The arrival of Big Mackerel and the others is indeed what the company said, indicating that everyone has officially returned to the area around the artificial island.

Before Lin Lan could chat with the group of little lolita who came to greet him, Enterprise smiled and patted his shoulder, pointing to the front of the cabin living room.

He looked in the direction of the enterprise's finger, and it turned out that as the mass-produced destroyer approached the artificial island, a White Eagle fleet had appeared in front to greet them.

Although not all the White Eagle girls were present, the number of people at this scale was far greater than the time Bismarck brought him back before the Iron-Blooded camp.

As expected, if there are more people in the camp, they can do whatever they want.

And Lin Lan also saw at a glance the White Eagle Battleship Girl, New Jersey, who was standing at the front of the White Eagle Battleship Girls and had the most magnificent ship.

It looks like the island will be busy all day long... Let's go out on the deck too.

Lin Lan smiled and shook his head and said to everyone in the cabin living room.

Isn't he just returning from an ordinary attack this time? It only lasted a few days, so why bother to engage in such a big battle?

Those who didn't know better thought he had destroyed the entire Siren.

After Lin Lan walked to the deck, Mori controlled the mass-produced destroyer to slow down.

The White Eagle girls who had been escorting him along the way all unfolded their ship uniforms and came to the sea. They followed the mass-produced destroyers and officially merged with the White Eagle fleet that came to greet him.

Seeing Helena throw herself into the arms of St. Louis who came to greet her, and Santiago being hugged by her Atlanta-level sisters, this warm scene also brought a relaxed smile to Lin Lan's face.

It just feels good to be home.

But just as he was watching the White Eagle ship girls reunite on the sea, a beautiful figure jumped up in front of him and landed in front of him gracefully.

It is the New Jersey hare Rabbit with a sassy smile and his iconic white navy coat.

Originally, Lin Lan just felt that New Jersey, who appeared in such a chic way, was a bit handsome, but the next second...

Honey~~~ Let me see if you are injured or if you have lost weight due to hunger!

The cheerful, tall, star-blue-haired eldest sister opened her arms and hugged him excitedly, stroking him around and pinching his cheeks from time to time.

The idea that New Jersey was handsome was suddenly thrown out of the window by Lin Lan. This silly rabbit was still the same silly rabbit. He was overthinking it.

As the aroma of milk spread to her nose, Lin Lan noticed that the other White Eagle girls were all smiling and casting playful glances, trying to escape from the ravages of New Jersey first.

But unfortunately, although the other party is stupid, it is undeniable that New Jersey is still a powerful battleship girl, and his struggle is simply in vain.

So Lin Lan had no choice but to bear the intimate affection from Hanhantu, and said with a helpless smile:

New Jersey, you're not checking if I'm injured. You're just taking advantage of me.

Hmm? Then honey, do you want to come tonight...

Originally, Lin Lan wanted to try to awaken New Jersey's sense of shame, but he didn't expect that New Jersey didn't have such a thing.

Not only has New Jersey failed to restrain itself, but its topics have become increasingly bold.

The name of White Eagle Camp Lao Si Ji is indeed well-deserved.

Fortunately, the enterprise standing behind him coughed softly, and then New Jersey woke up. It seemed that inviting the commander to her home tonight in front of so many people would not have a good impact.

Commander, Enterprise, Helena is under your care during this time.

At this time, a gentle and steady voice came from behind New Jersey.

Lin Lan looked sideways from New Jersey's ear, and it turned out that it was Helena and a tall, blue-haired, elegant woman whose facial features were 70% similar to hers, and they came to the deck hand in hand.

Aunt Saint... St. Louis, long time no see. Isn't this what I should do?

Lin Lan recognized at a glance who this blue-haired, purple-eyed cruiser girl with a curly ponytail was. Although she was hugged by New Jersey, she still responded with a smile.

This ship girl, who exudes elegance and has a perfect figure, is Helena's sister on the ship of the same class, St. Louis, nicknamed Saint Aunt.

As for why this beautiful ship girl, who obviously doesn't look much older than Helena, has such a name, the reason is simple.

Ke's father's sisters are all called uncles, so it is normal for Haima's sister to be called aunt.

Originally, Lin Lan thought that the arrival of St. Louis and Helena would help him escape from the old Siji in New Jersey and changed the subject.

But I never expected that after coming to the back of New Jersey, St. Louis would have smiling eyes and say with a gentle smile:

New Jersey, since you have preemptively reserved the Commander for tonight, then Helena and I will make a reservation for the Commander for tomorrow~

no problem!

New Jersey seemed to have expected this result. He let go of the stunned Lin Lan, turned to look at St. Louis, smiled and nodded in agreement.

Lin Lan stared blankly at the sly smile on Aunt Sheng's face, which was neither red nor heartbeat. It was in sharp contrast to Helena's blushing face and head buried next to her.

Then he suddenly remembered that St. Louis was also an old Si Ji!

And he's the kind of veteran who joined him in Minato earlier than New Jersey!

Damn it, now he has been destined to be seamlessly sent to the tiger's mouth before he even comes out of the wolf's den.

Seeing the dull expression on his face, St. Louis stretched out his hand with a smile, rubbed his face gently, and said with a smile:

Oh, Commander, don't look at me with this expression. Why did the Commander never take the initiative to come to see me and Helena before~

Feeling Aunt Saint's smooth fingers caressing his face, Lin Lan could only smile bitterly and nod in agreement to St. Louis's invitation.

When he was on the artificial island before, he really didn't have time to find Aunt Saint and Helena, so it was time for him to get retribution.

He just nodded and agreed to St. Louis, and the other girls on the White Eagle ship who were still at sea were not fools. They all realized that this could still be the case.

Commander, Commander! Then our Atlanta class also needs to make a reservation! The Commander must come to our dormitory as a guest the day after tomorrow!

A girl with short light gray hair and black silk stockings wearing sci-fi metal gloves was the first to raise her arms and shout, before the other girls from the White Eagle ship booked Lin Lan's time again for the day after tomorrow.

Reno, the second ship of the Atlanta-class subclass-Oakland class light cruisers.

Her sudden opening of the mouth so quickly also made the Atlanta-level sisters beside her stunned. Then Atlanta, Juneau and San Juan, including San Diego, all clapped and praised her.

As expected of the commander's die-hard fan girl, this girl is so up to date, and she did a great job!

As Reno finished speaking, Lin Lan saw that the other White Eagle ship girls were also eager to imitate the same, and hurriedly said loudly:

We'll talk about the appointment later. This is not the place to chat. Let's go back to the island first!

Just kidding, if the girls from the White Eagle ship really make appointments for him every day, then he will be exhausted.

But it was obvious that the girls on the White Eagle ship who were unfurling their ship equipment at sea did not buy it.

If they returned to the artificial island, wouldn't their competitive pressure be even greater?

The commander's lies to deceive children cannot deceive them, not to mention that the commander's lustful partiality is common knowledge in the port area.

In the end, Lin Lan patted his chest and promised that he would never be as partial as before, and with the commitment of New Jersey and the company, the White Eagle girls at sea reluctantly let him go for the time being.

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