Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 468 The person who once accompanied the commander to catch dolls?

When New Jersey, Haman and others walked into the game hall with a crying Nagashima, they discovered an extremely strange scene.

Columbia sat in front of an arcade machine with a blank expression on his face, staring at the screen of the arcade machine in a daze, as if frozen.

Lin Lan was holding a fruity popsicle in his hand, humming a tune, and leading Stephen and McCall to grab dolls in front of the gift vending machine. He seemed to be in a very happy mood.

Hey, why did you just come in now? Who wants a doll? I'll catch it for you!

When Lin Lan saw New Jersey and the others walking into the game hall, he smiled and waved to say hello to them.

Honey~ We were just chatting outside the door for a while. I didn't expect you to be able to catch the doll. I've tried this machine before, but I couldn't catch the doll inside.

New Jersey saw Stephen and McCall holding a large velvet doll in their hands, and said in surprise after walking over.

They didn't waste long outside the game hall. The commander was so lucky to be able to catch two dolls in such a short time.

Haha, that's because that little profiteer Akashi is so wicked.

When Lin Lan heard what New Jersey said, he hummed and pointed at the rocker and console of the gift vending machine in front of him.

A plastic plate was removed from the originally complete operating table, and inside it turned out to be a small electronic screen.

The approaching Bumblebee, Nevada and others gathered around Lin Lan and looked at the content on the electronic screen:

Winning Claw Power: 50. Claw Rising Grip Strength: 40.

You see, these settings were adjusted to the lowest by Akashi before, so you can't catch the dolls inside.

Through Lin Lan's explanation, all the girls on the White Eagle ship showed shocked expressions.

It turns out that the seemingly random doll-catching machine has this kind of mystery inside it? !

It seems that that damn Chongying little profiteer will have to settle the score with her in the future!

Commander, how do you know this trick?

Bumblebee took out a game coin from his pocket, put it into the claw machine, and then tried to catch the doll himself.

Sure enough, the doll that had always slipped off no matter how hard she grabbed it was easily caught after the commander adjusted it.

After personally verifying it, all the White Eagle ship girls showed admiration for Lin Lan.

Even the little tsundere Haman was no exception. He rarely mocked Lin Lan.

Because there was also a cute chirping velvet doll in her arms that Lin Lan caught on the spot.

After hearing Bumblebee asking everyone's doubts, Lin Lan held the popsicle in her mouth, spread her hands and smiled:

I used to go to game arcades often and paid a lot of tuition fees. Naturally, these tricks of little profiteers cannot be hidden from me.

Oh? Honey, you went to the arcade to catch dolls, did you have someone to go with you?

Naturally, the girls on the White Eagle ship knew that what Lin Lan was referring to was his time at Blue Star. When he heard what he said, New Jersey blinked and asked playfully.

Then there must be, otherwise what's the point of catching a doll alone?

Lin Lan didn't hear New Jersey's probing question at all, and said with a look of recollection.

His words shocked New Jersey and all the White Eagle girls, and even the originally grim-faced Ghost Lady Nagashima was stunned.

The little tsundere Haman was already looking at him with wide eyes, disbelief written all over his face.

Commander didn’t really have a girlfriend when he was at Blue Star, right? This is huge news.

I was still young at that time, and I had several close buddies in my hometown. One of them really liked playing catch.

I know this trick because I discovered it with him while the arcade owner was setting up the machine in the morning.

Hearing Lin Lan finish speaking in a recalling tone, all the girls on the White Eagle Ship breathed a sigh of relief.

The commander went too far, insisting on saying something so easily misunderstood.

Fortunately, the person who accompanied the commander to catch the baby was not the commander's girlfriend, otherwise they would have tortured the commander.

Stupid... Stupid Commander! Hmph!

And Haman even tilted his head angrily, like a scared kitten.

Ah? Haman, why are you scolding me again?

Seeing Hamanman lose his temper suddenly, Lin Lan, who didn't know that he had caused misunderstanding among the ship girls, was immediately confused.

Hey~ It's okay, it's okay, this is Haman's daily life, Commander, just get used to it~

Sims! Whose daily routine do you think this is?!

As Haman's sister, Sims naturally understood what Haman was thinking and explained to Lin Lan with a smile.

But this caused the two sisters to fight again.

Referring to...Commander! I don't accept it! I want to fight you again!

At this moment, Columbia's voice sounded from behind everyone.

The light patrol girl walked over quickly, grabbed Lin Lan's arm and pulled it towards the arcade.

Lin Lan's second uncle finally reacted. Regardless of the fact that there were so many companions here, his face was filled with unwillingness and he wanted to seek revenge from Lin Lan.

After all, until just now, Columbia thought she had a chance to win and could defeat the commander completely.

But what she didn't expect was that the commander would use the same character to directly penetrate three of them, killing all the characters in her team.

The commander actually did warm wine and kill Hua Xiong and beheaded McCall before the popsicle in her hand even melted!

You must know that even if she faced Ayanami in Minato, she did not lose so completely.

But when Lin Lan saw Columbia so eager to seek revenge from him, she deliberately asked with a smile:

Columbia, can I understand that you want to challenge me, White Eagle, the number one game master?

This sentence made Colombia break the defense on the spot:

Commander, don't talk nonsense. I was just careless for a moment, but I'm going to get serious next time! And it's just a game. There are other games too, so I have to try it!

Well, Lin Lan actually has a rough understanding of Colombia's game level through the previous battle.

Originally, his gaming skills were not bad, but now that the Hero's skills have given him various attributes such as reaction speed, he is still much stronger than before, even if he hasn't played an arcade game for a long time.

Although he definitely couldn't compare with his ship girls in terms of combat, he already had confidence in gaming.

But since Colombia insists on continuing to play games with him, of course he will not refuse.

He originally came to the game arcade to play games with the girls, and besides, such a young and beautiful girl full of energy pulls you to play games together. As a man, can you refuse?

Lin Lan couldn't refuse anyway.

When Lin Lan smiled and was pulled toward the arcade by Columbia, Stephen and McCall also told the confused New Jersey and others what happened before they entered the game arcade.

Commander was able to completely defeat Colombia. Isn't this too exaggerated?

As a homebody, Nagashima immediately exclaimed after learning that the commander had completely defeated Colombia.

Although New Jersey and Bumblebee rarely play arcade games, they have also heard of Colombia's White Eagle's number one game master.

Is Commander actually so good at gaming?

Seeing Lin Lan and Columbia sitting in front of the arcade, a new round of competition started after inserting coins, and a group of White Eagle Ship girls also gathered around to watch the battle at close range.

Only McCall calmly licked the popsicle, walked unhurriedly towards the direction of Lin Lan and others, and said with a low smile:

Hey, it looks like someone won't be able to sleep tonight...

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