Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 448: Washington who can’t tolerate spicy food (3,000 words)

After discovering that there was a Rubik's Cube energy robot on the mass-produced destroyer, Lin Lan didn't even bother taking a shower.

He and the White Eagle Ship girls soon sorted out their thoughts and figured out why this Rubik's Cube energy robot did not turn into a point of light and dissipate.

The ship's storage space for ship girls, also known as the cabin, is similar to a large independent space.

Although living creatures cannot be stored in the cabin, Ariel did not connect to the sub-individuals in the cabin when she sent energy to the entire Orlandon continent sub-individuals.

In this way, this Rubik's Cube energy robot that had been forgotten by everyone and was basically intact became an unexpected surprise for resurrecting Ariel.

As the mass-produced destroyer slowly left the port and headed towards the artificial island, Lin Lan also asked Akashi to bring out a bench for him. He eagerly sat on the workbench and watched Ingraham and Akashi working on the Rubik's Cube. Energy robots perform assembly inspections.

He forced himself not to open the champagne at halftime. After all, after what he had just experienced, he would not be able to completely relax unless Ariel really woke up.

However, he was not idle while waiting. He asked Anchorage and Eldridge to take out the gifts and food sent by the citizens of Hengyue City and put them on the dining table to share with the ship girls.

He had to admit that the citizens of Hengyue City sent him quite a lot of food, especially many of the specialty snacks from Hengyue City, which gave everyone a real treat.

In addition to being an industrial city, Hengyue City also has a wide variety of Olan specialty snacks.

This is also the reason why Lin Lan planned to take the ship girls to have a meal in Hengyue City.

Fortunately, although he didn't have a big meal in the city, the various delicacies sent to him by the citizens made up for this regret.

During lunch, Lin Lan also took out his mobile phone to read the news.

Sure enough, the blue light beams that fell in the sky in the morning and the collective disappearance of the Rubik's Cube energy robots became headlines.

There were various speculations in the comment area, but what he didn't expect was that the most mainstream theory was that he calmed down the omnic crisis.

Many Orans have testified that they met him and the Enterprise while they were imprisoned in the virtual world.

Even Jian Qianou and his teacher Ji Chenlin sent special messages, presumably because they wanted to get evidence from him on this matter.

The news under the headlines is about the establishment of the new alliance and the emergency mobilization decree in the new alliance's jurisdiction.

Thanks to the foundation laid by previous efforts in Saratoga and New Jersey, no Oran people froze to death or starved to death in this wave of unemployment caused by the Rubik's Cube energy robot.

This can be said to be the best of misfortunes.

And picking up a ready-made Jian Qianou perfectly demonstrated Lin Lan's meticulous administrative abilities.

As a local snake who has lived in Oran for hundreds of years, all the laws and regulations issued by this old guy are beneficial to the development of people's livelihood and material reserves, and even new job vacancies have been taken into consideration.

In addition, Ji Chenlin also called on the Navy to form a large transport fleet, mainly composed of ice-breaking cargo ships, and headed to the Western Continent, preparing to bring the excess supplies previously stored by Tianou Group back to the Eastern Continent.

Compared with the activity of the New Alliance, the top executives of the Tianxing Consortium and the Noah Deshin Consortium were unusually silent as if they had disappeared, and did not publish any sensational news.

But Lin Lan also understood that this was probably just the calm before the rainstorm.

How could the Siren allow the United States of Oran to completely escape control?

But at the moment, he only knows that Siren is most likely entrenched in the Tianxing Building in Huanyang City, but Huanyang City has not reported any abnormalities.

Therefore, Lin Lan planned to return to the artificial island to recuperate for a while, so that the new alliance could gain a foothold first.

When spring comes and the aftermath of the rebellion caused by the Rubik's Cube energy robot is completely gone, he plans to go to Huanyang City to see what kind of medicine is sold in Siren's gourd.

This slice of meat is too spicy. Wow, I feel like my mouth is on fire! Georgia, hurry up, give me some ice Coke!

At this time, Washington's loud voice came, attracting Lin Lan's attention.

He put down his phone and looked at it. It turned out that Washington had eaten a piece of Hengyue City's specialty spicy pork slices.

In the lunch box on the table in front of Washington, the meat slices were all dark red in color. Just by looking at them, he could imagine that their taste was definitely not simple.

I can't even eat the chili. It's really embarrassing.

Seeing Washington's face turn red from the heat and gulping down the ice-cold Coke handed to him by Georgia, South Dakota, who was sitting at the table opposite Washington, immediately started mocking him.

Although this steady, wheat-skinned battleship girl seldom speaks on weekdays, this does not mean that she will miss the opportunity to mock Washington.

This has become a daily conflict between the two of them, so much so that other White Eagle ship girls have become accustomed to it, eating and drinking as they should.

Upon hearing what South Dakota said about him, Washington immediately placed the Coke bottles on the table, stared at South Dakota angrily and sneered:

Oh? I heard you say that you are very good at spicy food, right?

It's hard to say that I'm very good at eating, but I'm just a little better than someone else.

In contrast to the grumpy Washington, South Dakota's expression is very calm and stable as always.

Then let's make a bet. If you can finish this box of meat slices in one go, I will let you ridicule me for three days without refuting. If you can't eat it, you will let me ridicule you for three days without refuting. Do you dare? ?”

The bet that Washington said loudly finally attracted the attention of the other White Eagle ship girls at the table. They all looked at the two to watch the excitement, and even the company did not stop them.

Although they were used to the two battleship girls bickering, it didn't mean that they were not interested in the bet between them.

It’s definitely the best thing to watch if it’s lively.

Boring...but not bad.

South Dakota saw that other companions, including the commander, were all attracted by the willful bet proposed by Washington, so he generously agreed to the bet.

She stood up and brought the dark red box of cold meat slices from in front of Washington to her seat.

Seeing this scene, although Lin Lan's expression did not change, he understood that this bet... Washington would definitely lose.

He didn't know if the two lovers had eaten together on weekdays, but he had watched the three South Dakota sisters and the Minneapolis sisters eat green peppers like cabbage when they had an outdoor barbecue at the York City villa that night. .

At that time, he also curiously picked up a roasted chili and took a bite, which almost brought tears and snot out of his nose.

Even the roasted green chili peppers were so terrifying, not to mention that they in South Dakota ate them raw, which was probably a lethal dose to him.

So Lin Lan stopped looking at her phone, put it in her pocket, moved her stool, turned around and faced the dining table, getting ready to see Washington deflate.

Eat quickly, the commander and everyone are watching.

The proposer of the bet, Washington, had no self-awareness at all, and encouraged South Dakota with a bad smile on his ruddy face.

She was ready for South Dakota jokes.

However, after South Dakota raised a piece of spicy pork to his mouth with a fork, he glanced at Washington one last time and asked in a calm tone:

Finally, Washington, it's still too late for you to regret it now, otherwise I'm worried you won't be able to accept the reality later.

Oh, I should be the one saying this to you. It's okay to bluff others with your sullen face, but it's impossible to bluff me.

The ship girl Indianapolis, who also had a wheat complexion, and Shangri-La, who liked to record people's hobbies and information, both sighed helplessly when they saw Washington being so stubborn.

Like Lin Lan, they all know how spicy South Dakota is.

However, South Dakota no longer wasted any time and put the meat on the fork directly into his mouth and chewed it carefully.

The first piece, the second piece...

Even later, when she pierced three or four spicy pork slices with a fork and ate them, her expression still didn't change at all.

Not even a drop of sweat appeared, as if he was eating an ordinary boiled pork slices.

Washington's expression also changed from a sneer, to stiffness, to shock as South Dakota was about to finish the meat in the box.

Hey, something's wrong, something's definitely wrong. South Dakota, please stop!

When only the two bottom slices stained with chili oil were left in the lunch box, Washington hurriedly stopped South Dakota.

What? You want to cheat?

South Dakota put down his fork, and his yellow eyes looked calmly at the silver-haired enemy in front of him whose face had changed drastically.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Lin Lan always felt that the corners of South Dakota's mouth seemed to be slightly raised on his always cold face.

South Dakota is definitely laughing!

Are you kidding? I won't lie! But I need to check the meat slices. I suspect this box of meat slices is just spicy on top!

After hearing what Washington said, Lin Lan finally understood why South Dakota showed such a slightly proud smile.

It seems that South Dakota already knew that Washington would inspect the meat at the end, and was just waiting for Washington to say so!

Then, you can come and eat the last two slices of meat and confirm it yourself.

Sure enough, South Dakota directly lifted the lunch box, extended his hand to Washington, and said calmly.

However, when Washington saw the lunch box handed over, he hesitated.

The way she was cooked just now made her instinctively fearful of this box of meat slices.

She actually didn't expect South Dakota to be able to finish such a spicy box of meat without changing her expression, and now she was already in a difficult position.

Seeing Washington like this, Lin Lan couldn't help but have the idea of ​​teasing this battleship sister.

So he coughed twice, looked at Washington who didn't dare to take the lunch box, and teased:

Washington, you proposed this bet. You also raised the question about the spiciness of the meat. It would be unfair to ask someone else to inspect the meat. To untie the bell, the person who tied the bell must be the one who tied the bell.

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