeed driving like Blue Star.

If this is the case, then he can show off his talents.

I can’t drive an Oran car, so why can’t I drive a Blue Star car?

So Lin Lan nodded to Lafite, opened the car door and sat in the driver's seat.

Sure enough, the car was equipped with the familiar accelerator and brake, which made him regain his confidence as a driver.

Lafite sat in the passenger seat, Akashi, Anchorage and Eldridge sat in the back seat. After fastening his seat belt, Lin Lan started the engine and drove towards the exit of the underground parking lot.

As soon as he drove out of the exit, Lin Lan saw a huge black tower appearing in his field of vision.

This giant tower, which was almost identical to the giant tower destroyed by the Burning Sky Divine Soldier in the virtual world, stood in the center of Hengyue City. The window of his ward just now faced the seaside, so he had not seen it until now.

But this huge tower of Rubik's Cube energy robot host is so conspicuous, it also saves him the process of asking for directions or checking navigation.

As the saying goes, all roads lead to Rome. Anyway, he has to go to the bottom of the giant tower. No matter which way he takes, it will be the same.

Driving on the streets where the snow had not yet melted away, Lin Lan discovered that many buildings in this Oran city were still relatively well preserved, much better than Hongye City.

But he wasn't surprised.

After all, this is where the main engine of the Rubik's Cube Energy Robot is located. Coupled with the previous suppression by the Siren Fleet, Hengyue City fell so quickly that the urban area suffered little damage.

Even though some shops were destroyed, many citizens spontaneously began to organize repair and cleaning work.

Presumably Hengyue City will be the city with the fastest reconstruction speed.

In addition, Lin Lan also saw many bulky second-generation robots being restarted by the citizens of Hengyue City and put into reconstruction work.

It can be seen that even after experiencing the omnic rebellion before, the Oran people still have not given up using robots in their daily life.

Facing the bright sunshine, Lin Lan and others arrived at the bottom of the giant tower of the Rubik's Cube energy robot host ten minutes later.

But to his surprise, the place seemed to have been blocked.

Several Admiralty chess girls and soldiers wearing Admiralty uniforms set up a yellow and black cordon around the giant tower to prevent people around from approaching the giant tower.

Lin Lan parked the car on the side of the road and asked Akashi to put the car back into the ship's storage space first, then led the four ship girls to the cordon.

Seeing their arrival, a Navy soldier came up with two chess girls and looked them up and down in confusion.

But for some reason, Lin Lan always felt that the appearance of this Navy soldier was very familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere.

When the soldier saw the ship girl next to Lin Lan clearly, a look of surprise appeared on his face, and he asked Lin Lan, who was wearing a fox mask, uncertainly:

Are you...Dr. Lin Lan?

Hearing this title, Lin Lan, whose memory had been blessed by the power of the brave, suddenly remembered where he had seen this soldier's face.

Previously at a Utopia meeting in the virtual world, the soldier seemed to be a participant sitting next to him.

Well, I'm Lin Lan, but I don't need the title doctor. It's not like we're still in Utopia.

After Lin Lan finished speaking, he saw the excited look on the soldier's face as if he was about to shout. He quickly made a silent gesture to him and whispered:

I still have something to do and I have to go into the giant tower to find my ship girl. Don't shout and expose my identity!

After hearing what he said, the soldier just reacted, nodded excitedly to him, turned around and said to the two chess girls:

This gentleman is an acquaintance of your commander. Please help lead the way and take them to meet the ship girls under the giant tower.

After hearing this, the two destroyer chess girls nodded expressionlessly to the Navy soldier.

They are all Feng Lei's shipmates, right? Is Feng Lei okay now?

Lin Lan asked Akashi and others behind him to enter the cordon range, and asked the Navy soldier.

The naval commander of Hengyue City was also the cousin of his friend Feng Tao, and Lin Lan was still worried about his current safety.

Yes, Lin Lanbo... Sir, they are all Lord Feng Lei's shipmates.

Master Feng Lei was rescued from the basement of the port area more than an hour ago. He handed over all the authority of the Hengyue City Navy Department to your ship girls. The security here was also set up at their request.

After learning that Feng Lei was fine, Lin Lan nodded with relief.

Hengyue City was originally one of the naval port areas where his White Eagle Ship girls provided military assistance. In addition, Feng Lei chose to seek help from New Jersey at that time, indicating that the other party had seen the broadcast and knew his current identity.

It's no wonder that once they were rescued, they confidently handed over their authority to the company and them.

After Lin Lan waved goodbye to the soldier who had met once in Utopia, the group followed the two chess girls to the bottom of the giant tower.

Looking up at this close distance, Lin Lan realized how majestic this black tower was.

Previously, due to a certain distance in the virtual world, he really didn't have the opportunity to take a closer look at the giant tower of the Rubik's Cube energy robot host.

After looking carefully for a while, Lin Lan quickly determined that this giant tower was indeed the work of Siren.

Whether it is the simple architectural style consistent with the Siren stronghold or the iconic black material, it all shows that it was made by Siren in order to expand the signal range of the Rubik's Cube energy robot host.

It's just that such a huge tower stands in the city center, and no one has noticed it before. Lin Lan really finds it difficult to understand.

In addition to him, Akashi, Anchorage, Eldridge, and Lafite also looked at the giant tower curiously.

They all also recognized that this giant tower was built by the sirens.

Although they had fought many battles with Sirens before and destroyed countless Siren strongholds, this was also the first time they had seen such a strange Siren facility.

Soon Lin Lan came to the bottom of the giant tower and saw his White Eagle Ship girls.

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