Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 436 Real-world host data tower

For some reason, the girls from the White Eagle ship did not enter the giant tower. Instead, they all watched at the bottom of the giant tower, as if they were discussing some issue.

Commander! Commander is awake!

Santiago was the first to notice their arrival. The silly red-haired girl shouted with joy, waved excitedly towards Lin Lan and ran towards him, throwing herself into his arms.

Lin Lan smiled and touched Santiago's head, which was rubbing him affectionately. At the same time, he took off his fox mask and threw it to Akashi beside him.

There is no one else here, so the mask no longer needs to be worn on the face.

Commander, it's great that you're okay.

Following Santiago's footsteps, Enterprise, Helena and others also gathered around, looking at Lin Lan happily.

Seeing that the company was safe and sound, Lin Lan smiled and said to everyone:

What can I do? The company is fine. I slept for so long just because I was sleepy.

When he heard what he said, Washington burst into laughter:

It seems that Commander has a good sleep quality. I carried you all the way last night, and you didn't even wake up due to the noise. You must have been infected by Nicholas and Lafite.

You are not allowed to say that about us~ha~m~

Regarding Washington's smear campaign, the white-haired little loli Nicholas, who was still holding a pillow in her hand, immediately pouted in dissatisfaction in protest.

However, her deeply sleepy tone and the big yawn that followed her words were obviously not convincing. Instead, Lin Lan picked her up with a smile and ravaged her pink little face.

Reunited with his beloved White Eagle girls again, even though it had only been one night, Lin Lan actually felt like he hadn't seen them for a long time.

Commander, we have heard what happened in the virtual world.

Helena looked at the gauze still wrapped around Lin Lan's head with some distress, apologized to him, and whispered:

I really didn't expect that Siren would suddenly forcefully invade the Rubik's Cube Energy Robot's host. The internal structure of the Rubik's Cube Energy Robot's host system is very similar to the Siren's host system information provided to us by Helena meta.

At that time, I thought that the virtual world was directly controlled by the sirens, so I misjudged and put you in danger. Commander, I'm sorry...

Hearing what Helena said, Lin Lan put down Nicholas in his arms with a smile, waved his hand and said to Haima in a relaxed tone:

There is nothing to apologize for. After all, who would have thought that the Rubik's Cube energy robot host is actually the Siren's experimental product. Rather, you have helped us a lot.

Seeing that Helena still looked puzzled, Lin Lan gently hugged the long-blue-haired patrol girl into his arms:

If we hadn't entered the virtual world with your help to repel the sirens, we would have definitely had to storm Hengyue City and fight the builders head-on. Maybe someone would be injured.

Look now, except for the skin that fell off my head, everyone is fine and the matter has been resolved satisfactorily. Isn't this all thanks to you?

Hearing what he said, Helena seemed to let go of the heavy burden in her heart, and hugged his back tightly with her backhand.

The company saw this scene from the side and said with a smile:

As expected, the commander has to take action to coax Helena. She has been feeling guilty all night. No matter how much we try to persuade her, it doesn't work.

Baltimore was also smiling and jokingly added:

That's right, Commander, you don't know. Helena kept talking about Commander last night if he couldn't wake up...

Oh, no, stop talking!

Being teased by her companions, Helena's face immediately turned red. She shyly let go of Lin Lan, covered her face and squatted down.

Seeing Haima like this, Lin Lan couldn't help but laugh out loud and joked:

Oh yes, Helena, you have to send the Reality Lens to Xinghai Laboratory for upgrading later. At least the high temperature problem must be solved, otherwise my head will suffer in the future.

Okay, okay...

After Helena heard what he said, she slowly stood up and responded as quietly as a mosquito buzzing, obviously feeling much better.

If the commander really didn't ask any questions, she would really feel guilty.

After chatting with other White Eagle ship girls for a while, Lin Lan finally looked at everyone and asked:

Akashi told me that you are going to enter this giant tower. Now that you are all outside, have you finished exploring it?

Um... Commander, to be precise, we haven't gone in yet.

Washington shrugged, pointed to the bottom of the giant tower and said to Lin Lan:

This core data tower of the Rubik's Cube energy robot host left by the Siren requires specific permissions to enter. We have just been waiting for the deciphering results of Helena and Ingrahan.

Lin Lan looked in the direction Washington pointed, and sure enough, he saw a computer with the code rapidly jumping on the screen at the entrance of the giant tower.

The entrance to the giant tower in front of the computer is a closed black metal door.

This huge door is surrounded by purple energy and lightning, and it doesn't look like it can be easily approached.

Lin Lan and his White Eagle Ship girls arrived at the perimeter of the energy electric light in front of the giant door. After studying for a long time with a frown, he looked at the company and asked:

Can't the defense measures at this entrance be forcibly destroyed?

We tried, but even the armor-piercing main guns of Washington and South Dakota couldn't destroy it with one shot. This should be the defense system deployed by the Sirens.

The company shook its head and said that they had already adopted this method.

South Dakota also added seriously:

Commander, these weird energies not only exist at the entrance, but once any other part of the giant tower is attacked, these energies will emerge immediately.

After hearing the words of the two White Eagle ship ladies, Lin Lan found that the problem was a bit difficult.

So Ingraham, how far is the code breaking now? How long will it take to open the entrance?

Lin Lan looked at the little girl with short maroon hair and glasses and asked. Since a forced breakthrough could not be achieved in a short time, he could only hope that the deciphering work could be completed as soon as possible.

Let me see.

Ingraham walked to the computer screen in two steps, pushed up her mature black-rimmed glasses, glanced at the progress bar and said to him:

Commander, if we continue to decipher it at this speed, it may take ten days. Well, if New Jersey and the others bring the Star Ocean supercomputer, the time should be shortened to two days.

After receiving this result, Lin Lan let out a long sigh.

After all, no one expected that they would carry out electronic deciphering work after leaving the artificial island. Ingraham and Helena only brought ordinary work computers with them at this time.

The professional equipment in the Xinghai Laboratory must be extremely efficient, but it is impossible for ship girls to carry those professional large computers with them at all times.

However, if he insisted on destroying this giant tower, Lin Lan felt that his ship girls could do it.

It's nothing more than wasting more ammunition and shells and grinding them slowly, and sooner or later they will be completely destroyed.

But such movement will definitely attract a large number of melon-eating citizens of Hengyue City to watch.

The most important thing is that if he really let the ship girls destroy the giant tower, Ariel would probably be sent away even if she was still alive.

So instead of taking the risk of denying Ariel, he chose to wait for New Jersey and Little Gaga to arrive with a large force, and then crack the defense measures of this giant tower.

Just when Lin Lan reluctantly accepted the result and was about to leave here with his ship girls and go to a restaurant in Hengyue City for a big meal, suddenly, something unexpected happened to everyone.

A faint blue beam of light was seen shining from the top of the giant tower against the bright morning sun, shrouding Lin Lan within it.

Protect the commander!

The arrival of this faint blue beam frightened all the White Eagle ship girls. Enterprise standing next to Lin Lan even stepped forward and grabbed him, fearing that something might happen to him.

But before Lin Lan could leave the range of the faint blue beam, an emotionless synthetic mechanical voice suddenly sounded from inside the giant tower:

Identity authority authentication passed, target identity confirmed, host system defense module - released.

As the voice fell, the purple energy lightning surrounding the entrance of the giant tower slowly dissipated in front of everyone's eyes, and the closed black metal door also made a low roar and slowly rose.

A metal passageway, glowing with faint blue electronic light, leading to the interior of the giant tower, appeared in front of Lin Lan and a group of ship girls.

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