Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 453 The Siren Experiment Finally Revealed

Hearing Lin Lan ask Ariel's question, all the girls on the White Eagle ship were in high spirits.

Only then did they remember that Ariel had been cooperating with Siren before and must have known a lot of information about Siren.

But when Ariel heard what Lin Lan said, she showed a surprised expression:

The creator of Ariel...teacher, don't you know what they look like?

The teacher's identity when he first entered the virtual world was the one with the highest authority, higher than the authority of Ariel the Creator.

Although Ariel's words were not loud, Lin Lan was stunned for a moment.

The other White Eagle ship girls all turned their attention to him, wondering what was going on.

Lin Lan did remember that when he and the company entered the virtual world, his original position was changed due to permission reasons.

At that time, he wondered where he had such high authority.

Now that this issue has been officially raised by Ariel, it means that this is definitely not just a bug or coincidence.

But no matter what Lin Lan thought, he couldn't figure out where this authority came from.

After all, the Siren couldn't give him authority for no reason, right? Isn't this subsidizing the enemy?

Okay Ariel, can you now use the avatar generation function to show us the image of your creator?

Since Lin Lan couldn't figure out this problem, she decided to find out who created Ariel first.

In his opinion, this creator should be the builder as expected.

After all, when the builder was in the virtual world, he personally told Ariel in front of him about the core data tower of the virtual world that he helped Ariel construct.

Ariel's blue mechanical eyes flashed with light, and soon, a three-dimensional image of a petite lolita with short white hair, expressionless face, and golden eyes wearing a nightgown appeared in front of everyone.

Just as Lin Lan thought, he was the high-level siren builder of the experimental facility.

Teacher, this is one of Ariel's three creators.

After generating the image of the builder, Ariel continued to explain:

She calls herself the builder. She helped Ariel build the core data tower and utopia framework of the virtual world. Ariel's host core and sub-individuals were also designed by her.

This is Ariel's other creator.

Following Ariel's words, the three-dimensional image in front of Lin Lan and the ship girls changed, from the builder to another familiar face.

The cold golden-eyed lady with long white hair, wearing a sexy black tank top and short shorts - the tester.

She calls herself a tester and is responsible for providing Ariel with Rubik's Cube energy, recording Ariel's data, and guiding Ariel on how to get along with humans.

Hearing the words of the girl with the will of the Rubik's Cube energy robot host, Lin Lan looked at the image of the tester who was smiling sinisterly in front of him and frowned.

I have to admit that the tester is really the most insidious and cunning high-level siren in the experimental agency.

Like this time, they didn't even see a trace of the tester the whole time.

The culprit who caused Ariel to rebel against the United States of Oran, if Ariel hadn't revealed his identity, they would have been kept in the dark until the end.

The company rubbed its chin and speculated and analyzed:

The tester is a high-level siren of the experimental agency who is responsible for collecting variables. There is no way he is not in the experimental site.

Washington also took over the company's words and said in surprise:

Yes, that guy always appears at the end. This time she participated in the experiment. It's really strange that we didn't see her during the whole process.

Lin Lan thought about it carefully, and it seemed that as the company and Washington said, they did not see the tester during the whole process.

When he was in the Western Continent before, he did lead the Iron-Blooded Ship Girls to fight the testers once in Yalang City.

The testers at that time were attracted by the Siren Beacon, but he and Egil did indeed kill the general agent of Tomahawk Military Industry in Yalang City, which was regarded as sabotaging the experiment and causing the beacon to appear.

It didn't make sense that only the builder was in front of him and the company this time.

Perhaps the tester was transferred?

Experiments...the list of experiments carried out by the Creators in the United States of Oran, Ariel has recorded them in the Creator's system.

Just as Lin Lan was thinking about the reason why the tester didn't show up, Ariel suddenly spoke.

Oh? Ariel, you know the list of Sirens' experiments in the United States of Oran. Can you tell us about it?

Lin Lan looked at the robot girl in surprise when he heard that Ariel could provide such valuable information.

He honestly didn't expect Ariel to have so much information about the siren, which was really an unexpected surprise.

It would be great if we could find out what the Siren Experimental Agency is planning to do next.

Not only was he looking forward to it, but all the girls on the White Eagle ship also pricked up their ears.

The reason why the Siren is the most difficult enemy is that the Siren has control over intelligence and technological blockade.

It has always been very difficult to obtain information from the sirens.

Ariel maintained the three-dimensional image of the tester. After thinking for a moment, she slowly said to Lin Lan and the ship girls:

AL-06: Use Yuan Rubik's Cube to create Mecha Rubik's Cube life. Experimental result: Success. Note: The data is incomplete, and some data has been collected and uploaded.

AL-05: Insufficient search permissions, experiment has been cancelled.

AL-04: The SN Experimental Site modified deep-sea biological weapons and the AL Experimental Site released chess pieces for combat testing. Experimental results: Successful, the data has been uploaded.

AL-03: Test whether human desires in the experimental world can create technology to forcibly control the will of chess pieces. Experimental results: Failure due to uncontrollable interference, data upload has been completed.

Emergency experiment number AL-2: Original AL-01 sub-experiment number AL-01-3, testing whether intelligent robots can live in harmony with humans in the AL experimental site. Experiment results: in progress.

AL-01: The terminated atomic experiment number AL-01-2 was merged with the sub-experiment number AL-01-1 to test whether humans at the AL experimental site can study and utilize Rubik's Cube energy and Rubik's Cube technology. Experiment result: terminated.

After listening to what Ariel said about the six AL experiments, Lin Lan and the White Eagle Ship girls already understood that the number starting with AL should refer to the United States of Oran.

As for the modified deep-sea biological weapon at the SN Experimental Site, Lin Lan immediately thought of the mother of the Leviathan clan who was killed by Odin with a piercing thunder and contained the Yuan Rubik's Cube in her body.

In this case, the SN Experimental Site should refer to the Saint Rosolon Teaching State.

Before, he only suspected that Sirens also had experimental sites in other countries, but now it seems that there is no doubt about this.

Siren's ultimate goal in the United States of Oran is indeed what he thought, which is to transform this otherworldly country into a country similar to the original world that uses Rubik's Cube technology and Rubik's Cube energy.

And the priority of this experiment is still quite high.

This can be seen from the fact that the high-level sirens in Liaozhou are purifiers, while the United States of Oran has four high-level sirens in the experimental organization: observers, testers, purifiers and builders.

But what makes him wonder is why this AL-01 experiment has been terminated?

While in the virtual world, the builder personally uploaded the final data of the AL-2 experiment represented by Ariel, which shows that the experiment list data provided by Ariel was before that.

The Sirens have actually terminated the most important AL-01 experiment early, which is really incredible.

In addition, Lin Lan also discovered two doubts that worried him.

Before he escaped from the Siren Stronghold, he saw the Oran map logo on the screen inside the Siren Stronghold.

On the western continent there are four red crosses and a blue circle.

The person who created the Mecha Cube life form Yuan Rubik's Cube is undoubtedly Sui Qiong, a mecha girl born in Dongyun City, and the data from this experiment is indeed not complete, because Sui Qiong has been abducted by him.

The creation of technology to forcibly control the will of chess pieces should refer to the gray mist of the Tomahawk Military Industry agent in Yalang City who controlled the mutiny of the feces-fingered chess pieces and ship girls.

In addition to the mother Leviathan who was killed by Odin, there are already three crosses representing the failure of the experiment and a blue circle indicating the completion of the experiment.

So if Siren's remaining experiment in the Western Continent, AL-05, was correct, it should be Abbott, the commander of the Demon King's Army, who used the pseudonym Zhang Wei to sneak attack on him when he first came to Lihu County to take office.

But why is the Demon King's Eyeball Monster from Ancient Liao State recorded as having insufficient search permissions on the experiment list of the experimental institution?

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