Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 447 A bright future (3200 words)

Lin Lan has always believed that the saddest thing in the world is to watch someone you value pass away.

But now he feels that his idea should be updated.

The saddest thing in the world is to watch someone you care about die and then be told that they can be resurrected, but then be told that the rescue failed.

This twists and turns of mental changes almost made him faint on the spot.

He didn't mean to blame Ingrahan. This rigorous little loli just told him the truth, not to mention that it was actually good for him.

The long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain. Both he and his White Eagle girls have tried their best.

After gently touching Ingrahan's head, who seemed to have done something wrong, and expressing that he did not blame her, Lin Lan tiredly led the White Eagle girls out of the center of Hengyue City and headed towards the seaside. direction.

Commander, I contacted the Navy Department here again. After explaining the situation to them properly, they also agreed to send a car to pick us up and go to the dock.

After Enterprise returned the mobile phone in his pocket, he looked at Lin Lan who was walking at the front and said nothing, and said softly.

Well, thank you for your hard work, Enterprise.

Hearing the commander's tired voice, the company also understood that Lin Lan was indeed a little exhausted now.

The Commander has indeed experienced too many things since they arrived in Hongye City.

Perhaps after some sleep, Commander will feel better.

As for Lin Lan, he also understood that his current state was indeed a bit bad.

Just like the company thought, he just wanted to have a good sleep and adjust his mentality.

As an old man whose real age is almost over 30, he is not as fragile as the shipgirls think.

The deceased has passed away, but life still has to go on as usual.

Meow, Commander, if you really feel down, I have energy drinks here, meow.

When Akashi saw Lin Lan who was in a poor mental state, he stepped forward to sell the product at the right time.

But when Lin Lan heard the word energy drink, he suddenly shivered instinctively.

He was very exhausted from working at the construction site at Blue Star, so he relied on energy drinks to stay alive.

Even the reason why he traveled through time was because he returned to the project department after clearing the ashes and found that after finishing the functional drink in the dormitory, he went to the convenience store in the living area of ​​the construction site to buy functional drinks.

When the co-workers I met on the road saw him, they said he looked very bad, as if he was about to die suddenly, and asked him to take a rest.

So when Akashi asked him to drink an energy drink, Lin Lan was immediately frightened and stopped as if conditioned to a reflex, and hurriedly took out the mobile phone in his pocket and checked his face.

Fortunately, although there was a bit of exhaustion on his face, it was still far from the level of sudden death.

Huh, meow? Commander, have you figured it out, meow? I have black cattle and Xipeng special drink brought from the Western Continent...

Seeing Lin Lan stop, Akashi thought it was her great sales success that made the commander's heart flutter, and he happily introduced her types of functional drinks.

Without thinking, Lin Lan turned around with a slight twitch in his mouth, looked at the company and asked righteously:

Speaking of which, Enterprise, how often do you count the number of cars on the artificial island?

Huh? Oh, Commander, Shangri-La is responsible for these.

Seeing the commander suddenly asking this strange question, Enterprise was stunned and answered instinctively.

When Akashi heard the commander mention this issue, he was immediately trembling with fear. Even the green curly hair on his head stood up. He didn't dare to mention selling energy drinks anymore.

Seeing the little profiteer who was as frightened as himself, Lin Lan snorted proudly.

Although Akashi recommended the energy drink to him out of good intentions, it was an outright fact that he was frightened.

What's more, Akashi did something wrong after all in stealing the car. Even if he exposed Akashi on the spot now, he would not have a guilty conscience.

Commander, Senior Enterprise, did you just call me?

At this time, Shangri-La, the girl with glasses, heard the company calling her name, and came up from behind in confusion and asked.

Seeing that Shangri-La actually came after hearing the news, Akashi looked at Lin Lan with pitiful eyes, as if begging him not to expose it.

Of course, Lin Lan's original intention was just to scare Akashi, and did not intend to really let this little profiteer be punished.

As for Lafite, Eldridge and Anchorage who were on the side, they were all White Eagle ship girls who would not take the initiative to tell the truth unless he told them.

So Lin Lan looked at Shangri-La and said with a joking smile:

I just suddenly thought that when we return to the artificial island, if there are enough cars, we can go racing together at the racing track in the back mountain.

And I also want to see you in your racing girl outfits.

After hearing the first half of Lin Lan's words, Shangri-La, a serious Essex-level bespectacled girl, was slightly relieved and said that it was great that the commander could come out so soon.

But when she heard the second half of the words, her amber eyes immediately widened, and her face quickly became flushed.

After all, she is a dumpling-level good girl and has always regarded herself as a scholar.

For her, the hot and sexy racing girl costume was fine just for the commander, but it was still a little bit awkward to wear it in front of so many companions...

Hahaha, I'm just talking, just talking.

Seeing that in addition to Xiang Dumpling, whose face suddenly turned red with embarrassment, Washington and Georgia were also looking at him in surprise, Lin Lan quickly smiled and waved.

His goal has been achieved, at least he still needs to liven up the atmosphere before returning.

After all, he couldn't let his ship girls worry too much about him.

Next, walking on the empty streets of Hengyue City, Lin Lan chatted with the ship girls from time to time.

Soon, the bus that the company said was sent by the Hengyue City Navy Department to pick them up successfully joined them.

However, when the bus stopped, a young man who looked a bit like Feng Tao, who had a relationship with him in Lihu County. The young man wearing the uniform of the Navy Department couldn't wait to get out of the bus, with an excited look on his face. Arriving in front of Lin Lan.

Sir Lin Lan! I finally meet you!

Lin Lan was stunned for a moment, but he quickly realized that this enthusiastic naval commander should be Feng Lei, the port commander of Hengyue City and Feng Tao's cousin.

So he also showed a business smile, shook hands with Feng Lei and said a few greetings, then motioned for the White Eagle girls to get on the bus.

The Admiralty driver on the bus started the engine. As the bus drove towards the seaside, Lin Lan and Feng Lei sat in the front seat of the bus and chatted casually for a while.

Feng Tao's cousin was very enthusiastic and answered all his questions with great respect.

From Feng Lei's words, Lin Lan also learned how Hengyue City fell before.

Moreover, he also learned that after the fall of Hengyue City, none of Feng Lei's chess pieces died. Instead, after being severely injured by the Siren Executor, they were imprisoned by the Rubik's Cube energy robot.

Speaking of which, those third-generation robots are really strange. They caused such a huge rebellion, but they didn't kill a single person, and they all turned into light points and disappeared just now.

I don't know what means the Tianxing Consortium used to create such a strange robot.

Hearing Feng Lei's complaints about the Rubik's Cube energy robot, although Lin Lan felt uncomfortable, she still smiled and told Feng Lei that everything was over.

Afterwards, he also allowed Feng Lei to recycle and clean up the ruins of the giant tower, and also chatted about the new alliance.

Soon, the bus arrived at the Hengyue City seaside pier that was full of bomb craters and still empty.

After the bus stopped, Lin Lan watched the little profiteer and his White Eagle girls getting out of the car one after another. As if he suddenly remembered something, he gave Feng Lei the final instructions:

By the way, if you find relatively complete mechanical equipment from the ruins of the giant tower, you can keep it in the city's industrial museum as a souvenir.

For Oran, this can be considered a memorable event.

Hearing what he said, Feng Lei immediately patted his chest and readily agreed.

After all, the Lin Lan in front of him is very likely to be the future President of Oran. How could he refuse the other party's words?

Even without this status, Lin Lan was a great benefactor who helped his cousin make up for his regrets and saved his life.

He would not reject Lin Lan either emotionally or rationally.

Since Feng Lei had to go to the city to pick up the chess piece, the ship girl and the navy soldiers to return to the dock, Lin Lan said goodbye to Feng Lei in the car and got out of the car.

The bright winter sun that was approaching noon shone warmly on her body, making Lin Lan, who was already tired, feel even more sleepy.

But looking at the endless blue ocean, Lin Lan also felt that his originally depressed mood was a little better.

Commander, I have just informed Sarah that the situation here has been resolved, and they will be waiting for our return on the artificial island.

Enterprise, whose black trench coat and long silver hair were blown up by the slight sea breeze, walked up to Lin Lan with a smile and said.

Lin Lan nodded to the enterprise, looked at Akashi and the girls from the White Eagle ship who were looking at him, and showed a tired smile:

Everyone has worked hard to accompany me on this attack... Morrie, release the mass-produced destroyers and let's go home.

After hearing his words, all the girls on the White Eagle ship felt longing in their hearts.

Not long after we return to the artificial island this time, it will be Christmas.

Even the little profiteer Akashi, who had just escaped, rolled his eyes, as if he had found some new business opportunity.

As Mori released the White Eagle mass-produced destroyer from the ship's storage space to the sea beside the dock, Lin Lan and his ship girls boarded the ship one after another.

Lin Lan walked into the spacious cabin living room first. He originally planned to take a shower and then go directly to the bedroom to sleep.

But when he looked at the corner of the living room, where Akashi and Ingrahan's workbench had been, he suddenly stopped and his pupils shrank.

Not only him, but every White Eagle ship girl who walked into the cabin living room behind him, even the little profiteer Akashi and the little engineer Ingraham, were stunned on the spot when they saw the workbench in that corner. land.

For a moment, the entire cabin living room fell into a strange atmosphere of silence.

I, I really forgot about this...

Ingrahan covered his mouth in shock, and his trembling voice broke the atmosphere.

There was not much tidying up there, and there were some messy mechanical tools on the workbench table. At this time, there was a shell that had been disassembled, but all the internal parts and core were basically intact——

Rubik's Cube Energy Robot!

Previously at Hongye Naval Fortress, Lin Lan asked Ingrahan to study the captured Rubik's Cube energy robot!

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