Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 455 Produced by Xinghai, it must be a high-quality product

It didn't take long for Lin Lan to find Seattle on the messaging software.

This optimistic and cheerful White Eagle ship girl with short silver-gray hair is a scientific research ship light cruiser in the White Eagle camp whose air defense capabilities are second only to San Diego.

The original banquet to celebrate his return was also organized by Seattle himself. It can be said that as long as Seattle is there, no party will be boring.

Lin Lan originally wanted to call Seattle directly, but he was surprised to find that the call button was gray.

Huh? Why can't I call?

Helena heard his confused words and walked over to look at his mobile phone screen.

Haima quickly found the reason and explained to him:

Commander, Seattle's mobile phone was not modified by Xinghai Laboratory, so Commander, you can only contact her by sending text messages.

A mobile phone modified by Xinghai Laboratory?

Lin Lan was stunned, turned off the phone screen in his hand, and turned it over to look at it.

The silver ultra-thin mobile phone with the White Eagle logo engraved on the back of the phone case looks no different to an ordinary mobile phone.

That's right, Commander, the one you have in your hand is the modified mobile phone that Enterprise, I, Sarah and New Jersey use.

Only this kind of modified mobile phone can carry out ultra-long-distance voice communication between each other. Currently, Xinghai Laboratory has not mass-produced this kind of mobile phone.

Hearing Helena's addition, Lin Lan remembered that the mobile phone in his hand was given to him by Saratoga.

It seems that Zhuibao is still taking care of him, and the mobile phone he gave him is still such a high-end product.

But even though he knew he couldn't make voice calls with Seattle, there was still no problem sending messages and chatting.

So Lin Lan thought about it and quickly typed a message to Seattle, first expressing greetings and then asking how to organize a banquet to celebrate the new companions joining.

Originally, he thought it would take a while for Seattle to reply, but what he didn't expect was that Seattle sent a long list of detailed banquet guidelines almost immediately.

There was so much content in it that if he hadn't seen that there were guesses about new partners' hobbies and restrictions on mass production models, which proved to be hand-typed responses on the spot, he would even wonder if Seattle had already prepared templates for these contents. .

What is professional? This is called professional.

With Seattle's help, Lin Lan quickly followed the procedure and asked Helena and Akashi to decorate the living room of the cabin.

Of course, Seattle also promised him that there would be a bigger surprise party waiting for them when they returned to the artificial island.

Lin Lan feels great to have such a professional event organizer, Jian Niang.

At least he never had to worry about life in Minato being boring.

You know, Seattle is a super master at bringing together ship girls from once hostile camps to organize friendships.

After chatting with Seattle for a while and promising to visit her specifically, Lin Lan put down the phone.

At this time, in the cabin living room, the little profiteer Akashi followed Seattle's party strategy and turned the originally simple and plain warship living room style into a celebratory atmosphere.

Colorful balloons, reflective streamers, and various small flags were all arranged on the walls of the living room by the girls of the White Eagle Ship.

Georgia took out fresh preserved peaches and various flavors of Coca-Cola and piled them on the dining table, while the Baltimore sisters and the Portland sisters also placed all the snacks Akashi took out on the table.

Helena was making staple food and baking desserts with Enterprise and Mori in the kitchenware area, and Lin Lan could already faintly smell the aroma of baked cakes coming from the living room.

For a moment, the only people in the living room were himself and Ariel, who was the protagonist of this banquet.

Lin Lan originally wanted to help, but he noticed that Ariel was obviously not too familiar with this newly assembled new body.

After all, the body of this Rubik's Cube energy robot had been dismantled by Akashi and Ingrahan in many parts before. It was normal for Ariel to feel a little uncomfortable.

Ingrahan also told him this just now. After returning to the artificial island, they will help Ariel make a new host core as soon as possible.

Now, if he and his ship girls also decorate the cabin living room, it would not be good to leave Ariel standing alone.

So Lin Lan smiled and stretched out his hand to the robot girl and said to Ariel:

It seems that it will be a while before the welcome banquet officially starts. Ariel, let's go out and get some fresh air.

Ariel was stunned when she saw the palm handed over by Lin Lan.

This scene was exactly the same as when she invited Lin Lan out in Utopia, which made her, as a robot, feel a little dazed.

But at this moment, this is no longer a false virtual world, but a real reality.

She no longer has to bear the pain and sorrow experienced by tens of thousands of individuals across the continent all the time, and she no longer has to worry about whether the way to get along with humans is correct.

Just when Lin Lan was wondering why Ariel was in a daze, the robot girl raised her arm, which was almost the same as a human's, and held her hand with him.

Okay, teacher, thank you.

Ariel responded softly with a happy smile on her face.

When Lin Lan and Ariel walked out of the cabin living room, Akashi in the living room looked at the closed glass door, blinked slyly, and secretly smiled:

Commander, fortunately this is the White Eagle camp, nya. If you were here in would definitely be eviscerated by Akagi or Taifeng at night, nya.

But even so, it doesn't matter, because I have already prepared enough supplements, meow hum...

Of course Lin Lan didn't know what Akashi was thinking.

The sky at sea has completely darkened, and there are several White Eagle mass-produced destroyers surrounding and in front of this mass-produced destroyer that have activated automatic navigation escorts.

Now that Ariel has officially joined his port area, Lin Lan naturally wants to briefly introduce the general situation of his port area to Ariel.

For example, there are other camps in other countries waiting for him to be taken back, and for example, he is a time traveler. There is no need for him to hide these things.

Ariel just listened carefully to Lin Lan's story. To her, it didn't matter where Lin Lan came from.

She secretly made up her mind to have a good relationship with every ship girl in Linlan Port Area from now on.

Speaking of Ariel, why did you call me teacher when you first saw me in Utopia? Is this also because of my authority?

After giving a general introduction to his port area, Lin Lan asked Ariel with great curiosity.

When he first met the out-of-control Ariel at Hongye Naval Fortress, the girl with the will of the Rubik's Cube energy robot should not have recognized him.

But even if he has extremely high authority, Ariel doesn't have to call him teacher, a title that seems to have nothing to do with people with high authority.

In addition, his status in Utopia was subsequently changed to that of a scientific researcher who was good at military command, and he was also called a doctor by others. This status has left him a little confused until now.

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