Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 470 Any evil will eventually be brought to justice

Commander! What was the last weapon you summoned? It's so powerful!

Commander Commander! Sign your name for me!

Commander, do you and the company believe that Helena will come to the rescue, so you are so calm in that desperate situation?

Just as Lin Lan expected, he was surrounded by a large group of White Eagle girls in the game hall, asking questions one after another.

Especially Reno and a group of sea knight light patrol girls, their eyes even looked at Lin Lan with a light like looking at an idol.

Fortunately, he was mentally prepared. He was holding the popsicle that McCall had just handed him and answered every question with a patient smile, as if he was being interviewed.

Especially after learning that the Burning Sky Divine Weapon turned out to be a weapon in the game, even Colombia joined the interview team, wanting to know what the game contained.

Of course, it was impossible for Lin Lan to say anything negative about the game. He just smiled and explained that it was a game of love and peace.

This scene of him being dazzled by the stars was also captured by Gridley, a young professional reporter from White Eagle.

When this young reporter was in the movie theater, Akashi stuffed her with a lot of red tips and asked her to record the interview clips of the commander.

Gridley originally did not intend to accept Akashi's proposal, but when he heard that Akashi said that the film would be broadcast in the port area in the future and her name would be added to the list of producers at the end, the young reporter immediately jumped on the spot compromise.

Although she is not interested in Hong Jianjian, this is a great opportunity to make her more famous than the other camp reporters and girls.

Therefore, Gridley showed her extremely professional shooting skills at this time, surrounding Lin Lan, holding the camera in her hand, and shooting from various angles.

Of course, Lin Lan also discovered Gridley, but he did not expect that this reporter from White Eagle was a small profiteer. He only thought that Gridley was taking daily photos as a souvenir.

This lively interview lasted for nearly ten minutes before finally stopping.

And Lin Lan also realized that being an idol was not an easy task. Just facing so many enthusiastic eyes was enough for him to feel great pressure.

Sure enough, I'm still not suitable to be an idol. I was asked so many questions just now that I felt like my head was spinning.

After that, Lin Lan finally had a chance to talk to Little Gaga, Lexington, Mrs. York City and others who were watching him with a smile.

There's nothing I can do about it. Why is Commander so popular with everyone? Why don't you, Commander, make your debut with Sister Sara!

Saratoga was still holding a bucket of uneaten popcorn in her hand. She skipped up to Lin Lan, handed it to him with a smile and said mischievously.

Me? Debut? Please forgive me, I'm tone-deaf, so I'd better just be an audience in the audience, hahaha.

Of course, Lin Lan also knew that Xiao Jia Jia was just joking and laughed at himself.

But the speaker is unintentional and the listener is interested.

Lin Lan didn't notice that Lexington, the great White Eagle idol who was smiling at the side and watching him and Saratoga chatting tenderly, heard a glimmer of expectation in his eyes when he heard what he said.

After arriving at the game hall, many White Eagle girls also opened the game consoles in groups and sat down to operate them.

After all, the commander is here too, so it definitely doesn't matter if they play games.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Lan finally felt the familiar atmosphere of the Blue Star Game Hall that he had not seen for a long time.

Compared to the deserted scene just now, as if he, New Jersey and others had reserved the place, now that so many White Eagle girls have joined, the entire game hall has finally become lively, with all kinds of sounds resounding.

The game arcade must be so lively and lively.

However, as many White Eagle ship girls learned from New Jersey and others that the commander had taken away the title of the number one arcade game master in the Colombian White Eagle camp, Lin Lan also ushered in a large number of challengers who did not believe in evil.

Little Pudding! I heard that you defeated Colombia? Come and fight with me. I'll try to see if it's true~

As San Francisco, a girl with long silver-gray hair and little devil horns, laughed loudly, Lin Lan understood that he was about to face a hard battle.

However, facing so many beautiful girl challengers, he simply used an arcade machine to compete on the spot and waited for the challengers to take their seats.

In the end, after more than an hour of hard work, he successfully defended his title as the number one arcade game master in White Eagle.

Wow! Commander, this is too cheating! I want to fight Commander again! I don't accept it!

Hey, Tangs, don't embarrass yourself in front of so many sisters...

When the grumpy silver-haired, orange-red eyed destroyer Little Loli Downs was helplessly dragged away from her seat by her sister Cassin with a sigh, Lin Lan finally completely convinced his White Eagle girls.

He smiled and glanced around at the defeated generals around him, and hummed proudly.

In other aspects, my commander may not be as good as you, but in the field of gaming, I can finally stand upright.

Later, as a reward for the challenger's participation, Lin Lan also brought a group of White Eagle girls to the claw machine and grabbed a rag doll for each of them.

Seeing that he could almost catch him accurately, the girls on the White Eagle ship all let out bursts of exclamations.

However, after the girls from the White Eagle Ship learned the inside story of this claw machine from Lin Lan, all the girls from the White Eagle Ship were itching to hate the profiteer.

Seeing the hatred on the faces of so many ship girls, Lin Lan also understood. It seemed that many of his ship girls had been tricked by Akashi using this claw machine in the port area before.

Coincidentally, at this moment, Akashi was humming a tune, dragging a bulging bag of red tips in his hand, and walked into the game hall with a smiling Ariel.

It can be seen that this little profiteer has just made a lot of money through movie tickets, and he is in a good mood.

Of course, the moment she appeared, she was noticed by the girls of the White Eagle ship, and they locked eyes with her.

Huh meow? What...what's wrong, meow?

As a green-haired kitten girl, Akashi instinctively felt that she was surrounded by a strong sense of crisis and took two steps back uncontrollably.

When she saw the girls from the White Eagle ship standing in front of the row of claw machines, surrounding the commander, with angry expressions on their faces, the little profiteer immediately understood what was going on.

Oops! The inside story of the claw machine was discovered, meow!

The moment he realized this, Akashi immediately put the big bag of red tips into the storage space of the ship's equipment, turned around and ran away.

This set of procedures can be said to be so proficient that it is so fast that even Lin Lan is stunned.

It would be absolutely unbelievable if Ming Shi had not trained him specifically.

But even though Akashi's reaction speed is so fast, you must know that the White Eagle Ship girls here are not weak.

Especially since many of the White Eagle Ship Girls consider themselves to be partners of justice, how could they let Akashi off so easily?

Profiteer! You actually used the claw machine to defraud us of so many red tips! That's what my sister and I earned through hard work on commissions! Don't think about running away, give us our money back!

The moment Akashi turned around and ran away from Ariel, the grumpy Downs had already taken the lead and rushed out.

Any evil will be brought to justice! Little beavers, come with me to capture that evil little profiteer of heavy cherry!

The leader of the Fletcher-class Beaver Squadron, the blond and active little lolita Charles Osborne also shouted slogans and chased Akashi at a speed that was not inferior to Downs.

Thatcher, Orlick, Foote, and the mournful Spence, the four little beaver squadrons, also obeyed the captain's call, swarmed up, and rushed out of the game room.

Although Fletcher, who was standing next to Lin Lan, wanted to ask her sisters to be gentler, it was too late.

These little girls had already rushed out of the game hall, and not long after, Akashi's screams came from outside the game hall:

Help, meow! Kill the cat, meow! Don't pluck out my stupid hair, I'll take all the red tips away from you meow!!!

Hearing Akashi's wailing, Lin Lan also smiled and sighed.

Now the profiteers were really brought to justice by the righteous partners.

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