Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 476 Lin Lan’s “Mother’s Family” (Part 2)

However, in addition to these five light cruiser White Eagle ship girls, there was also a slender girl sitting at the table with beautiful long Nibashi-colored hair and a rabbit ear hair ornament on her head.

The light patrol girl wearing a long black dress had an oxygen mask on her lovely fair face.

Her flaxen eyes kept staring at the coffee in front of her table, not daring to look at Lin Lan.

It was as if he was thinking about whether to take off his oxygen mask in front of the commander.

Boise, it's hard to go out on a date with the Commander, why don't you show the Commander a good look at your face~

Saint Louis noticed this weak girl who was in a tangled state, and said with a smile.

Ah, ugh...please let me prepare again...I'm sorry, Commander...

Yes, this weak girl is the Brooklyn-class No. 6 ship, Boise.

After St. Louis said this, several other White Eagle Ship girls, including Lin Lan, also noticed this cutie who had not spoken since he came to the coffee shop.

Especially when Boisi saw Lin Lan cast a concerned look at her, she immediately trembled, looked away and apologized with a trembling voice.

Looking at this shy girl, Lin Lan also smiled helplessly.

Boise is obviously the older sister of St. Louis, but she looks more like a younger sister.

What's there to apologize for, Boise? I should apologize to you. I obviously promised yesterday that I would come to you today, but yesterday I forgot to ask where you live. It's a sin.

Lin Lan smiled and joked, making Boisi's tense body finally relax a little.

Now that I know I was wrong, you will pay for the coffee this time. Really, you just came here to play games yesterday and didn't know to ask us in advance.

Okay, okay, I'll pay the bill. Honolulu, calm down.

After Lin Lan finished speaking to the arrogant red-haired girl with twin ponytails, she took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Akashi, asking the little profiteer to say hello to the barbarians in the mall.

Although he did not carry a red tip, Akashi had already provided a large amount of supplies and goods to the Western Continent.

In addition, his United States of Orange account is also managed by Akashi.

If it were in the game, his current number of red tips would be at the maximum.

But at this moment, Lin Lan suddenly noticed that St. Louis was leaning his head, squinting his eyes on his shoulders and shrugging his little nose, as if he was sniffing something.

St. Louis, where are you?

Lin Lan looked at the fashionable blue-haired light cruiser girl in confusion, wondering what the old Siji from the port area was doing.

Hmph, Commander, you have a very strong smell.

You must have been hanging out with New Jersey very late last night, right?

Lin Lan had just picked up the coffee and was about to put it into his mouth, but Auntie Sheng's playful words made his hands tremble.

Honolulu looked even more shocked, his face instantly filled with blush, he looked at St. Louis with wide eyes and shouted angrily:

Lu...Louis, you, you, you, what are you talking about!

Hehehe, Honolulu, aren't you curious? There are so many of us sisters today. Even if the commander is a brave man, it is still unknown whether he can satisfy all of us.

Even though Lin Lan already knew that St. Louis was an old Si Ji, he really didn't expect that St. Louis would dare to say these words in public, and his face couldn't help but feel a little hot.

Honolulu was blushing to the point of being speechless. Helena and Boise were no better than Honolulu, and they both lowered their heads shyly.

Hey, Sister Brooklyn, don't you care about Louise? The wheels of her car almost ran over the commander's face!

Phoenix saw the smiling St. Louis hugging the commander tightly, and couldn't help but ask Brooklyn, who was still calmly drinking coffee.

This passionate phoenix girl couldn't understand why her Brooklyn sister, who usually strictly disciplined them, didn't preach to St. Louis.

Brooklyn looked at Phoenix with a smile and explained:

Legally speaking, we are all legally sworn partners of the commander, and today we are having a private date with the commander. There is absolutely no problem with Louis making such a joke.


Phoenix was speechless, it seemed that was indeed the case.

St. Louis, who received Brooklyn's permission, smiled even more, but did not continue the conversation about driving.

After all, I still have a lot of time to spend with Commander today, and I can also enjoy Commander in the evening.

She had already learned from Helena that the commander's body was no longer what it used to be, and she had just deliberately teased the commander.

The shy commander is the cutest.

After changing the daily topic in St. Louis, the atmosphere finally returned to normal from the subtle atmosphere.

Boise finally took off the oxygen mask on her face, allowing Lin Lan to admire her cute and shy face.

Lin Lan also received a reply from Akashi. Today, all his expenses in all stores in the mall will be free.

Since this little profiteer was once again reliable, he stopped being polite and asked the waiter to order a few more of the cafe's specialty pastries.

After all, he hadn't had breakfast yet this morning, and his stomach was already growling.

After handing the menu to Honolulu to order, Lin Lan looked at Brooklyn curiously, thought for a moment and asked:

Brooklyn, you were probably not on the artificial island before. I went to the Government Affairs Office several times and didn't seem to see you.

Hearing the commander ask himself, Brooklyn nodded without reservation and explained:

Yes, Commander, until you find a replacement for Sarah and the others, I have been managing the liaison between various forces in the consortium building in Xinyang City.

But now I don't need to worry about it there anymore, and I can finally come back to accompany my sisters. Commander, I have to express my gratitude to you.

Being thanked so formally by Brooklyn, Lin Lan quickly waved his hand and said with a smile:

What you said is very unfamiliar. Working alone there must be quite stressful, right?

However, the words he asked made Phoenix cover his mouth and laugh out loud:

Commander, don't look down on Sister Brooklyn. When she was in Xinyang City, she managed the Oran people there obediently. She didn't even dare to tell us a word.

Hearing Phoenix's words, Lin Lan looked at Brooklyn with a little surprise.

It's just some simple diplomatic methods and management methods, which are not worth mentioning. If the commander hadn't led our White Eagle camp so powerfully and had strong military strength as the foundation, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to do these tasks well in such a short period of time.

Regarding his sister's praise, Brooklyn was not at all proud and complacent, but smiled at Lin Lan modestly.

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