Xinghai Laboratory?

Lin Lan couldn't help but be stunned when she learned the origin of the earthquake from Honolulu.

In the plot of the game, the White Eagle camp's Xinghai Laboratory is indeed built inside the mountain.

And he didn't see the facilities of Xinghai Laboratory on the artificial island mountain or the back mountain, plus the vibration that resounded throughout the artificial island...

Thinking of this, he turned his gaze to Helena and asked with some uncertainty:

You are not going to hollow out the entire artificial island mountain again and place the Xinghai Laboratory inside the mountain just like before, right?

Ah... Commander, haven't New Jersey and Sarah told you before?

Hearing his doubtful tone, Helena was also stunned and asked cutely.

Seeing the blue-haired girl with this appearance, Lin Lan finally understood that he didn't know the location of Xinghai Laboratory.

He had always thought that Xinghai Laboratory was in which building on the mountain.

The White Eagle camp has actually completed such a large project in such a short time after occupying the artificial island?

However, he suddenly realized that it seemed that when the company took him to visit the warehouse in the back mountain, he had mentioned that there was an underground warehouse specifically for storing oil in the mountain.

If he had visited the underground warehouse inside the mountain, he would have definitely been able to visit the Xinghai Laboratory.

Perhaps because of this, Saratoga and New Jersey thought he had been taken to Star Ocean Laboratory by the company, so they did not take the initiative to mention this matter to him.

They really haven't told me. Since it's not an earthquake, let's talk while walking.

After learning that it was not an earthquake, Lin Lan relaxed and smiled.

On the way back to the artificial island from Hengyue City, Memphis also invited him to Xinghai Laboratory. He took this opportunity to ask Helena about the situation in the laboratory.

He and several girls arrived at the beach soon. At this time, he also learned the general situation of Xinghai Laboratory from Helena.

In fact, when Xinghai Laboratory was in the port area, it had become a common Rubik's Cube technology laboratory for ship girls from all camps.

At that time, the Xinghai Laboratory was built on a floating island area built by the Iron-Blooded Ship girls on the sea not far from the port area.

After discovering that he had disappeared inexplicably, the ship girls from all camps set out to search for him.

At that time, there were still some important experimental projects in the Xinghai Laboratory that could not be interrupted, so the White Eagle Ship girls brought the facilities of those projects to Oran and rebuilt a pocket version of the Xinghai inside the artificial island mountain.

So, most of the scientific research facilities of Xinghai Laboratory are still in the floating island area in the port area?

After arriving at the seaside, Lin Lan stood on the seawall and saw a cargo ship coming from the direction of Xinyang City docked at a special cargo terminal.

After listening to Helena's explanation, he asked curiously.

But it was Brooklyn who answered him. This wheat-skinned elder sister, whose gray curly hair was blown by the sea breeze, continued to speak for Lin Lan:

Yes, before our White Eagle camp leaves the port area, there are still some ship girls from various camps staying there in the floating island area, carrying out maintenance work on the floating island area.

Bismarck's ship-mounted dragon Geryon was not taken away by the Iron-Blooded Fleet. It is still being maintained and improved on the floating island area in the port area.

Brooklyn's words made Lin Lan's eyes widen. He thought that when each camp left the port area to find him, they brought all their ship girls with them.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that he really didn't see Regensburg and Elbe's sister Yade when he was in the Iron-Blooded camp.

And Bismarck's dragon ship uniform made him suspect that his ears had heard wrongly.

Bismarck's magnificent three-headed dragon ship suit in the game actually exists? !

You know, Bismarck zwei and Bismarck are both considered two characters to cultivate in the game.

But he immediately realized that since even the II-type ship suits of Mrs. Yorktown and Bumblebee are now two forms of the same ship girl, then Bismarck should indeed be the same.

When he saw Bismarck in the Iron-blooded Fortress of the Western Continent, he always thought that the Iron-blooded leader did not have a dragon...

Geryon is a new generation iron-blooded ship suit that Bismarck developed to suppress the metamorphosis in his body in order to suppress the influence of the Metacube.

Geryon, a magnificent dragon ship with three dragon heads, can not only fight separately from Bismarck, but also has powerful combat power to fire black hole cannons. It can even fly!

Because Geryon was so powerful, Lin Lan always felt that it didn't look like a real ship outfit.

Fortunately, he never took the initiative to mention this matter to Bismarck, otherwise he would be very embarrassed.

But Lin Lan then thought that since Bismarck chose to leave Geryon in the port area without taking him out, it meant that his health must be fine.

When he was sleeping with the iron-blooded leader, he didn't notice anything wrong with Bismarck's physical condition.

It seems that Bismarck chose to leave Geryon on the floating island area in the port area to continue the research and development of the new generation of iron-blooded ship suits.

This is in line with the character of Bismarck, the inspiring leader of the entire iron-blooded camp.

After all, with Frederick the Great and almost the entire Iron-Blooded camp shipgirls by her side, there were not many opportunities for her to take direct action.

It seems that I can't continue to tease Bismarck anymore. I didn't expect that Geryon actually existed...

Lin Lan murmured softly, causing Phoenix beside him to poke his head in confusion and ask:

Commander, what did you just say?

Oh, it's nothing. I was just thinking about what projects are being carried out in the sea of ​​​​stars on the artificial island.

Eh? Memphis hasn't told you yet? That's a very domineering one...

Phoenix, an active light cruiser girl with short orange hair, originally wanted to continue talking, but she seemed to have thought of something midway through her words, and quickly closed her mouth and gave him an awkward smile.

Lin Lan looked at Phoenix speechlessly. Changdao did the same thing yesterday and stopped talking in the middle of the sentence.

It must be another surprise prepared for me, right? I have to go to Xinghai in the next two days to see what kind of gift Memphis has prepared.

He said half-jokingly, and did not force Phoenix to reveal what secret projects there were in the star sea.

Anyway, he will definitely go to Xinghai in the next two days, so he is not in a hurry now.

After that, everyone continued to walk along the seaside. Lin Lan also learned from several light patrol girls that the logistics of the cargo terminal just now was currently handled by Manjiu and Rubik's Cube energy robots.

Lin Lan knew that the Rubik's Cube energy robots on the artificial island, except Ariel, were those robots that did not have the emotion simulation system turned on.

After Ariel's host core is rebuilt, these Rubik's Cube energy robots will be able to be managed uniformly.

About ten minutes later, Lin Lan saw a small courtyard surrounded by white walls beside the seawall ahead.

From a distance, in addition to a double-storey hut, there are also several coconut trees planted in the yard.

Moreover, there are only three white walls in the courtyard, and the remaining one faces directly towards the sea.

With this kind of design that makes it easy to enter the sea directly from the yard, Lin Lan knew without thinking that it must be the dormitory of the little girls on the White Eagle Submarine.

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