Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 469 It’s time to pay respects to the Queen

As it turns out, McCall's guess was absolutely correct.

Whether it was the King of Fighters or a series of fighting games such as Samurai Shodown and Street Fighter, Colombia was completely defeated by Lin Lan.

Seeing Colombia beside him who had lost to numbness, Lin Lan felt a little sorry for his second uncle.

I have to admit that Commander is stronger this time... Next time, Commander, you come to our Cleveland-level dormitory, I will definitely regain my dignity in computer games!

After all, there were so many White Eagle companions watching behind him. After losing to Lin Lan again, Columbia finally gave up with a grimace.

Commander, you are so strong!

Bumblebee looked at the commander who lightly shook hands with Columbia to express respect, and praised in surprise.

Not only her, but New Jersey and Nevada also looked at Lin Lan with admiration.

Although they don't play games very much, they can still understand this type of fighting game.

The commander could accurately seize the opponent's flaws and execute extremely smooth combos, leaving Colombia unable to fight back. He was an experienced veteran no matter how he looked at it.

Haha, it's just that practice makes perfect.

Hearing what Bumblebee said, Lin Lan smiled modestly and said:

These games are exactly the same as the ones I've played before, so I was able to beat Colombia. If there were new games, it would be difficult for me to beat her.

Lin Lan still knows a lot about his own game level.

As he said, the reason why he was able to torture Colombia into a life of doubt was just because these games were exactly the same as Blue Star.

If it were a game published by the United States of Oran, he would definitely not be able to defeat Colombia so easily.

Moreover, arcade games are not Columbia's strong point. Computer games are Columbia's strongest area.

Compared to just a few classic arcade games, there are many more types of computer games.

After that, Lin Lan also led a group of White Eagle girls to experience various types of games in the game arcade.

However, the girls of White Eagle Ship were not too interested in the shooting VR simulation game console that Lin Lan thought was very fun.

In Nevada's words, the sense of weapon shooting and immersion created by these simulated game consoles is too fake.

Lin Lan thought about it and it seemed true.

After all, his ship girls can directly summon the ship's equipment to fire all the ammunition, and there must be a shooting range and other places on the artificial island where live ammunition can be fired.

By comparison, these shooting virtual games definitely don't have the fun feeling of pouring out firepower.

As for the virtual game console that simulates driving, let alone it. There are so many cars on the island and there is a special racing track, why do you need to play here?

No wonder Akashi only has two virtual game consoles in this game hall. For his ship girls, there is indeed no market for this kind of virtual game.

But speaking of which, will Akashi bring us a surprise by borrowing Ariel to prepare for the amusement park?

Lin Lan and the White Eagle girls gathered around a large-screen fishing-type game console. Each of them put in a coin to control the grappling hook on the screen to fish.

He thought of what Akashi said at the banquet, so he looked at New Jersey who was next to him with a happy smile on his face and asked casually.

That profiteer had better bring us a surprise. If it causes any more damage, I will never forgive you...ah ha! Golden Shark!

This silly rabbit was originally going to detail Akashi's crimes, but midway through her words, her attention was attracted by the large golden shark that appeared on the screen.

The appearance of the golden shark also attracted the attention of all the girls on the White Eagle ship, and they began to go all out to set the hook.

In the end, this big golden shark was fished by Nevada's sister Oklahoma, which caused the other White Eagle girls to let out a wail.

Seeing that his shipgirls were having so much fun and relaxed, Lin Lan's lips also showed a bit of a smile.

Right now, he is only joining the Iron-Blooded Ship Girls and the White Eagle Ship Girls. Sooner or later, he will bring all the ship girls from all camps in his port area back to the port area.

Thinking of this, Lin Lan also planned to take some time during this period to say hello to Queen Elizabeth who was far away in the port area.

After all, the winter in the Orland East continent is not over yet. There should be several cold waves after that, and spring will not arrive in another month or two.

After spring begins, he will take the White Eagle Ship girls to Huanyang City, and after finishing dealing with the sirens there, it will be time to leave the United States of Oran.

I don’t know if Bismarck and the others have returned to the port area now.

Moreover, the current whereabouts of those meta ship girls also worried Lin Lan.

According to what Helena meta said, his meta ship girls have been defeated one by one by the arbitration agency and expelled from this other world.

So how should he find those meta ship girls in the future?

If he can bring back the meta ship girls in the port area, with the help of the female kitchen god meta, maybe the Yuan Magic Cube energy in Shattered Qiong can also be effectively controlled.

Broken Qiong can follow the iron-blooded ship girls. Perhaps this machine girl born from the Yuan Magic Cube is lucky in her misfortune.

The Iron-Blooded camp has the deepest control over meta energy among the major camps in the port area.

This also made him not too worried about Shattered Qiong even if he was unexpectedly kidnapped by the observers and came to the White Eagle camp.

In addition, there was another thing that he had been keeping in his heart, and he was going to ask Memphis about it when he went to Xinghai Laboratory.

That's what the builders call world folding technology when you're in a virtual world.

Although he was far away from the company and the builder at that time, this word still impressed him deeply.

If his time travel was summoned by the unknown forces of the Liaozhou Nine Islands in this other world, then there is no doubt that the ship girls in his port area were deliberately brought to this other world by the sirens.

However, through previous conversations with the Purifier in Dongyun City, Lin Lan found that the Siren seemed to be very surprised that he had traveled to this different world.

The builder didn't recognize him at all when he first met him at sea.

Shaking his head, Lin Lan still planned to think about these extremely complicated matters carefully when he returned to the port area.

At least during the period before Christmas, he planned to take a good rest.

In short, his purpose will not change, which is to get all the ship girls back and then live peacefully in the port area.

Just when Lin Lan was distracted, there was a burst of noisy play and footsteps outside the game hall.

It seems the movie has ended. Sister and the others should be looking for us.

Bumblebee heard the movement outside and chuckled.

Hearing what Bumblebee said, Lin Lan was stunned.

Thinking of the content of the movie featuring him and the enterprise, he had already guessed that he would be surrounded by the White Eagle girls and asked a lot of questions.

In order to prevent his mouth from drying up after explaining for a while, he immediately turned his head and looked at McCall, who had an indifferent expression and was holding a popsicle in his mouth, and said:

McCall, do you still have popsicles? Give me another one.

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