Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 475 Lin Lan’s “Mother’s Family” (Part 1)

When Lin Lan woke up from bed and opened his eyes, he found that it was already bright outside the window.

He yawned loudly and quickly woke up.

His battle with New Jersey last night was indeed a bit intense.

New Jersey turned all the pressure during this period into motivation and almost eclipsed him by itself.

If it weren't for the strength of the Braves that provided him with a steady stream of motivation, he might not have been able to withstand New Jersey's offense.

Ahem, I feel like what I said yesterday was wrong. It's good to be a brave...

Lin Lan thought about what he said to New Jersey in the game last night and joked with a self-deprecating smile.

After all, the strength of this brave man is still very helpful in this regard.

Otherwise, he would not dare to imagine how he would satisfy the ship girls in the port area who are eagerly eyeing him if he still has a normal human physique.

And just when Lin Lan was about to lift the quilt and get up to see where New Jersey had gone,

He lowered his head suddenly and discovered that there was a huddled battleship girl hidden under the quilt.

Well, after this fuss, Lin Lan finally woke up.

Honey, you are going to accompany them in St. Louis today. You will be missed~

After the two of them took a shower and got dressed, New Jersey reluctantly took his arm and pressed it against his shoulder, smiling sweetly like a coquettish person.

Seeing the tall beauty leaning against him intimately, Lin Lan also felt soft and touched New Jersey's head.

If you are so reluctant to leave me, why don't you go with me?

Hearing what Lin Lan said, New Jersey smiled mischievously, raised his hand and put his index finger on his nose, and taught with a smile:

Honey, being as greedy as you is is okay in our White Eagle, but if you deal with the girls of the Chongsakura ship in the future, especially between their first flight battle and fifth flight battle, you can't talk like this~

The first flight battle and the fifth flight battle...Akagi, Shoukaku and the others?

New Jersey's reminder made Lin Lan react immediately. This was indeed the case.

As Shige Sakura's number one hermaphrodite, he had often known from Shoukaku's lines in the game that he would always taunt Akagi.

This actually has something to do with the three York City sisters.

In the history of Blue Star, Akagi and Kaga of the 1st Air Force of Sakura, and Soryu and Hiryu of the 2nd Air Force were directly destroyed by the three White Eagle York City sisters in the Battle of Midway.

In particular, Enterprise defeated all three in this battle, turning Akagi, Kaga, and Feilong into winners.

The Shigesakura camp lost so many aircraft carriers at once, and Shokaku and Zuikaku, the fifth aviation team, were reorganized into the new first aviation team.

Because of this, Xianghe always believed that the seniors were not strong enough, which led to this tragic failure.

However, Lin Lan actually also understood that although Xianghe had a negative attitude towards Akagi and the others, he was definitely not discriminating or hating them.

Just like Essex admires the company, Shokaku has always admired Akagi and the others as big sisters, and wants to surpass them through his own efforts.

But when the seniors she looked up to as her sisters suddenly passed away, Shokaku's worldview also collapsed.

From Xianghe's later sister Zuihe, who tried his best to protect her even if she was the victim, we can see that her yin and yang attitude during the first two battles was actually just because of her inner grievances.

But no matter what, Lin Lan still firmly remembered New Jersey's kind reminder.

When he meets the girls from the Chongsakura ship in the future, he will have to think carefully before speaking.

Otherwise, he might face the risk of Shura Field.

After that, New Jersey said goodbye to Lin Lan at the door of the villa on the grounds that he had to go back to the artificial island mountain to do some daily document processing work.

Watching the New Jersey car disappear from sight, Lin Lan looked at her phone and saw that it was only after nine o'clock.

But just as Lin Lan was about to go find St. Louis and the others, he suddenly realized that he was now facing a very important and embarrassing matter.

Speaking of which, where do they live in St. Louis?

Hehe, I feel relieved when I see that the commander is still so dumb~

In the shopping mall cafe in the dock town, Lin Lan, who looked embarrassed, took a cup of hot coffee and blew the hot breath guiltily.

On his left side, St. Louis, wearing a light white sweater and jeans, was poking his cheek with his finger provocatively and saying with a smile.

At this time, the shopping mall cafe was very quiet. Except for two men in suits, only the table where Lin Lan was sitting was occupied.

But there are a lot of people at this table, there are six White Eagle ship girls, and all of them are Brooklyn-class light cruiser girls.

In other words, thanks to Haima, they are all Lin Lan's natal family.

The commander's stupidity is indeed the same as ever. He has not improved at all over the years.

On the other side of Lin Lan's body was a red-haired girl with twin ponytails wearing a white JK school uniform and black stockings.

While speaking, her red eyes squinted at Lin Lan's face from the corners of her eyes, and a few wisps of crimson flashed across her angry face.

Honolulu, the No. 7 Brooklyn-class ship, is also a well-known tsundere of the White Eagle camp like Haman.

However, Honolulu's figure and eye-catching mind are still different from the little tsundere Haman. She is a big tsundere.

Although Honolulu seemed to be mocking himself when he said this, Lin Lan could only smile bitterly.

The person who just drove to the beach house to pick him up was Honolulu. This girl was also a typical talkative person.

The slender girl with short orange hair sitting opposite him stared at him and laughed heartily:

I still remember that after the commander gave Helena a new SG radar, he frantically asked Helena why her skills took effect so quickly.

Phoenix, the Brooklyn-class No. 5 ship with a carefree personality and nicknamed the Phoenix, seems to be remembering the past a long time ago.

When she mentioned this past incident, Helena, who was sitting next to her, immediately lowered her head shyly.

Although Phoenix has a relatively low rarity in the game, she is also a ship girl with high luck.

The reason why this light cruiser girl with a lively personality has the handsome nickname Phoenix is ​​because Phoenix once rushed out of the port unscathed in the sea of ​​​​fire bombs in the Pearl Harbor sneak attack.

Her skill [True Red Phoenix] was also obtained from this.

Phoenix, it's a bad habit to settle old scores.

At this time, as the leader of the Brooklyn-class ship, Brooklyn, a wheat-skinned elder sister with a calm personality, glared at Phoenix and said slowly.

She held the coffee cup with one hand, took a sip and placed it on the table. This series of elegant movements can be called an etiquette textbook, almost comparable to a royal ship's wife.

Lin Lan also took a few more glances at the light patrol sister who was wearing white ol-style clothes and had gray curly hair.

He remembered that Brooklyn had always served as a diplomat for the White Eagle camp. This was also related to the fact that in the history of Blue Star, Brooklyn, as a representative of the new cruisers before the war, frequently visited various countries to conduct diplomatic affairs.

In the game, Brooklyn, like Phoenix, is a low-rarity ship girl, so Lin Lan only added the ring when she was about to graduate.

But it wasn't until now that he discovered that Brooklyn could be so beautiful after changing her clothes, and that the mature sisterly temperament of this eldest sister was also very attractive.

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