Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 483 Was there an earthquake on the artificial island? (Additional update)

After everyone walked out of the clothing store, Lin Lan couldn't help but stretched out, showing a relaxed expression.

Although it didn't take much effort to try on clothes, don't forget that before trying on clothes, he had an ulterior affair with a smiling old Siji in the dressing room.

Fortunately, neither Helena nor Brooklyn found out, and this matter became a secret between him and Saint Aunt.

Since it was already past the lunch point, at Helena's suggestion, everyone went directly to the restaurant in the mall and had a seafood meal here.

The food cooked by Manjiu here is actually not as delicious as the food cooked by Sister St. Louis. Commander, let's have dinner at our house in this small town.

After finishing the meal, Helena commented on the dishes.

Lin Lan looked at the empty dining table with some leftovers and nodded in sympathy.

That's not to say that the dishes cooked by Chef Manjiu are not delicious. In fact, these dishes are already considered to be of a pretty good standard whether in Blue Star or in the United States of Oran.

It's just that the dishes cooked by Chef Manjiu are commercial meals after all, and he always feels that they taste a bit bland.

This also made Lin Lan have a guess in his mind. Could it be that his taste has been cultivated during the period after meeting the girls on his ship?

After all, when he was in the Iron-Blooded camp, all his three meals a day were cooked for him by Ron himself. It could be said that as long as he was in the port area of ​​Lihu County, there would be no exception.

During the period after he came to White Eagle, the food he ate was basically cooked by the girls on the White Eagle ship.

After such a comparison, there is nothing outstanding about the dishes prepared by Chef Manjiu.

But it doesn't really matter. As the commander, he will definitely accompany the ship girls in the future.

The only thing to note is that he must pay attention to those ship girls who can cook dark cuisine.

For example, the Fletcher-level girl Malani whom I met before is a dark cooking master in the White Eagle camp.

I don't know why, but Lin Lan always feels that once the cooking skills of the ship girls are bad, it will be difficult to improve significantly the day after tomorrow.

It's like some kind of metaphysics.

And when it comes to metaphysics, we can never avoid the well-known Prince Xianruixue from the Zhongying camp, who talks a lot about nanoda.

Commander, if you have rested, let's go to the beach for a walk.

Just when Lin Lan was distracted after eating, Phoenix's excited voice interrupted his thoughts.

The beach? Okay, let's go to the beach to bask in the sun. The weather is nice today.

Lin Lan was stunned at first, and then he immediately thought that he had never been on the beach in front of the artificial island.

Whether it was yesterday or when he set off for Hongye City before, he only stopped briefly at the pier.

Not only can you bask in the sun, Commander, you can also experience diving.


Hearing what Phoenix said, Lin Lan immediately widened his eyes and instinctively looked at the cotton-padded jacket he was wearing.

Is it wrong to go diving in this weather?

The Western Continent, not far from the Eastern Continent, had already fallen into ice and snow at this time, and even the sea was frozen.

Not to mention that the Eastern Continent also experienced a heavy snow and cold wave just a few days ago. He still vividly remembered the beautiful scenery of flying snow on the sea when traveling from Hongye City to Hengyue City.

It is conceivable that the seawater temperature around the artificial island is definitely not much higher now.

Commander, Phoenix is ​​talking about diving in a mass-produced submarine. He is not asking you to dive directly into the water.

Catching the surprised expression on his face, Boisi, a girl with long hair and a new bridge color, quickly put the oxygen mask back on her face and explained quickly.

Ahaha, Commander, I didn't make it clear just now, I'm sorry~

After Phoenix Phoenix heard what Boise said, he smiled heartily and apologized for what he had just said.

I'm just telling you, Phoenix, you scared me. I was still thinking that if I were allowed to swim this season, the Kitchen Goddess would have to come to you and fight for her life the next day.

Lin Lan joked humorously, causing the girls to smile.

In fact, with his current physique, which is blessed by various passive skills of the brave, he probably won't have any trouble if he really goes to swim in the ice sea, and he won't even sneeze.

Just like when he was frozen into ice by his own spell before, nothing happened in the end.

But it's okay anyway, he must be indispensable for the cold he should feel from the outside world.

After confirming the itinerary, the group left the mall and came to the streets of the dock town.

It was the afternoon, and the warm and bright sunshine was softly falling on Lin Lan's body. Combined with the refreshing sea breeze carrying the smell of the ocean, it made him feel extremely comfortable.

Since the beach is not far from this shopping mall, everyone unanimously decided to just walk there without driving.

The car that came to pick up Lin Lan turned on the autonomous driving function under the control of St. Louis taking out his mobile phone and drove directly to the beach first.

While leisurely walking to the beach to bask in the sun, Lin Lan also learned from the Brooklyn-level sisters that the front mountain and seaside of the artificial island are actually different from the back mountain, and there are many large facilities.

Naturally, it also includes the dormitories of the White Eagle submarine girls and various material sorting warehouses shipped from Xinyang City.

When Lin Lan heard the word materials, he immediately thought they were material coins that looked like gold coins in the game.

But he immediately realized that the supplies here refer to supplies in the literal sense, such as various types of land-based food and daily necessities.

Well, Lin Lan had to admit that the reason why he immediately thought of material coins when he heard the word materials was because he was really playing with Blue.

As for the dormitory of Big Mackerel and the others, it was not on the mountain but on the seaside, which was somewhat beyond Lin Lan's expectation.

But this is actually quite reasonable. After all, what little submariners love most is to go snorkeling in the sea. Swimming in the sea is definitely more fun than playing games.

The dormitory is at the seaside, so it is very convenient for the fishes of White Eagle to go out to sea. No wonder they were able to pick up the Leviathan Dailan who was still in the form of the artificial lake.

Just when Lin Lan and the light patrol girls were about to arrive at the beach, Lin Lan suddenly felt a slight tremor on the street ground beneath his feet.

At first he thought it was an illusion, but then a dull dull buzzing sound came from the direction of the artificial island mountain.

What's this movement? Is it an earthquake?!

Lin Lan was shocked. He stopped while speaking and turned to look at the mountain of the artificial island.

As a native of Shuzhou, where earthquakes often occur in Blue Star Donghuang, he has an innate vigilance towards such natural disasters.

Hearing his words, the Brooklyn-level sisters also stopped in their tracks.

What kind of earthquake? It's just an experiment for another project being tinkered with in the Xinghai Laboratory.

Honolulu looked at Lin Lan speechlessly and said, as if he was already accustomed to this kind of movement.

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