Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 467 Baiying’s No. 1 Game Master

When Lin Lan walked into the air-conditioned game hall with Stephen in her arms, she saw dark blue arcade machines neatly arranged in three rows.

In addition to arcade machines, there are also other equipment in the lobby, such as gift vending machines, entertainment game machines, and simulation game machines.

Lin Lan could see that there were quite a variety of game consoles and equipment in this arcade, which was enough to play for a long time without repetition. It was much better than the arcades he had seen in Blue Star.

It should be said that it is indeed sponsored by Akashi, the little profiteer of Chongqing Sakura.

But more than these, his attention was attracted by the two White Eagle Ship girls who were sitting in front of the same arcade machine, concentrating on their crazy operations.

Maury's third sister, McCall, and his second uncle, the second Cleveland-class ship, Columbia.

Although the two White Eagle ship girls also noticed his arrival, they had no time to say hello to him because the battle on the screen in front of them had reached a fever pitch.

The crisp sounds of the arcade's joysticks and buttons, as well as the sounds of characters attacking and fighting each other in the game, made Lin Lan curiously put Stephen down and walked behind the two of them.

This is...The King of Fighters?

Lin Lan said in surprise when he saw the familiar game character on the screen.

This game is a very classic fighting game.

And just as he spoke, the battle on the screen had already decided the winner.

Along with the cool fire ultimate move, the character controlled by Columbia seized on the flaw in McCall's control of the character and defeated him with a set of unexplained combos.


The light cruiser girl with long beige hair stood up from her seat happily. It was obvious that she had won the decisive game.

Haha~Commander, welcome to the game room!

Columbia was also chewing gum in his mouth, turned around, looked at Lin Lan with a happy smile.

Wearing sunglasses, hot pants and red and white striped socks on one leg, this girl is full of youthful vitality and looks full of energy.

Unlike Colombia, the pink-haired destroyer Loli McCall with twin ponytails has a lazy temperament all over her body. Obviously, even if she lost to Colombia in the game, she did not have any emotional fluctuations at all.

It was only after he stood up and saw Lin Lan that McCall, who was wearing a dark blue White Eagle Destroyer sailor shirt, raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

She waved her hand, and two more unopened popsicles came out. She unpacked one of them and handed it to Lin Lan:

Commander, why did you come here? It's so slow~

Hearing the little lolita's lazy voice, Lin Lan smiled and took the popsicle, and at the same time touched the little lolita's head:

I just had a cup of coffee with Bumblebee and the others in the dart room downstairs, so I was delayed for a while.

Hmm... darts, I feel so tired just thinking about it... Why don't you sleep in the dormitory? Commander, don't you think so too?

McCall also unpacked the popsicle in his hand and sighed while licking the popsicle.

Well, as the poster girl of the back house, Lin Lan completely understands what this little loli is thinking.

Unlike Columbia, who loves games, McCall, who didn't go to the movies, was here purely because she was too lazy to move.

Of course, maybe the air conditioning temperature in the game arcade is lower than that in the movie theater, which also accounts for a large part of the reason.

McCall is a little destroyer who is very intolerant of heat, which is related to the fact that she patrolled Hawaiian waters for six weeks in the history of Blue Star.

If the commander is either in a daze or fishing every day like us, then the port area will be doomed.

Lin Lan looked at Stephen next to him in surprise, who was answering. This little lolita who loved fishing was unexpectedly so self-aware.

If you don't have any tasks, it would be nice to sleep in the dormitory or just stay home on your days off.

After he touched McCall's head and finished speaking, he looked at Columbia again and smiled in a relaxed tone:

I thought you were only interested in computer games, but I didn't expect you to come to the game arcade to play.

No, no, Commander, you underestimate me.

Colombia chuckled, put the pair of sunglasses on his face, folded his hands on his chest, and said to Lin Lan conspicuously:

As the strongest game expert in the White Eagle camp, I am very good at computer games, mobile games, or arcade games and handheld games. If you don't believe me, Commander, you can ask...

Then except for computer games, Ayanami blew away everything else.

However, before Columbia could finish his words, he was interrupted by McCall, who was holding a popsicle in his mouth without emotion.

Lin Lan laughed out loud on the spot after hearing this little lolita's ruthless exposure to Colombia.

The destroyer Ayanami Aya Zensen of the Shigesakura camp, also known as the Nuclear Bomb Swordsman, is the fourth member of the Gosan family. Under his appearance with three attributes, he is actually a true Minato game master.

That's all in the past! What's more, I have been cultivating for many years now. When the commander takes us all back to the port area, I will definitely defeat Ayanami and win the title of the best all-around game master in the port area!

Seeing that Columbia was a little excited by McCall's words, Lin Lan restrained her laughter and said to Columbia with a smile:

In that case, let me meet you, the number one game master of White Eagle, first.

Commander, are you serious? If you lose all afternoon, you are not allowed to complain to the head of Cleveland?

Columbia took off his sunglasses and looked at Lin Lan with surprised eyes.

The commander must have seen how she defeated McCall just now, but he still dared to challenge her?

Isn't this just asking for torture?

But Lin Lan had already sat on the chair where McCall had just sat. He finished the popsicle McCall gave him in two mouthfuls and flexed his fingers.

He finally had the opportunity to play arcade games again, and he was with his ship girls, so he couldn't wait.

Although my level is only average, do you think I'm the kind of person who can't afford to lose? Come on, this King of Fighters 97 doesn't need to be replaced.

Lin Lan has played King of Fighters a lot in the past, and he thinks he understands this King of Fighters 97 quite a bit.

That’s basically the level of being invincible in the arcade.

After all, after he went to college, he mainly played mobile games and computer games. After graduation, he went to work at a construction site and never played arcade games again.

Seeing that the commander was still preparing to fight Colombia with the King of Fighters, Stephen walked to Lin Lan with some concern, whispered into his ear and said:

Commander, although Columbia can't beat Ayanami in arcade games, her strength cannot be underestimated. I lost more than she won against Nagashima...

Hey Stephen, don't persuade the commander to run away from the battlefield.

Before Stephen could finish his whisper, he was interrupted by Columbia with a smile and a few colorful bubble gums thrown in.

Commander, you should also try the bubble gum I asked for from Sarah first. Even though you will feel bitter if you lose soon, at least your mouth will be sweet, hee hee~

When Lin Lan heard his second uncle teasing him like this, his fighting spirit suddenly ignited.

It seemed like he hadn't experienced this kind of trash talk before a game for a long time.

Stephen, please don't rush and give me the bubble gum. McCall, you can help me pretend to open a popsicle first. I'll eat it after I defeat Colombia.

Lin Lan turned his head and gave instructions to McCall.

Oh~ I quoted the allusion of killing Hua Xiong with warm wine. The commander is indeed from Donghuang.

McCall, who was watching the excitement, understood the meaning of Lin Lan's words, and he also became unusually interested. He took out a popsicle again as Lin Lan said.

When Colombia saw this scene, he also smiled and said:

Hmph, Commander, in that case, I won't give in, I'm going to go all out.

Just what I want, come on!

After Lin Lan exchanged trash talk with Columbia, he also officially started to prepare for choosing a role.

Stephen and McCall, two little lolis, stood obediently behind them, and they were worried about Lin Lan in their hearts.

On one side is the top game master of the White Eagle camp, but on the other side is the commander who basically doesn't play games.

No matter how you think about it, this will be a crushing game. I hope the commander will not lose too badly...

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