Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 456 Changed Cleanup Instructions

Teacher, this is the title that automatically comes to Ariel's mind when you enter the virtual world.

It's like this title should have belonged to you.

Ariel held Lin Lan's hand and said seriously.

Lin Lan shrugged helplessly after getting the answer.

Ariel would not lie to him. It seemed that Ariel did not hide this from him intentionally.

Thinking that Ariel's core data tower in the virtual world was built by builders, Lin Lan always felt a hint of conspiracy.

If Ariel hadn't set up his identity in Utopia for him, then it was most likely the Siren's fault.

You know, the reason why Anchorage calls him teacher is because Dr. Anjie, the creator of the ship girl in the original world, has some unknown foreshadowing buried in Anchorage's mind.

Later, it was precisely because of this foreshadowing that there was a directional folding event plot in the game that traveled back to the original world.

So it's really abominable for the game official to be the Riddler. It's really difficult for me as a time traveler!

Lin Lan couldn't help but get angry when she thought that every major event in the game had a lot of Riddlers.

Originally, he didn't watch much of the plot, and most of it was learned through videos summarizing the plots of the game, including Teacher Qiqizi.

Coupled with the fact that he is officially the Riddler, he can only guess what the Siren's purpose is now.

Teacher, what did you just say?

Ariel, whose white hair was blown up by the sea breeze, noticed Lin Lan's words in a low voice, looked at him doubtfully and asked.

I said it's a pity. I quite like the position Utopia assigned me.

I have to admit that the identity assigned to him by Utopia is indeed not bad, and it would be great if he could achieve that kind of achievement while at Blue Star.

But compared to that status, Lin Lan felt that he still preferred being a commander.

But Ariel seemed to remember something and asked hesitantly:

Then can Ariel still call you teacher in the future? Does Ariel need to call you commander like other ship girls?

If you call me Commander Anchorage, I will definitely be sad. Ariel, just call me teacher.


Ariel heard that she could call Lin Lan her teacher from now on, as if she had put down some heavy burden on her heart, she responded happily.

When Lin Lan saw the smile on Ariel's face, she couldn't help but think of the innocent and lovely An Bao.

On the platform of the giant tower, Anchorage looked very happy when he heard Ariel also call him teacher, as if he had found a long-lost confidant.

Anyway, it's just a title, and it doesn't have much impact. Since Ariel is used to it, there's no need to change it.

Teacher, sister Ariel, the banquet is ready, everyone!

When Cao Cao and Cao Cao arrived, Anchorage happily opened the cabin door and waved hello to the two of them excitedly.

Come on, come on! What does this smell like? What kind of roasted meat is so fragrant?

As Anchorage opened the door, the aroma of barbecue wafted out from the living room, making Lin Lan's stomach growl unconsciously.

In addition to Anchorage, the silver-haired Enterprise, who took off his black combat trench coat and wore an apron in front of his body, also stood by the door and watched them with a smile.

The lively celebration banquet officially began in the cabin living room of the White Eagle mass-produced destroyer sailing at full speed on the sea.


The above is the final data report of emergency experiment number AL-2.

The childish loli voice without emotion read this sentence softly.

Here is a cold space filled with blue light and composed of a large number of densely beating blue data streams.

Some red data flashed quickly from other data streams from time to time, and was quickly swallowed up and covered up by more blue data jumping out.

The cold science fiction space has no end as far as the eye can see. If Lin Lan were here, he would be shocked to find that this place is 70% or 80% similar to Ariel's virtual world.

The only difference may be that the size and data bounce of this space far exceed Ariel's virtual world.

In the seemingly endless stream of blue data, stands a towering black mechanical throne.

Under the throne, stood a tall and elegant white-haired woman wearing a white transparent gauze skirt and black and white high-heeled sandals, just like she stepped out of a painting.

She held a white flower in her fair hand, her pink-purple eyes were shining with bright light, and she had a confident smile on her lips.

On that white hair, there was a black hairpin headdress that looked like a small chimney, and a faint blue flame danced at the mouth of the chimney, like a will-o'-the-wisp.

This sexy and touching tall woman exudes a temperament like a proud queen.

But even a being like her lowered her head under this mechanical throne made of black metal, waiting for the supreme being on top of the throne to give her orders.


After a long time, the loli's voice sounded from above the throne again.

Only this time, the voice seemed to be filled with extremely complex emotions.

Is it a sigh? Is it disdain? Is it anger? Or...regret?

No one can give an answer.

Empress, tell me what you think.

The tall woman under the throne raised her head when she heard the other party asking her, and looked at the being on the throne with her beautiful pink-purple eyes.

Yes, she represents the Arbiter Empress III of the Arbitration Organization, the highest combat department of ANTI-X.

There was only one person who could make her lower her head.

That is the highest host authority in the entire ANTI-X, Dream Weaver.

Empress did not see the familiar petite figure appearing above the towering throne. It seemed that Dream Weaver was not here at the moment, but was dealing with other things.

Yu's view is very simple, that is, use the most efficient means to clean up all experimental materials there.

She gave her opinion with a confident smile on her face.

As an arbitration agency, Enpres is not like the companions of the experimental agency who have the patience to observe and wait for the variables and results of the weak.

And she also didn't understand why Dream Weaver attached so much importance to this experiment.

According to past rules, Empress analyzed that Dream Weaver would most likely not adopt such a violent opinion.

But this time, her calculation system analysis went wrong.

Dreamweaver's voice returned to an emotionless tone again, and slowly came from the unoccupied throne:

The observers there submitted an application for a cleanup order for the AL Experimental Site. I really shouldn't hold out hope. It's time to put an end to this experimental site.

Enpress, contact Strenkus to ensure that the cleanup instructions of the experimental facility are not affected by the singularity... huh?

Just as Dream Weaver was halfway through issuing the order, he was interrupted by a confused voice.

Why is the final result data uploaded by the builder this result?

Empres didn't know what Dream Weaver had discovered from the additional experimental data, and could only continue to wait for Dream Weaver to finish processing the data and give her a formal order.

Time passed like this bit by bit, and just when Empress felt a little confused about such a long silence, the voice of Dream Weaver finally sounded again:

The variables are...weird.

Enpress, continue to perform your current mission. This matter still requires follow-up data from the experimental agency.

Although I don’t know what the so-called final result data uploaded by this experimental institution is, it can allow Dream Weaver to cancel the partial cleanup command that was originally intended to be executed.

But Empres didn't care.

She still had a confident smile on her face. After responding to the Dream Weaver's instructions, a space door leading to the red world appeared behind her.

The arbiter leaned toward the door and quickly disappeared into this cold world of data.

The entire vast blue data world fell into silence again.

I don’t know how much time passed, but a sigh echoed leisurely from the empty black mechanical throne:

Could it be him...

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