Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 472 Medieval Magic Theme Park in the Virtual World (2900 words)

Although Essex usually looked very cold, at this time, Essex's face was full of shyness, and he lowered his head and did not dare to look at him.

So Lin Lan thought for a moment and said with a smile in a relaxed tone:

This sortie is indeed in a hurry. I will definitely include you in the escort fleet next time. There will definitely be a chance for you to perform.

At this time, the company also struck while the iron was hot and smiled at Essex:

The commander is right. As the new aircraft carrier girl of our White Eagle camp, you will definitely perform better than me in the future. I believe you.

Commander...corporate senior...wu~~~

Encouraged by the commander and the company, Essex covered his blushing cheeks with both hands and made a cute and shy sound.

This idiot dumpling didn't expect that her inner thoughts would have been exposed long ago, which was really embarrassing.

Meow hum! Maybe you don't have to wait until the next mission, Essex, you can also have this opportunity, meow!

At this moment, an energetic voice suddenly came from behind Lin Lan.

Lin Lan looked back and saw that the person speaking turned out to be the little profiteer Akashi!

This little profiteer was just as he said. After being severely punished, he didn't feel depressed at all. In just this moment, he became full of energy again, with the trademark disdainful smile of a profiteer.

Akashi's words also attracted the attention of Essex, Enterprise and others, who all cast doubtful glances.

After seeing that the eyes of the company and the commander were attracted to him, Akashi proudly puffed up his chest and explained with a hum:

When the theme amusement park is rebuilt in three days, you will know why I said that, meow~

Theme park?

Enterprise, Essex and Mori were all stunned at the same time, wondering what the theme amusement park had to do with the topic they just talked about.

And didn’t Akashi say before that he planned to transform the amusement park into a medieval magic park theme?

But when Lin Lan heard Akashi's words and contacted Akashi to lend Ariel to help, she immediately had a guess in her mind and said after thinking:

If I guess correctly, I'm afraid this reconstructed theme amusement park will be related to the virtual world, right?

That's right, meow, you are worthy of being a commander, your guess is really accurate, meow~

Hearing his words, Akashi twitched his little ears proudly and laughed, his previous pitiful look nowhere to be seen in his body.

If the virtual world can really be built into a theme amusement park, it will indeed be much better than VR game consoles. Essex, you can look forward to it.

Enterprise touched his chin and analyzed carefully.

She entered the virtual world with the commander. In the virtual world, she was completely unable to perceive the difference between the virtual world and the real world.

But Lin Lan looked at Ariel who was following Akashi, looked at Akashi with some worry and asked:

Akashi, your idea is indeed good, but if you build a virtual world themed amusement park, will it place too much burden on Ariel now?

Don't worry, Commander, I've already discussed this plan with Helena and Ingraham, and it's completely feasible~

The green-haired little profiteer spread out his cute sleeves and answered Lin Lan's question with a confident smile:

What we want to build is not a large virtual world, and the energy does not need to be provided by Ariel. Ariel only needs to control and build the virtual world.

Ariel also nodded, smiled and said to Lin Lan, Enterprise and others:

Akashi is right, teacher, don't worry about Ariel.

Now that Ariel herself had spoken and Helena and others joined in to help, Lin Lan felt relieved.

The medieval theme magic park built in a virtual world seems to be quite novel.

Don't tell me, sometimes this little profiteer can really bring him some unexpected ideas.

Of course, Lin Lan guessed without thinking that all Akashi's inspirations were derived from the basis of profitability.

By then, the tickets to this virtual world theme amusement park will definitely make Akashi a huge profit and make up for today's losses.

After the matter was confirmed, Essex also ignited her fighting spirit. After saying hello to Lin Lan and Enterprise, she ran to discuss it with her sisters.

Looking at the back of Essex who left happily, Lin Lan also looked at the company and smiled.

Well, ship girls in the virtual world can indeed unfold their ship outfits.

If Essex really wanted to invite all the dumpling sisters to enter the virtual world with him, then he would be able to enjoy the spectacular White Eagle aviation array.

In this way, as time passed slowly, it soon came to evening.

Since there were no other activities in the evening, the girls from the White Eagle Ship also said goodbye to Lin Lan one after another and left the mall first.

In this way, until the end, only New Jersey was left by Lin Lan's side in the game room. This silly rabbit never forgot his reservation tonight.

Even when he sat in front of an arcade and played a few random games, New Jersey was always by his side, looking at him with a silly smile the whole time.

At this time, he was playing a very classic game, Dragon Quest III.

This was also the last game he played before leaving the arcade.

To be honest, he didn't expect to see this game on the arcade here. It was already a very old game.

Honey, the game you are playing feels so ancient.

Looking at the arcade screen, Lin Lan was controlling the characters in the game to perform skilled mobile adventures, New Jersey said with some curiosity.

She had also watched Commander play many other arcade adventure games before. Compared with those games, the picture quality of this game was indeed a bit poor.

Yes, this game was indeed released a long time ago, but many of Shige Sakura's novels and anime are based on the settings of this game.

Lin Lan shook the joystick in his hand and explained to New Jersey with a smile:

You should have guessed it just by hearing the name. The setting of brave is the earliest one in this series of games.

In addition to being a commander, honey is now also a brave man. Do you have any comments?

Jersey smiled sweetly, looked at Lin Lan and asked teasingly.

Hearing the question from the White Eagle battleship girl next to him, Lin Lan also showed a somewhat nostalgic look and stopped operating.

To be honest, he has played this game many times, and now he just happened to see Akashi transplant this game to the arcade, and he opened it to recall what it felt like when he was a child.

He had indeed dreamed of being a hero a long time ago, but now that he had indeed become a hero, he was not overjoyed at all.

After all, the identity of a commander is much more fragrant than that of a brave man.

In addition to this, there was another reason that he had forgotten for a long time and only remembered just now.

Brave... To be honest, I actually think that being able to meet you is the happiest thing for me than being a brave.

Lin Lan turned his head, looked at the silly battleship girl in front of him, and said softly.

This is also his voice.

But while he was speaking, a trace of depression flashed in his eyes, but New Jersey keenly caught it.

The silly rabbit immediately realized that the commander must have something on his mind that he had not said aloud.

So New Jersey and Lin Lan looked at each other and smiled and asked:

Honey, if you have something on your mind, don't try to hide it from me, New Jersey. Tell me.

Lin Lan didn't expect New Jersey to be able to tell that he had something to say, so he smiled and shook his head:

I didn't expect you to see this. It's New Jersey.

As he spoke, he saved the game and exited:

But it's not a big deal. I just remembered that when I was young, a buddy who often went to the arcade with me to play games. His favorite things were catching dolls and brave adventure games.

But after I moved and transferred to another school, I lost contact with him. After that, I went back to my hometown and wanted to contact him. After asking around for a while, I found out that he seemed to have run away from home and disappeared.

And interestingly enough, I didn't know until then that he turned out to be a woman. I couldn't tell at all before.

Hearing Lin Lan say this in a nostalgic tone, New Jersey blinked and asked with a bad smile:

Honey, didn't you tell us before that the person you used to catch dolls with was your buddy?

Lin Lan, who was interrupted, guessed that New Jersey would ask this question. He laughed and answered with a smile:

That's right, I have always regarded her as my buddy, and she has never told me her gender.

After all, so many years have passed, and Lin Lan has long been relieved.

It was only after seeing this game that he suddenly remembered that there had been such a thing.

Hmph~ I don't care, you actually have other female friends to accompany you to catch dolls. If I tell this, it will definitely cause an uproar throughout Hong Kong, hehehe!

Ah? I trust you so much, you can't just sell me!

When Lin Lan heard what New Jersey said, he immediately stood up and made an exaggerated begging gesture to New Jersey, and said with a smile.

Of course he also understood that New Jersey would never betray him and was just teasing him on purpose.

Well~ It's decided. Whether I tell this matter or not depends on whether honey can satisfy me tonight.

New Jersey also stood up from her seat. The handsome and beautiful battleship sister winked mischievously at Lin Lan and hugged him into her arms.

Feeling this warm and soft embrace, Lin Lan narrowed her eyes slightly, smiled and sighed.

Even though his opponent tonight was only a shipgirl from New Jersey, from the looks of it, it was still a tough battle.

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