Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 450 It’s the Purge, that’s okay

Akagi asked Shimakaze if he wanted to travel far away?

Lin Lan, who was lying on Shinano's lap, couldn't help but be confused when he heard these words, and at the same time, he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

He certainly knows what kind of character Akagi is.

This extremely possessive Chongqing aircraft carrier fox girl, as the absolute main force in the First Air Battle, can be said to be the mainstay of the Chonging camp, and even served as the leader of the Chonging camp for a time.

However, the original Akagi was actually built and born as the second Amagi-class battlecruiser.

Both Akagi and Amagi, which were unfinished at the time, would be forced to transform into aircraft carriers due to treaty reasons.

Moreover, due to treaty restrictions, each camp can only have a maximum of two modified aircraft carriers. Even the White Eagle camp only has the Lexington sisters.

However, in the history of Blue Star, the sudden Great Kanto Earthquake severely damaged Amagi, the city that Akagi valued most, beyond repair.

With the arrival of this natural disaster, only Akagi and Kaga, who was a battleship at the time, were the only ones to complete the aircraft carrier transformation.

It is precisely because of this reason in the history of Blue Star that Tiancheng's body disappeared before it was completed. As a result, even if she became a ship girl, her body still carried innate illnesses.

Therefore, in the game plot Cang Hong's Memories, Amagi, who was originally the winner of the joint exercise and had enough strategy and strength to serve as the flagship of the Shige Sakura camp, voluntarily gave up the opportunity to transform his ship into an aircraft carrier.

Amagi gave this spot to Kaga and asked Kaga to protect Akagi for her, but she herself chose to face the same fate of being dismantled like Blue Star.

Later, Akagi's temperament changed drastically due to the death of Amagi. He grew from a little follower behind Amagi to a decisive and even paranoid leader of the Shigesakura camp.

Because he believed that this position should have been held by Amagi, Akagi wanted to burn out his life to open up a way for Shigesakura to reverse his destiny.

But the strong obsession with Amagi's death caused Akagi to almost make an irreparable mistake. He cooperated with the Siren and almost led himself and the entire Souzakura camp into the abyss.

Thinking of this, Lin Lan couldn't help but feel lucky that fortunately in his port area, Amagi had basically recovered to health.

With Amagi here, Akagi's obsession has been completely eliminated.

Well, Akagi probably won't do anything dangerous again.

Although thinking this way, Lin Lan still decided to take precautions.

Now that the nine islands in Liaozhou are also under siren blockade, there must be a siren experimental site in Liaozhou.

Rather than making any big noise in Akagi, he was more worried about whether the sirens in Liaozhou would take advantage of his absence to attack the Chongying camp.

Akagi, Shinano, you should keep an eye on her. You also know what her character is like. But have you ever encountered a high-level siren in Liaozhou?

Hearing what Lin Lan said, Shinano tilted his head slightly, thought for a moment and replied:

As far as I can remember, except for one battle with the Scavenger when we first arrived here, and after destroying its body, we have never encountered a high-level siren again.

Purge? Well, I'm worrying too much.

When Lin Lan heard the name Purge, most of the worries in his heart disappeared immediately, and there was even a smile on his face.

Not that he looked down on the Purge's strength.

Although this senior siren girl from the experimental agency is more of a combat type than the tester, her combat power is even comparable to that of the Purifier.

Especially the terrifying giant shark-mouth cannon behind the Cleaner, which can fire huge lasers that sweep across the battlefield. Coupled with the special ability that can affect the ship's sighting system, it should be a very difficult enemy.

But in fact, this purger is a girl with no scheming and an out-and-out chuunibyou!

How do you think the Purges are so good?

My name is the Purifier, carve my name into your soul, fear as much as you like, tremble as much as you like, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh--!

Lin Lan still remembers the lines the siren girl said when he first saw the Purge appear on the stage in the event Northern Prelude.

He almost died laughing in bed.

Then the scavenger was angered by the straight-ball Bei Lian little lolita Tashken, and was finally beaten up by the Bei Lian ship girls using fire coverage tactics.

Even when the Purge was destroyed, he did not forget to drop the famous line I will be back and sank with one hand raised high.

Therefore, compared to the cunning observers and testers, this Siren girl from the experimental agency really made it difficult for him to be too vigilant.

If the senior siren in charge of the experimental site in Liaozhou is a purger, with the wisdom of the Chongying ship girls, I'm afraid he really doesn't have to worry about it.

Thinking of this, Lin Lan couldn't help but think of the Purifier again.

It seems that the Purifiers are always stupid and can't afford to be hostile.

Hmm... Why do I always feel that the combat power responsibilities of the experimental organization are more or less not working well?

Is it possible that the high-level siren in the experimental agency is just like adding skill points in the game? After adding the points to combat, adding intelligence points is not enough?

But at this moment, Shinano seemed to notice something, looked at Lin Lan tenderly and said softly:

Commander, someone seems to be telling you to wake up in reality. Let's end this dream meeting here.

I am looking forward to meeting you in reality...

As Shinano's increasingly ethereal voice fell, Lin Lan found that everything around him began to become blurry.

Then Shinano, I'll leave it to you to take care of Akagi.

Lin Lan also understood that sleeping on the sofa in the cabin living room of the White Eagle mass-produced destroyer was just a nap.

Now that more than an hour has passed, it's time for someone to call him.

But seeing Shinano who was smiling and nodding at him about to disappear completely, Lin Lan suddenly remembered that he hadn't asked Shinano about his dream of returning to the original world.

By the way! Shinano, I have one more thing...

But unfortunately, before he finished speaking, Shinano and the dream he created completely disappeared, and he also fell into darkness.

Lin Lan smiled helplessly. It seemed that this matter could only be asked when he and Shinano met in a dream next time.

Anyway, there is always a chance.

He didn't wait long in the darkness when Akashi's joyful voice came to his ears:

Commander, wake up, meow, commander~

Soon, Lin Lan opened his eyes in a daze, and what appeared in his sight was the ceiling of the living room of the White Eagle mass-produced destroyer.

At this time, the orange sunset light outside the window shone through the glass and came in. Lin Lan soon realized that the passage of time in the dream was not consistent with the real world.

The total time he spent with Shinano was less than two hours, but looking at the beautiful sunset, at least three or four hours must have passed.

He felt refreshed after his sleep. As soon as Lin Lan was about to sit up, he found that he had been covered with a blue and white towel.

And the cute little profiteer Akashi was poking his kitten head from behind the sofa, looking down at him with a smile.

Yawn~ You may not believe it, but I just dreamed about Shinano.

Shinano-sama, nya? That's perfectly normal, nya. Shinano-sama often plays with us in our dreams, and he even conjures up countless red-tipped cats for me~

After Akashi heard him say that he dreamed of Shinano, he acted very calmly, as if it was a normal thing.

Lin Lan sat up from the sofa, patted her cheek gently to wake up, and asked Akashi:

Where are the others? Have you and Ingrahan finished checking the body of this Rubik's Cube energy robot?

Hehehe, Commander, look who that is, meow~

Akashi had a triumphant expression on his face, and instead of answering Lin Lan's question directly, he turned sideways.

Lin Lan turned to look at the workbench behind the sofa in confusion.

And this sight made him froze on the sofa.

Under the orange sunset outside the glass, Helena, Ingraham, and several other White Eagle girls gathered around the workbench.

On the wide and long metal workbench, which was surrounded by a group of White Eagle ship girls, connected to messy wires, and filled with parts and repair tools, sat a white man wearing a White Eagle sailor shirt, who was almost unharmed with the human girl. Long-haired robot girl.

At this time, the Rubik's Cube energy robot girl was looking at her body in confusion, as if she didn't understand why she was here.

And when she raised her head and saw Lin Lan sitting on the sofa staring blankly at this side, two crystal clear tears slowly rolled down her cheeks uncontrollably.

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