Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 478 It’s time to buy clothes, Commander

Originally, Lin Lan thought that Boise would be interested in Leviathan, but she didn't expect that this cruiser girl who loved snorkeling would actually show fear.

He immediately reacted as if Boise's concerns were justified.

After all, Boise is not like the submarine girls like Big Mackerel, whose ships can also fight underwater.

But before he spoke, Honolulu looked at Boise and said coquettishly:

Stupid, why don't you use radar to patrol the surrounding sea area before diving, and then put on anti-submarine equipment? How many hedgehog bombs can those monsters withstand? seems so.

When Honolulu said this, Boise was stunned and found that this was indeed true.

Then the weak girl showed a relieved smile.

Lin Lan's mouth twitched slightly when he heard the conversation between the two White Eagle Light Patrol girls.

This is too much martial virtue.

I looked through the illustrations of marine monsters in Akashi's Magical Encyclopedia of the Teaching Kingdom before. Leviathan is already a legendary monster. Other monsters should not be as powerful as Leviathan.

Lin Lan looked at Boise and said seriously. After hearing his words, this light cruiser girl who loved snorkeling was completely relieved and happily enjoyed the cake.

But despite saying this, Lin Lan also secretly reminded himself.

If he goes to the teaching country in the future, he should really pay more attention at sea and let the ship girls do anti-submarine work.

After all, in addition to Leviathan, there are other legendary levels of sea monsters.

Unlike Leviathan, which lives in groups and is mainly recorded based on the strength of its grandmother, other legendary level sea monsters are likely to be more powerful.

In this leisurely atmosphere, everyone soon finished all the pastries on the table while chatting and reminiscing.

Looking at the plate with only the remaining butter left on the table, Lin Lan finally felt that her stomach was seven to eight times full.

Compared with the pastries made by Ron from the Iron-Blooded camp, the pastries from the White Eagle camp seem to be generally sweeter.

Even Helena, who doesn't like to eat too sweet, the cake she just gave him was a bit sweeter than the cakes from the Iron-Blooded Camp.

Maybe this is the so-called camp characteristic.

There seems to be no one in the mall today. Don't you usually come to the mall on weekdays?

Watching the Manjiu people come up to clear away the dishes, Lin Lan realized that it was already past ten o'clock, and there was still no White Eagle ship girl other than the Brooklyn class in the mall.

So he looked at St. Louis curiously and asked.

After all, after the commander recovered, everyone moved back to the dormitory building on the artificial island mountain. Of course, there is no one in the town.

St. Louis finished speaking with a smile, and his purple eyes fell on his white Navy uniform:

Commander, you are obviously not working today, but you are still wearing your uniform. Don't you feel awkward?

When St. Louis asked, Honolulu also touched his chin, looked at his clothes up and down, and said with a somewhat complaining tone:

Louis is right, you didn't go to work today, why are you wearing such formal clothes on a date with us?

Ah? I probably didn't wear regular clothes when I was in Minato before, right?

Lin Lan was stunned for a moment, and instinctively looked at the white uniform on his body and retorted.

But Helena interrupted at this time and said:

Commander... you were different in the port area before and now. You can try to change into new clothes.

Lin Lan was slightly startled by Haima's words.

Only then did he suddenly realize that he seemed to have been wearing the uniform of the Navy Department since he came to the White Eagle camp.

The only piece of clothing he wore besides his navy uniform was the cotton-padded jacket that York City had given him before.

Thinking about it this way, he realized that he really didn't have any other clothes to change into.

The regular uniforms he bought with Germany and the others when he was in the Iron-Blooded camp were not brought over because he was kidnapped by the observers.

After arriving at the artificial island, the clothes that New Jersey and Little Gaga prepared for him were all the same style of navy uniforms, with no other regular clothes.

Seeing the shocked look on his face, Saint Louis also thought of this, and a sly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

It seems that we mistakenly blamed the commander. The commander should not have any other regular clothes to wear now, right? Why don't you accompany us to the clothing store and we will match it for you?

St. Louis' words made the eyes of several light cruiser girls, including Helena and Boise, light up.

Matching the commander's clothes seems to be a very good idea.

Lin Lan looked at the smiling Aunt Sheng and instinctively felt that there was a conspiracy in St. Louis' words, but she couldn't find any reason to refuse.

As the saying goes, a man is judged by his clothes. Except for Honolulu, the six White Eagle cruiser girls in front of him were all wearing clothes that had not appeared in the previous games.

As a commander, he can't possibly wear the same style of uniform every day, right?

So Lin Lan nodded, looked at Auntie Sheng and said:

Then... okay, but do the clothing stores in this mall have men's clothing?

Yes, Cleveland has always been taken by her Sea Knight sisters to take photos in men's clothing. The same goes for Wichita. Don't tell me, Commander, they are really handsome in men's clothing.

St. Louis replied with a smile.

Having said this, Lin Lan also remembered that in the game, Cleveland and Wichita did have the setting to wear men's clothing, and both had corresponding outfit changes.

In order to honor his father Ke and Ta Ye, he bought both of these outfits.

Now that he had no worries, he left the coffee shop with the six Brooklyn-level sisters and took the escalator in the shopping mall lobby to the clothing store.

There was no one in the bustling mall yesterday, but today there was no one there. This made Lin Lan feel a little sad for no reason. It seemed that Akashi's business in Baiying was not easy.

Fortunately, among their group was Phoenix, a chatty and lively girl, so the atmosphere was not affected by the deserted environment.

Listening to several girls happily discussing what style of clothing they would like to wear for him, Lin Lan couldn't help but feel a little curious.

Do the clothing stores in this shopping mall really have so many clothes to choose from?

He, Dezhi and Sipei had been to a large shopping mall in Dongyun City before. To be honest, he didn't have much expectations for the clothing stores here.

I can only hope to be better than those in Dongyun City...

If I go, it won't be a big deal, right?!

When Lin Lan came to the floor with the clothing store on the escalator, he saw the layout of the clothing store clearly and blurted out in shock.

He couldn't help but be so shocked, an entire floor of this shopping mall was actually the same clothing store!

Unlike the clothing store in the shopping mall in Dongyun City, which consists of many small stores, the clothing stores on this entire floor are all interconnected.

But he quickly realized that he was a little strange.

In fact, there is a shopping mall with a similar layout in Blue Star, and he personally participated in the construction.

It's just that as a hard-working civil engineer, he has built this kind of shopping mall, but he has never had the opportunity to visit it after it opened.

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