Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 488 Purple seabed of another world

Later, Lin Lan asked Nautilus to ask the great white shark about the origin of the intruder.

First of all, it is certain that the person who invaded the secret treasure house of the submarine lolita is definitely not a siren, otherwise the radar on the artificial island would have discovered it and alerted the police.

So obviously, this intruder should be some kind of migrating marine animal.

But what kind of marine animal can prevent these four top predators of the ocean, great white sharks, from driving them away?

Commander, they said that the invaders have many long tentacles, which are similar to squids, but many times larger than ordinary squids, and they also have a hard shell.

And that giant squid is still in our secret treasure house, using it as its lair.

Soon, Nautilus asked for information about this mysterious intruder.

A giant squid with a shell?

Lin Lan was stunned. Such a similar creature really didn't exist in the modern Blue Star ocean, but it looked very similar to the ammonite, a marine creature that became extinct hundreds of millions of years ago.

Hmm... I seem to have seen this kind of creature in Oran's marine life encyclopedia.

At this moment, the big mackerel touched his chin and said with an expression of reminiscence:

“If the bluegill guys are right, the invaders are giant snails.”

Giant chrysanthemum conch? It does look similar, huh... but I remember that this kind of carnivorous conch basically lives in the waters of the nine islands of Liaozhou.

Nautilus was reminded by the big mackerel, and he also remembered the relevant information about the giant chrysanthemum snail.

No matter where it comes from, it dares to occupy our secret treasure house. It must be taught a lesson!

The bluegill waved her little fist in the sea angrily. All the collections she had worked so hard to collect were destroyed. How could she spare this intruder?

But after Nautilus heard what Bluegill said, he hesitated and said weakly:

Well, Bluegill, we still have to accompany the commander now...

Nautilus, can giant snails be eaten?

Before the blue-haired little loli finished speaking, Lin Lan interrupted her with a smile and asked.

Ah, I remember that it is edible, and according to records, this giant chrysanthemum snail is a rare dish from the Nine Islands of Liaozhou. It is difficult for ordinary fishermen to salvage such low-level marine monsters.

Knowing that this chrysanthemum-patterned snail was a monster from Liaozhou, Lin Lan also understood why the four great white sharks had nothing to do with it.

However, low-level monsters are actually no different from ordinary unintelligent animals. They are just more powerful and have one or two unique special abilities.

Lin Lan thought for a while, even the legendary Leviathan could be beaten to pieces by wolves, so this kind of chrysanthemum snail naturally poses no threat to them.

Then let me go with you to your secret treasure house. Snorkeling around the island is not as fun as hunting sea monsters.

He didn't have to go around the island originally. Now that the submarine girls encountered an unexpected incident, he must give priority to solving this kind of thing.

It's definitely not because he wants to taste the taste of this monster from Liaozhou.

Okay! A commander will accompany us to fight the sea monster!

As the spiny fins let out happy cheers, everyone changed their original voyage and, led by the four bluegill fish boys, turned around and headed for the secret treasure house under the sea of ​​the White Eagle submarine girls.

Lin Lan also felt very amused when he saw four great white sharks and six cute little lolita escorting him in the sea on the display screen in the cab of the mass-produced submarine.

This kind of teamwork would be very explosive even if it were placed in any game.

Since the secret treasure house is located on the bottom of the sea, as the mass-produced submarine dives deeper and deeper, Lin Lan finds that the surrounding light through the sea water becomes increasingly dimmer.

However, Spiny Fin very considerately helped him control the mass-produced submarine and turn on the searchlight.

Under the orange-white light beam in front of the submarine, Lin Lan saw many strange-looking deep-sea fish and many soft-bodied marine creatures with twitching and moving bodies. This sight was very new to him.

If it weren't for the four great white sharks that opened their mouths to eat the small animals while swimming, there might have been more deep-sea animals approaching around them.

Speaking of which, why do you want to hide those collected treasures under the sea?

On the way to the secret treasure house, Lin Lan was also curious and asked several submarine girls questions on the communicator.

He had just seen a lot of beautiful shells and pearls collected in Yuyu's dormitory. It was obviously safer to put these things on land, right?

If there is really no place to put these things, even if they are stored in the ship's storage space, it is better than leaving them in the ocean.

Well~ Commander, you don't know this, right?

After listening to his question, the big mackerel gave him some information with a naughty smile on his face:

Many beautiful corals and sea anemones would die quickly if they were brought to land, so we moved them in the sea so that we can have a perfect collection.

As if to confirm what the big mackerel said, Lin Lan soon saw many small mountain-like rocks appearing on the seabed in front of him.

But what surprised him was that the deep sea bottom, which should have been pitch black, was actually covered with large areas of faint purple fluorescence.

Countless tentacles are waving with the current, and corals, sea anemones and kelp-like aquatic plants with various brilliant colors grow densely at the bottom of the deep sea.

There is such a vibrant ecosystem at the bottom of the deep sea!

And through the purple fluorescence, Lin Lan saw many schools of fish foraging within the scope of these purple lights. This lively scene was almost exactly the same as in the shallow sea just now.

This made him immediately realize that something was wrong, and he blurted out:

Wait a minute, if I remember correctly, both corals and sea anemones should only survive in shallow seas with sunlight.

Is it possible that those purple lights have the same effect as the sun?

Although Lin Lan is not a professional oceanographer, he still knows this common sense.

In Blue Star's record channel, he had also seen how cold and silent the deep sea looked, and it was absolutely impossible to be as prosperous as he saw it.

Hehehe, the commander is indeed as surprised as we were before. The ocean here is different from the ocean we used to have.

The one who answered his question was Archer Fish. This ace submarine loli seemed to be very satisfied with Lin Lan’s surprised tone and continued to show off:

Those purple rays in the deep sea do have the same effect as the sun. They are emitted by the corpses of small animals called 'sea fireflies'.

When they are alive, they live in shallow seas, absorb sunlight, and after death, they fall to the bottom of the sea, emitting these purple rays of energy that are as energetic as the sun, and become the cradle of countless deep-sea creatures.

Lin Lan was also surprised by Archer Fish's explanation.

He has been the commander of the Oran Navy for more than a year, and his knowledge of marine life in this other world is actually not as good as that of his ship girls.

It seems that during this period of time, he has to continue to learn knowledge about various creatures in this other world, otherwise he will be too incompetent as a commander.

Commander, that's the large coral reef ahead. We've arrived.

As soon as Archer Fish finished speaking, Blue Gill Fish pointed to a huge coral reef standing on the seabed in front of him, shrouded in purple light and said to Lin Lan.

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