Hearing what Brooklyn said, Lin Lan couldn't help coughing twice and felt guilty.

In fact, he just played a little bit through the game before, and even after graduation, he was too lazy to do daily work.

However, the various forces in Xinyang City mentioned by Brooklyn aroused Lin Lan's interest.

Before that, as a trainee commander who had not yet graduated from Hongye Naval Academy, his main knowledge of the United States of Oran was the five major consortiums of the Navy Department and the Candle Sea Chamber of Commerce.

He really didn't know much about the Oran folk forces.

So Lin Lan asked the chief diplomat of the White Eagle camp:

Brooklyn, you just said that many forces contacted you when you were in Xinyang City. Can you tell me in detail?

When Lin Lan asked about his professional knowledge, Brooklyn became interested and introduced him carefully:

Most of the forces that come to contact us are local groups in Xinyang City. I will not introduce them to the commander one by one. As for the Navy Department and the consortium, I believe the commander knows more than me.

So, I will mainly introduce to the commander the forces with greater influence in the Eastern Continent.

Brooklyn paused and continued:

First of all, it is a guild composed of migrant workers from Liaozhou. I will use Liaozhou Guild for short here. Commander, these Liaozhou people from Liaozhou Guild are not the residents who immigrated and settled in Oran. They are the residents who immigrated to Oran ten years ago. The Liaozhou people who just came to Oran.

Their families and relatives are still in Liaozhou, so they are very eager to return to their hometown. However, due to the siren's blockade and the previous inaction of the Candle Sea Chamber of Commerce, they cannot return to Liaozhou even if they want to.

Lin Lan nodded. He had heard about this so-called Liaozhou Guild in Hongye College before, but it was only mentioned in the news.

After all, the former United States of Oran had very close contact with the Nine Islands of Liaozhou, and there was an endless stream of ships on the route.

Tianou Group hires a large number of Liaozhou people from Liaozhou every year to serve as labor force. The annual salary these Liaozhou people earn when they come to work in Oran is much higher than in Liaozhou.

If he remembered correctly, many places on Liaozhou Nine Islands are still in the traditional farming period, and industrialization is only relatively developed on the main island relatively close to Oran.

When Brooklyn said this, the menu had already been passed among several light patrol girls, and was handed to the waiter Manjiu by Helena.

When they heard the commander talking to Brooklyn about business, they did not interrupt, but listened carefully.

This was the first time they had heard of these things. Sister Brooklyn never told them about them after she came back. She reported them directly to Saratoga and New Jersey.

Another influential force should be the bodyguard company composed of warriors from the Natlan Empire.

This is a chain company that mainly provides bodyguard services. They have branches not only in the Eastern Continent, but also in the Western Continent.

Lin Lan frowned slightly. When he mentioned the Natlan Empire, he immediately thought of the chess piece Extreme who was once in the mirror sea of ​​Dongyun City.

At that time, the ultimate person who could wield sword light and float in the air could be said to have given him a little shock as a cultivator from another world.

But in the virtual world, he used a display lens to create a battle between the Ultraman and the Siren, and he felt that the Ultraman was completely useless.

Those moves looked really cool and gorgeous, but the Ultimates were beaten so hard by Type III Executors that they were unable to fight back, and two or three of them were killed with one shot.

Thinking about it, the Extremes have such a hard time fighting the Tyrant Mecha. The Natlan Empire is definitely not much better than Oran now, and it is probably completely blocked by the Sirens.

However, although the Extremes are definitely unable to defeat the Ship Girls and Sirens, if there are still Extremes in Oran today, it is still a hidden danger.

So Lin Lan looked at Brooklyn and asked:

Among the warriors of the Natlan Bodyguard Company, are there any extreme ones?

Extreme One?

But to Lin Lan's surprise, Brooklyn repeated the term in a doubtful tone.

It's like the first time I've heard of such a thing.

Sister Brooklyn, the commander should be talking about the humans in the virtual world movie yesterday who were materialized by the reality lens and could fly in the sky.

Helena spoke to remind Brooklyn at this time, and after Brooklyn heard Helena's words, he immediately looked at Lin Lan and said firmly:

If the commander is asking about the kind of warrior who is like Superman, there really is no such person in the Nutland Bodyguard Company.

Presumably even in the Natlan Empire, the number of Extremes is not large, and they will not easily come to the United States of Oran.

Although this White Eagle camp diplomat had never been to the Natlan Empire, she also shared her analysis for Lin Lan.

After Brooklyn said this, Lin Lan's original interest in this Nutland bodyguard company disappeared.

If there were no limiters, those Natlan warriors would just be a group of ordinary people who were good at using melee weapons and relatively strong, so he didn't need to pay too much attention to them.

Even if this group of people wants to cause chaos in Oran, Jian Qianou's consortium mecha unit is not a vegetarian.

What's more, since the other party has already established a bodyguard company, he must have lived in Oran for many years, so he will not cause trouble for no reason.

At this time, plates of pastries were also brought to the table.

Seeing a cross made of dark chocolate on one of the cake plates, Lin Lan suddenly remembered something, looked at Brooklyn and asked again:

By the way, Brooklyn, have you ever received any contact from the forces of the Teaching State in the Eastern Continent?

When he was in the Western Continent before, he often saw photos of churches on the Internet there. It seemed that every big city in the Western Continent had a church.

In particular, he, the Iron-Blooded Ship Girls, and the machine-girl Sui Qiong performed an oath ceremony in the church in Yunhai City.

Lin Lan was deeply impressed by the sudden miracle and Father Brown who came from the teaching country.

If Brown hadn't told him how to kill Grandma Leviathan completely, I'm afraid the Siren would have really caused him a lot of trouble.

The Teaching State...Commander, I really haven't received any contact from this force in Xinyang City.

A plate of biscuits was also served in front of Brooklyn. Seeing that Lin Lan and her sisters were already holding knives and forks, she smiled and replied:

According to the information I have, there are more people from the Teaching Nation in Huanyang City, and most of them are concentrated in the Western Continent. The commander should have dealt with them before when he was in the Iron-Blooded camp, right?

Yes, it seems that because the teaching country is geographically closer to the Western Continent, most of the members of the Holy Light Church have established churches in the Western Continent.

Lin Lan said with a smile, the answer Brooklyn gave him was what he expected.

Since in the eyes of the Oran people in the Eastern Continent, the specialties of the Western Continent have become magic items passed down from the Teaching Nation, it naturally means that the Teaching Nation's influence in the Eastern Continent is not as great as that in the Western Continent.

Oh, you have to eat cakes and pastries while they are fresh. Commander, if you and Sister Brooklyn have anything to say, you have to wait until they are finished before talking~

Seeing that Lin Lan and Brooklyn had finally finished talking about a topic, St. Louis smiled and interrupted.

Listening to Commander and Sister Brooklyn telling these things is like listening to a story. I don't know if I will have the opportunity to visit those countries in the future.

The lively orange-red haired light cruiser girl Phoenix finished speaking with a smile, picked up the fork and put a piece of cream cake into her mouth.

Hmm... Let's put it this way, the monster that Big Mackerel and the others took out of the artificial lake... seems to be from the Teaching Country, right?

At this time, Lin Lan heard Boise's weak voice. He smiled and looked at the weak girl who took off her oxygen mask and said:

Yes, that Leviathan did originally live in the waters surrounding the St. Lothoron Teaching State. It finally escaped from the control of the Siren.

After receiving the commander's affirmation, Boise showed deep concern on his face, and he squeezed the fork in his hand tightly with some fear:

Ugh, if you were to swim in the sea of ​​the Teaching Kingdom, wouldn't you be attacked by this kind of monster at any time? It's so, so scary...

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