Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 451 Akagi’s “crazy” plan! (3200 words)

Liaozhou border, Xueying Island, Chongying camp stronghold.

On this island full of spring, the range of buildings full of cherry blossom style has become larger and larger.

After the hard work of the Chongying ship girls during this period, the Chongying stronghold has now reached the size of a small town, and many wooden houses and attics have been built.

Fields with crops and gardens with blooming flowers have also been reclaimed. With the joint efforts of Chongsakura Kanniang and Manju, everything here is so natural and beautiful.

It's just that in the Chongying stronghold at dusk, it seems a bit too peaceful.

The destroyer girls who usually chased each other around at this point, the cruiser girls who went hunting in the forest, and the battleships who chatted and laughed with each other were all missing.

There were only a few Manchus facing the setting sun, holding brooms in their hands, cleaning the dust on the deserted road.

At the edge of the stronghold, in a double-storey loft with a courtyard next to the river, Shinano, lying on a soft silk wooden bed, opened his eyes hazy.

She sat up lazily and stretched out her perfect body.

Commander...Lin Lan...

The white-furred fox girl, who was so beautiful that she seemed not to belong to this mortal world, softly murmured the name of her beloved and looked around the dim bedroom where she was illuminated by the afterglow of dusk through the curtains.

But she soon seemed to notice something and frowned in confusion.

Just as Shinano looked confused, there were footsteps on the attic floor outside the door, and then there was a gentle knock on the bedroom door.

Little Loli's weak questioning voice came from outside the door:

S-Shinano-sama, are you, are you awake?

It's Xia, I just woke up, don't be restrained, come in.

Shinano put on his clogs, stood up from the bed and revealed the identity of the little girl outside the door.

The wooden door was gently pushed open, and with the orange sunset light, this little loli with white hair and animal ears, who was wearing a blue and white kimono short skirt, covered her left eye with a blue flower knot, and was able to psychic, left. Come in.

She drooped the furry gray-tipped white animal ears on her head, with a grimace on her face, and carefully looked at Shinano who stood up and walked over.

I remember that on weekdays, when there is something important, Noshiro is the one who wakes me up... What happened? Why are many of my companions not in the stronghold?

Shinano slowly walked up to the timid little Loli, gently reached out to touch Kasumi's head, and asked softly.

Shinano-sama...the reason why Kamiko-sama asked Kasumi and Pupu to wake you up is because Akagi-sama today...

Akagi...Akagi? What happened to her?

When Shinano heard Kasumi saying that something happened to Akagi, most of his sleepiness disappeared.

This big fox aircraft carrier girl rarely interrupted other people's words, looked at Xia with a somewhat eager tone and asked.

She had just promised the commander in her dream to keep an eye on Akagi, wouldn't something go wrong so soon?

When Shinano asked this question, this little Lolita of Sakura's Destroyer Beast Ears looked like she was about to cry out of grievance, and continued pitifully:

Akagi-sama, she took 90% of the oil in the stronghold and nearly half of her companions. Without telling Kamiko-sama and senior Mikasa, she privately led a team to find the commander in the United States of Oran!

Xia and Pupu really want to go find the commander with them, but, but... wu, wu wu...

The extremely aggrieved Kasumi started sobbing like a child who was forced to give up looking for the commander at the end.

When he heard the news, even Shinano, who had always been calm and unchanging, felt his eyes darken.

Originally, the Chongying camp had not found a stable way to obtain oil since they came to Liaozhou.

And Akagi actually dared to take away nearly 90% of the oil of the entire Shige Sakura camp without telling flagship Nagato and senior Mikasa. Is this crazy?

Shinano guessed without thinking that Noshiro must have joined Akagi in this almost crazy expedition.

But these are not the point.

The most important thing is that the sea area between Liaozhou and the United States of Oran is blocked by a large number of siren fleets and strongholds.

It would be okay if they arrived at the United States of Oran successfully, but if they were intercepted by the Sirens and forced to come back, consuming so much oil, the entire Sakura fleet would be basically paralyzed!

Besides, even if Akagi really brings so many Sakura friends to Oran, what will she do?

The person beside the commander right now is not from another camp, but from White Eagle!

Is it possible that Akagi plans to re-enact the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor and forcefully abduct the commander from the White Eagle camp to Liaozhou? !

But now, even if she, Nagato and others wanted to chase Akagi and the others back, they couldn't.

With only 10% of the oil reserves, they can only garrison the stronghold. It is already a fantasy to catch up with Akagi and others.

But Shinano soon calmed down because she suddenly remembered something.

Akagi was so eager to find the commander, maybe not just because she missed the commander, but there was another important reason that she almost forgot.

But no matter what, Shinano also decided that he must inform Lin Lan of this matter as soon as possible so that the commander could prepare in advance.

No matter how difficult it is, we still have to support Akagi and the others.

Shinano had just made up her mind, but the next second, her body suddenly stiffened.

Because at this moment, she suddenly felt the connection between her and the commander's dream...

Cut off by a mysterious force!

In the tallest white Japanese style tower in the central area of ​​the Chongzakura stronghold, most of the Chongsakura ship girls who stayed in the stronghold gathered in the hall.

Nagato, the Son of God, who was guarded by Jiang Feng, looked bitterly at his companions in the hall who had their heads buried in shame and didn't know what to say.

After just asking, she already knew. In fact, most of Shige Sakura's companions had already known about Akagi's plan, but no one reported it to her.

Even the companions who are staying behind now actively choose to stay after learning that the oil reserves in the entire stronghold are not enough for everyone to go to the commander together.

Whenever Nagato's eyes glanced at them, they buried their heads lower in guilt.

And the reason why they didn't stop Akagi and chose to hide it all was because Akagi told them that he would definitely bring the commander back.

The cunning Akagi took advantage of everyone's love for the commander, which led to this situation.

Now that things have come to this, Nagato sighed deeply. She couldn't possibly criticize everyone.

Even she had a glimmer of expectation in her heart...

It would be great if Akagi could really bring the commander back.

On the top floor of this white Japanese-style tower, two mature Sakura girls were standing side by side by the railing, admiring the sunset that was about to set on the horizon.

One is a heroic battleship girl, Mikasa-senpai, wearing a dark brown heavy Sakura navy uniform and a white coat, straightening her back and holding a slender naval command sword.

Standing next to Mikasa, the gentle Sakura-chan girl with chestnut hair and purple eyes shook the dark brown furry animal ears on her head, and there was a hint of a successful smile on her extremely white face.

With a proud mind, she wore a black and red kimono and held a small open red umbrella in her hand.

The afterglow of the setting sun fell on her extremely fair skin caused by her illness, giving her a lovely Yamato Nadeshiko beauty.

She is none other than Akagi's sister, the Amagi-class battlecruiser 1st ship known as the Ghost Plan - Amagi.

The two Chongqing main ship girls just looked at the sunset quietly without saying a word to each other, as if they were admiring the natural scenery of the island.

After a long time, Mikasa slowly turned her head, looked at Amagi next to her, and said in a serious tone:

Lord Amagi, the reason why Akagi was able to hide Nagato and I, and even Lord Musashi was persuaded to join the expedition fleet, is actually because you planned it for her.

Hehehe... As expected of Senior Mikasa, he saw through it at a glance, cough, cough, cough, cough...!

After hearing Mikasa's question, Amagi admitted with a very calm smile.

But after she finished speaking, she suddenly covered her mouth with her sleeve and began to cough violently uncontrollably.

Mikasa's expression immediately changed, and she hurriedly stretched out her hand to support Amagi, and gently patted Amagi's back.

The solemn expression on her face turned into one of deep worry and realization.

Your health has deteriorated again... No wonder, no wonder, I should have thought of it...

Mikasa felt distressed and helped Amagi into the room on the top floor of the collapsed building, and gently helped Amagi sit on the tatami.

Yuki, the black-haired girl she had adopted before, was wearing a white kimono and obediently came from the room and served the two brewed scented tea.

Thank you... Yuki, please go outside for a walk first. Lord Amagi and I have some private matters to discuss.

After Mikasa took the tea cup with Amagi who had recovered from the violent cough, she said to the girl in a deep voice.

Okay Mikasa-sama, Amagi-sama, I'll take my leave now.

Yuki looked at the weak Amagi with great worry, bit her lower lip distressedly, and left the room.

After Yuki left, Mikasa did not have any scented tea in her hand. After placing the tea cup on the small wooden table on the tatami, she looked worriedly at Amagi who was sipping the tea with the tea cup in front of her, and asked again:

Lord Amagi, is your body deteriorating faster again?


Amagi did not answer Mikasa's question, but remained silent and savored the scented tea in the cup.

After a while in this depressing atmosphere, when all the scented tea in the cup was finished, Amagi slowly looked at Mikasa and said leisurely:

There is nothing wrong with my health, but...

As a sister, I can't just watch Akagi, Kaga, and their other friends miss the Lord day and night without doing anything.

But even though she said this, anyone with a discerning eye could see that her extremely weak demeanor did not look like there was anything wrong with her body.

Mikasa sighed deeply and did not point out Amagi's lies.

She understood that the reason why Akagi went to the United States of Oran so unexpectedly was not only because he missed the commander so much, but also because Amagi's body had deteriorated since the commander disappeared.

If it were not for these two reasons combined, the steady Master Musashi and so many companions would not all choose to hide it from her and Nagato.

Hiding it from them, everyone in Chongqing was afraid that they would worry about Amagi's health, so they had no choice but to support Akagi.

Cough, cough, cough, cough...!

There was another violent cough, and this time, Mikasa had already seen some deep red moisture on the inside of Amagi's wide red sleeves that avoided her sight.

The senior of the Chongying camp gritted his teeth and clenched his fists unconsciously.

It seems that Akagi must bring the commander back this time!

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