Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 460 A critical blow to Saratoga (3000 words)

Hey, I didn't expect that I would be like this in your eyes...

Didn't I just like to set up the ship girls with new outfits as secretary ships before? Why did I become biased for some reason?

After re-embarking on the journey to the Xinyang Artificial Island Pier, Lin Lan stood on the deck, facing the cool sea breeze and warm sunshine, and joked.

At this time, he was already surrounded by five cute little Benson-level rabbit-type lolita. Even Lafite and Kolke, two little lolita with twin tails, were sitting on his shoulders and hugging his head. live.

But when he heard what he said, the cute little blond lolita Kolker, who was wearing black shorts, a swimsuit and a blue-black jacket with large sleeves, snorted in his ear and pouted:

Commander~ Please do the math carefully. After our other Benson-class sisters swore an oath with you, their combined time as secretary ship is as much as that of Lafite-chan alone?

If the commander hadn't been thinking about giving us a new set of clothes from time to time, we would all have thought that the commander had forgotten about us, huh!

After saying that, the little destroyer loli with the blessing of wind seemed to vent her anger and bit his earlobe with a sticky bite.

Although she was just scaring him and Kolke didn't bite hard, her words still left Lin Lan speechless for a moment.

However, facing the little lolita Lin Lan, she still didn’t feel much pressure and said very seriously:

That's who I used to be, and I've changed my ways now.

Really? Who was so frightened by Sister Nevada at the last banquet that her face turned pale?

Bailey, a red-haired girl with white stockings and a single ponytail, stood next to him with an innocent smile on her face as she tortured her soul.

Ahem, that, that's because...

Okay, okay, the current commander is indeed much better than before, so stop criticizing the commander.

As Benson's older sister, Benson is still very reasonable.

At least now they can act like a coquettish commander. They can see him anytime they want. This alone is much better than before.

While Lin Lan was accompanying the little rabbits, New Jersey also asked Enterprise, South Dakota and others about the details of the attack.

Although New Jersey seems to have a big personality, she is still a careful and reliable leader when it comes to handling business.

Are you Ariel, the new friend who has joined the port area? Please take good care of me in the future. In the White Eagle camp, you will be treated as if you were back at home. If anyone bullies you, just come to me~

Soon Jersey also ended the battle situation with the companions who were guarding Lin Lan's attack. She looked at Ariel and stretched out her hand with a hearty smile.

Ah, thank you, thank you, New Jersey sister.

Ariel, who had been listening, was a little flattered and held the hand extended by New Jersey.

She had just seen that this powerful battleship sister was the leader of the entire White Eagle camp.

The camp leader was able to treat her as an equal without any airs, which made Ariel feel relieved a lot.

After all, it was her first time meeting New Jersey and many of the White Eagle Ship girls who came to greet Lin Lan. She was afraid that she might have done something wrong or said something wrong.

In this harmonious atmosphere, the fleet finally arrived at the Xinyang artificial island.

The White Eagle mass-produced destroyer at Lin Lan's feet also docked smoothly at the dock in front of the artificial island where they set out.

He had already seen the other White Eagle girls standing eagerly on the dock, waiting for their return.

Little Gaga standing next to Sister Lexington holding a magic wand flag, and Bumblebee waving a cowboy hat at him with a smiling Mrs. Yorktown...

In addition, the ladies from the White Eagle escort ship who came to greet him also boarded the dock, and Lin Lan smiled helplessly.

There were so many White Eagle Ship Girls that he couldn't see enough.

After he walked off the pier with New Jersey and others on the ship, the first person he met was Saratoga, the pink-haired aircraft carrier girl who had finally gotten rid of her government work.

Hey~~~Commander! Welcome back, sister Sara is looking forward to having you back!

Little Gaga handed the magic wand in her hand to Sister Lexington, jumped over and hugged Lin Lan who had just stepped on the dock ground.

Looking at Saratoga in his arms, Lin Lan also smiled fondly and touched little Saratoga's pink face that was filled with a happy smile.

On the way back, he listened to Saratoga's records a lot, and he really missed this energetic sister Sara very much.

Thinking of this, Lin Lan lifted Saratoga up in front of everyone, held it in his arms and said with a smile:

It seems that my trip this time has been fruitful. When I saw you before, you always looked sad, but now you can see my little Gaga smiling so happily.

Hey hehe~ In fact, everything is fine at work, but the commander really helped sister Sara a lot this time...

When Lin Lan said this, Saratoga smiled even more happily.

But just when Lin Lan was about to put her down, little Jia Jia suddenly took advantage of him and quickly moved her face in front of him.

Before he could react, he felt a soft touch on his mouth.


Lin Lan's eyes suddenly widened as the pink-haired little loli in her arms made cute sounds.

He didn't expect that Saratoga would dare to perform a sneak attack on him in front of all the White Eagle ship girls!

You know, it's so exciting even if New Jersey didn't come up just now.

However, when he saw that the other White Eagle ship girls did not make jokes or boos, but smiled happily at them, Lin Lan quickly understood why.

Ever since he lost contact in the port area, it has been little Gaga who has been carrying the burden of the entire White Eagle camp.

Moreover, little Jia Jia had to bury all her worries about him in her heart and encourage everyone with a smile to find him.

Even after he came to the artificial island, Saratoga had been working with New Jersey to handle the entire camp's internal and external work and had no time to accompany him.

Although the girls on the White Eagle Ship did not express their gratitude to Little Jiajia openly, it seems that all the girls on the White Eagle Ship have seen and remembered little Jiajia's hard work for so long.

Seeing little Jiajia secretly kissing him and burying her head in his arms with a rosy face, Lin Lan caressed the back of this little Lolita aircraft carrier girl.

This time when he comes back, he will spend more time with the prankster Sara.

Fortunately, Saratoga quickly recovered from this bold prank, looked up at him full of energy again, showed a happy expression and smiled:

Commander, the banquet has been arranged in the dock town. You and the sisters have worked hard this time. Enjoy today's banquet~

Okay, you too, little Jia Jia, I have worked hard for you all this time, so you have to have fun today.

After Lin Lan put Saratoga down, he smiled and touched Saratoga's head.

At this time, New Jersey and Enterprise also arrived at the dock from the mass-produced destroyer along with Akashi and Ariel.

Saratoga saw her new companion Ariel following New Jersey, and walked briskly from Lin Lan to Ariel.

Hello, I am the Lexington-class aircraft carrier Saratoga of the White Eagle camp. Welcome to join the port area. From now on, just consider our White Eagle camp your home~

After all, they were new companions, and Saratoga, like New Jersey, was very friendly to Ariel.

By doing this, she can not only help the other White Eagle sisters get to know their new partner more quickly, but also allow Ariel to live in the White Eagle camp without too much pressure.

But the smile that was originally on Saratoga's face suddenly solidified after hearing Ariel's shocked words.

Hello, Saratoga-senpai, but I heard the teacher say on the way here that Saratoga is a destroyer...

Although Ariel has a very strong emotional simulation system, her essence is still a rational Rubik's Cube energy robot.

Faced with little Jia Jia's self-introduction, Ariel almost without thinking, instinctively said the bug she heard Lin Lan talk about when he introduced the White Eagle camp to her.

Oops, honey/Commander, it's over now.

New Jersey and Enterprise, who were standing next to Ariel, stayed where they were after hearing Ariel's words.

The entire dock fell into an eerie silence.

After all, ship girls' hearing is not bad, Ariel's voice is enough for all the White Eagle ship girls on the dock to hear.

Said Saratoga is a destroyer, this is little Gaga's reverse scale!

Saratoga himself had a harmless squinting smile on his face, and his small hands were clenched into fists.

The commander dared to tell other companions that she was a destroyer. Even if that was the person she was sworn to, this must not be tolerated!

She just hated why she had just given the magic wand to Sister Lexington.

Ah, did Ariel say the wrong thing...

The poor Rubik's Cube energy robot girl also immediately realized that she shouldn't have mentioned this bug, and took two steps back in fear.

It's okay, it's okay, this is not Ariel's problem, but Ariel, you have to remember, sister Sarah is an aircraft carrier, a regular aircraft carrier, don't remember it wrong~

Naturally, little Gaga would not make things difficult for this new companion, and quickly comforted Ariel.

But after she said this, she turned around and wanted to ask the commander for an explanation for persecuting her.

But where is the commander behind her?

At this time, Lin Lan had realized the seriousness of the problem and quietly hid behind Lexington, the gentle pink-haired elder sister with a helpless smile.

Commander!!! Don't think that if you hide behind Sister Lexington, Sister Sarah can't do anything to you!

I, I, I really just said it smoothly at the time! Don't take it seriously!

As Little Gaga's roar finally erupted throughout the pier, and amid Lin Lan's frightened apology, a relaxed and happy atmosphere once again filled the pier of Xinyang Artificial Island.

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