Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 454 The mystery of the Demon King’s Army and the threat of the Arbiter (additional update)

Lin Lan carefully recalled the details of when he faced Abbott in the spiritual world.

This terrifying big-eyed monster originally wanted to devour and kill his soul, but it was directly melted by the dragon and phoenix exorcism charm brought by Akashi.

And when Abbott died, he also contained the Yuan Rubik's Cube in his body.

Lin Lan compared Abbott with the Leviathan Clan Mother and found that both in terms of strength and oppression, he was completely incomparable to the Clan Mother who mastered many kinds of magic.

After all, compared to the clan mother who caused huge trouble to the Iron-Blooded Ship Girls on the spot and finally found a way to kill him, this so-called leader of the Demon King's Army was more likely to be wiped out easily by the dragon and phoenix's exorcism charm.

Although this monster brought him the closest to death, at that time he had not yet awakened the power of the brave and was just an ordinary person.

Lin Lan really couldn't figure out what was so special about the commander of the Demon King's Army that he could be registered by the Siren Experimental Agency as having insufficient search authority.

This was the first suspicion he discovered.

The second doubt was the remaining purple skull he saw on the Eastern Continent on the screen of the Siren Stronghold.

There was no explanation for the purple skull in the list that Ariel gave them orally.

What does that purple skull mark mean?

These two doubts, coupled with the inexplicably terminated experiment AL-01 and his extremely high authority, the confusion in his heart did not decrease with the list of siren experiments provided by Ariel, but became more.

Teacher... Ariel also has a creator. Do you want to see more?

Just as he was deep in thought, Ariel said timidly.

Oh yes, what you just said is that you have three creators in total. Show us the remaining one.

Lin Lan then remembered that Ariel also had a creator.

However, Lin Lan, Ariel's remaining creator, and the other White Eagle ship girls didn't care too much.

Because since the first two creators were builders and testers, the last creator should also be the senior siren of the experimental agency.

Either the mysterious observer or the stupid purifier.

But as Ariel changed the three-dimensional image she projected, all the ship girls in the cabin living room, including Lin Lan, were shocked.

Cold golden eyes, long silver-grey hair, black dragon horns on both sides of his head, hot black skin covered with scars, and a pair of iconic blue mechanical arms.

Ariel’s last creator turned out to be not the senior siren of the Experimental Institution, but the Arbitrator Strenkus VIII of the Arbitration Institution!

Teacher, Ariel doesn't know her name... She used the technology of controlling gravity to build Ariel's core data tower in the real world, and moved it to the center of Hengyue City.

When Ariel finished speaking, Lin Lan and the White Eagle Ship girls finally understood how Ariel's core data tower suddenly landed in the center of Hengyue City.

Before, they all thought that there was a mirror sea in the center of Hengyue City, and that the giant tower was hidden in the mirror sea.

At the moment, it seems that they all guessed wrong.

Ariel's core data tower may indeed have been in the mirror sea before, but it was not in Hengyue City.

It was later with the help of Stelenkus, who could control gravity, that this giant tower reaching the sky was transported to Hengyue City!

No wonder, in the photos sent by New Jersey before, the agent VIII Determination belonging to Stelenkus was seen in the waters around Hengyue City.

Lin Lan and the company also looked at each other tacitly.

The reason why the agent girl they saw in the virtual world came here has now been perfectly answered.

The arbitration agency did not come to Hengyue City to track Helena meta, but the arbitration agency cooperated with the experimental agency!

Lin Lan shifted his gaze to the three-dimensional image of Strenkus with a cold and arrogant expression.

This heavy patrol arbiter of the Arbitration Agency is extremely powerful. As one of the monthly bosses of large-scale battles in the game, he was beaten severely by the battleship girls before they even graduated.

Strenkus, who has a wide range of fighting styles and can use mass defense field shields and various gravity stance abilities to assist in combat, is undoubtedly an enemy worth taking seriously.

It would be easier to say if it was just Strenkus, an arbiter and his representative...

After a long while, Lin Lan made a leisurely judgment.

Now he is no longer in the game, and the Arbitration Agency cannot make him face off like when he defeated the monthly boss, and his combat effectiveness is definitely more fierce.

But in contrast, the number of ship girls he can dispatch to fight is no longer subject to the upper limit on the number of formations, and the skills of the ship girls are also completely different from those in the game.

With the number of ship girls in the White Eagle camp, Lin Lan felt that it was completely possible to defeat Stelenkus without causing any serious damage to a single White Eagle ship girl.

Even if several high-level sirens from the experimental organization assist Strenkus, it would be easy to defeat them all with the powerful strength of the White Eagle camp.

The only thing he has to worry about is whether Strenkus will shake people.

It seems that after returning to the artificial island, we still have to discuss countermeasures with Xiaojiajia and the others.

As for now, there are so many questions plaguing him that he is too lazy to think about them.

Youdao doesn't have to worry about having too many debts. Even if he continues to think about it, he will probably come up with some reliable conclusion.

Instead of continuing to guess, it is better to take a good rest for a while, then slowly collect intelligence through Jian Qianou, and monitor the movements of the Siren fleet in Oran at any time.

After Christmas and spring, he plans to lead the White Eagle Fleet to Huanyang City to see if the headquarters of the Tianxing Consortium has really become a siren nest.

After confirming the next plan, Lin Lan smiled and asked Ariel to turn off the virtual three-dimensional image and touched Ariel's little head.

The Will Girl, the host of the Rubik's Cube Energy Robot, has provided them with too much information. Now that the crisis is over, it's time to hold a welcome ceremony for Ariel.

Upon hearing his suggestion of having a banquet, all the White Eagle girls in the cabin living room cheered happily.

There is a saying in the port area that the girls of the White Eagle will never refuse to participate in any lively banquet.

Even the lovely Raffi-chan is no exception.

Of course, Lin Lan also knew that the White Eagle Ship Girl in this sentence did not include the real sleepy Nicholas, the Ghost Light Navigation Changdao, and the two little otaku girls Cassin and McCall.

Things must go to extremes, and the White Eagle camp, which is known for being outgoing and cheerful, will always produce some cute otakus who never go out easily.

Commander, it's a pity that Seattle is not here. If she organizes this welcome banquet, it will definitely be very innovative.

Baltimore cheerfully mentioned White Eagle's famous party master to Lin Lan in a joking manner, but Lin Lan looked shocked when he heard her words.

You're right Baltimore, why don't we ask amazing Seattle?

After saying that, Lin Lan took out his mobile phone from his pocket and flipped through Seattle's contact information in the communication software.

Although Seattle is indeed not here, he can use his mobile phone to remotely connect to Seattle.

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