Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 471 Dumpling has something on his mind

However, even though Akashi was sanctioned, Lin Lan was not worried at all about this little profiteer falling into negative territory.

After Akashi was captured, he was forced to return all the money for today's movie tickets to the White Eagle Ship girls.

But it would be unrealistic for her to spit out all the red tips she earned in Minato.

Finally, under Lin Lan's suggestion, the small profiteer was forced to agree that all expenses in the game hall would be free today, and desserts would be provided for free later.

After doing all this, Akashi was reluctantly forgiven by the girls of the White Eagle Ship.

Lin Lan just felt funny when she saw Akashi, whose ears were drooping and pitiful, being held up by the little lolita from the Little Beaver Squadron.

If the girls of the White Eagle Ship knew that Akashi had stolen a car, they might not be able to let her go so easily this time.

And when he thought about it carefully, when he was in the Iron-Blooded Camp in the Western Continent, Akashi also caused public indignation among the Iron-Blooded Ship Girls for stealing materials from the Iron-Blooded Camp's workshop.

This little profiteer can be so successful in every camp, and it is a miracle in the port area that he has not been killed so far.

Um...teacher, don't you need to comfort her?

Ariel, who came to Lin Lan, saw the miserable Akashi and asked Lin Lan in a worried voice.

Hearing Ariel's inquiry, Lin Lan looked at the Rubik's Cube energy robot girl who looked worried.

Alas, kind-hearted Ariel still doesn’t know Akashi’s traitorous nature.

If Ariel is really entrusted to Akashi's care in the future, she will definitely end up being sold by Akashi and still counting money for this little profiteer.

Don't worry about her, it's all her disguise. Ariel, you too. You have to be more careful with her in the future. Do whatever she asks you to do. If you can't make up your mind, send me a message.

Okay teacher, Ariel understands.

In order to prevent Akashi from escaping and not admitting his guilt, Charles and the members of the Little Beaver Squadron did not let go of Akashi until Akashi asked the Barbarians to deliver the desserts to the game room.

In the White Eagle camp, various cream desserts and candies are indispensable consumables for the girls of the White Eagle ship.

Manju, managed by Akashi, also works as a full-time dessert chef at the dessert shop in the White Eagle camp, and has already learned many Oran desserts.

As chubby beasts wearing white chef uniforms walked into the game hall carrying desserts, the aroma of cookies and cakes soon filled the game hall.

Originally, Lin Lan didn't want to eat cream cakes. He always felt that these cream cakes were a bit sweet and cloying, but Concord, an Omaha-class light patrol girl, specially brought him a plate of cream cakes and handed them to him.

Facing this sweet girl with blond hair and red eyes, Lin Lan was too embarrassed to refuse, so she could only take the plate from the girl's hand and pick up the fork.

Speaking of which, when we were in the port area, it seemed that the person in charge of the dessert supply in the port area was Dunkirk from the Iris camp.

While recalling this, Lin Lan put a piece of cream cake into his mouth with a fork.

The next moment, he felt the extremely silky but not greasy sweetness spreading in his mouth, making him look surprised.

This was the first time he had eaten such a delicious cream cake, and it tasted completely different from what he had eaten before.

Hmph~ Commander, I know you don't like cakes that are too sweet, so I cut this cake specially for you~

The trendy blonde girl wearing black and red cat-ear headphones saw the surprise on his face and said with a smile:

Commander, you also know that as a dessert gourmet in the port area, I will not be picky whether it is cheap or high-end products. So if you want to supplement your sugar in the future, Commander, feel free to come to me.

Lin Lan looked at the lively black-stocked light patrol girl in front of him and remembered that Concord had indeed tasted the specialty desserts of every camp in the port area.

As for why Concord knew that he didn't like overly sweet desserts, it was probably because of the girl's personal story.

At that time, Concord had a whim and wanted to make her own desserts, but because she loved sweets so much, no matter how she made them, they were always very sweet.

As the commander, he naturally became Concord's tasting specialist, and in the game he also said that the dessert was too sweet.

At the end of Concord's personal plot, this sweet-toothed girl finally understood that the desserts for everyone should be made according to everyone's different hobbies, and she gained growth.

Lin Lan smiled and touched the head of the light patrol girl. Kang Kede could still remember his taste, which really touched him.

But although he didn't say anything, Concord's words attracted the attention of other White Eagle ship girls.

Concord, the commander is a human being and his physique is different from yours. Don't encourage the commander to eat too many desserts. This will cause the commander to have high blood sugar and high blood lipids.

Accompanied by a gentle girlish voice, the White Eagle maintenance ship girl who had previously given Lin Lan a physical examination, his exclusive doctor the Kitchen Goddess, came over together with Enterprise, Mori and Essex.

Seeing the four White Eagle ship girls together, Lin Lan couldn't help but burst into laughter.

If they appeared on the battlefield together, they would probably make the entire Chongqing camp fearful.

It's okay, Goddess Kitchen. I've investigated that the cream material used in this cake is milk produced by a unique livestock that Oran introduced from the Natlan Empire a long time ago. The sugar content is not that high.

After Kang Kede took out his cell phone and showed the information, and after some explanation, the female Kitchen God smiled and allowed Lin Lan to continue eating the cake.

Well, although the female Kitchen Goddess is a child-faced ship repair girl, Lin Lan inexplicably felt the care of her mother from this gentle and cute little pink-haired nurse.

But Lin Lan soon realized that he vaguely remembered that the Kitchen Goddess had already served in Blue Star during World War I.

In addition, many ship girls in the White Eagle camp have received the care of the Kitchen Goddess, so it is natural for the Kitchen Goddess to exude such a matriarchal aura.

After Concord was called by her Omaha-level sisters to play games, Lin Lan noticed that Essex seemed to have dull eyes and had been muttering something.

Even when he walked up to this dumpling, Essex suddenly came back to his senses, touched the back of his head, looked at him and said hesitantly:

Referring to...Commander! Ahaha, congratulations on being on the screen with the seniors of the enterprise.

What is there to congratulate? What were you talking about just now? It feels like you would have bumped into the game console if I hadn't walked in front of you.

Lin Lan ate the cake and teased this beauty with a smile.

Ah...ah? I, I didn't, what are you talking about, I...

When Lin Lan asked this, Essex immediately blushed on his face, and his tone was even more strange.

What's wrong, after Commander and Sister Enterprise experienced a virtual world adventure together, Essex also wants to experience a big adventure with Commander just like Enterprise.

However, although Essex was speechless in front of Lin Lan for a long time, little Loli Mori, who had already heard Essex talking all the way, directly explained Essex's thoughts to Lin Lan with a smile.

After hearing what Mori said and seeing the helpless smile from the company asking for help, Lin Lan suddenly realized.

Well, it turns out that Essex, the company's number one fan, became jealous after seeing his experience with the company in the virtual world.

After all, the enterprise is a predecessor that Essex attaches great importance to and has always wanted to surpass the enterprise.

This time, his experience with the company in the virtual world directly made this sand sculpture dumpling's admiration for the company's predecessors reach its peak, and he was extremely eager to be like the company and accompany him on such an adventure.

It may not be appropriate to describe Essex with jealousy. Perhaps the word expectation is more in line with what Essex is thinking.

No wonder Essex was so hesitant and speechless when he asked him this question.

This dumpling probably wanted to tell him that if there is another such mission next time, she must be included in the accompanying escort fleet.

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