Hearing Bluegill's words, Lin Lan immediately cheered up.

The towering coral reef at the bottom of the sea covers a huge area, and it does seem like it can hide a lot of things.

Moreover, the purple sea bottom scenery around here can be said to be very gorgeous. No wonder the big mackerel and the others regard this place as their secret treasure house.

Not long after, Lin Lan and the submarine girls came to the top of this huge coral reef, looking down at this magnificent natural creation in the sea water.

But now the question arises, where is the giant chrysanthemum snail hidden?

Lin Lan looked at the screen on the console in front of him. There was nothing around this coral reef except small fish and dead corals.

Even the fish were scared away by these four great white sharks.

Logically speaking, the giant chrysanthemum snail must be carrying a carapace as huge as its body, so it would be very conspicuous.

Is it possible that the chrysanthemum snail has escaped?

Lin Lan asked uncertainly through the communicator.

Although he didn't know how big the giant chrysanthemum snail was, since its name included the word giant, it must be bigger than the great white shark.

Commander, wait a moment, let me scan it with radar.

Spiny Fin said as she turned on her ship-mounted radar function.

A few seconds passed, and Spiny Fin's voice sounded again in the communicator:

Huh? Commander, I found that guy, but... it's right below us.

Right below... it's not good. I'm afraid this thing has lost its carapace and got into the coral reef.

After learning the results of the radar scan, Lin Lan thought for a moment and immediately guessed the possibility.

This giant chrysanthemum snail is most likely to be like a hermit crab, with a soft body that can be separated from the carapace.

Lin Lan looked at the huge towering coral reef below them. If the opponent hid inside the coral reef and could not survive, it would be really difficult.

But just as he was thinking about how to solve this situation, Minyu suddenly said in the communication channel with an excited tone:

Since the invaders are hiding in the coral reef, there is only one way.


Lin Lan looked at the pink-haired submarine girl on the screen in confusion. Before she could ask what the solution was, she heard the other White Eagle submarine girls all smiling and saying:

Well, in this case, that's the only way to do it.

Although I am somewhat reluctant to part with it, the thought of being able to perform that for the commander is enough to make up for the regret of losing my baby~

Lin Lan was confused by the words of the little girls. What exactly was that method?

Just when he was confused, Minyu, who was already excited, asked him a nonsensical question:

Commander Commander, do you want to see the Minnow Circus?

Lin Lan was stunned when he heard this term. What is the Minnow Circus?

But when he thought of the lively torpedo-controlled pink-haired submarine loli's lines in the game, he immediately realized what the Minnow Circus meant.

The minnow circus in Minyu's mouth is his Banma circus, an animation technique that uses afterimages, trajectories and other techniques to show a large number of high-speed moving objects in the picture, such as missile launches and tracking targets.

And here, Minnow means that the other companions used torpedoes to launch all the bombs, and with her moving at high speed as the guiding target, they directly blew up the coral reef with torpedoes!

When Lin Lan reacted, his first thought was to protect the natural environment. Wouldn't it be bad to do so?

But he immediately realized that this was a different world. The ocean area was several times larger than that of Blue Star, and the number of large underwater coral reefs was not as rare as that of Blue Star.

If that's the case, why should he worry?

As for whether the protagonist Minyu, who was the guiding target, would be hit by a torpedo, Lin Lan didn't worry at all.

After all, Minyu is a full-level submarine girl, and her tone of voice is so confident, indicating that she has definitely practiced this seemingly dangerous performance countless times.

Moreover, as the torpedo launchers, Big Mackerel and others cannot actually hit the minnow with a torpedo, and they will control the timing of launching the torpedo.

Are you going to perform a minnow circus for me? Then I have to enjoy it.

After thinking about all this, Lin Lan felt relieved and smiled expectantly.

Not everyone has the opportunity to see this spectacular circus of all torpedoes being launched under the sea.

Yeah! I've been practicing hard for so long, and I can finally perform for the commander! Look at it, commander!

After getting Lin Lan's consent, Minyu laughed happily and began to arrange the launch angle and high-speed movement path for the big mackerel and the others.

Originally, she wanted to perform a minnow circus for the commander last time at the artificial lake, but the commander had something to do and left the artificial lake the next day, so she was unable to do so.

And this time, she can even perform a truly spectacular minnow circus under the sea.

This little submarine loli couldn't be more excited.

However, although Minnow was so excited, he did not forget to remind Spiny Fin to control Lin Lan's mass-produced submarine to keep a sufficient safe distance and drive away the four great white sharks.

After all, the power of the Peter Rays loaded into their ships is no joke. The intensive explosion power is enough to blow the entire coral reef into powder.

Then Minnyu held an undersea camera in his hand and connected the signal to one of the display screens of Lin Lan's mass-produced submarine.

In just a few minutes, Minnow directed the other five companions to find the best angle and position for launching the torpedo.

Everything is ready, Commander, please give us the order to fire!

After hearing Minyu's eager shouting through the communicator, Lin Lan stood up from his seat and spoke loudly into the communicator:

Okay, then everyone is in position, count down to three torpedo salvos, three, two, one! Fire!

After Lin Lan said the word fire, dozens of torpedoes with white bubble tails appeared on the display screen in front of him.

As the main character of the circus, Minnow, who holds a camera in her hand, drives her ship to full power and moves at high speed along the coral reefs in the sea.

The full name of the submarine torpedo launched by Big Mackerel is Mark 20 S Torpedo-Peter. In the game, it is an acoustic magnetic torpedo and has the function of automatically tracking targets.

Therefore, Lin Lan could clearly see that those torpedoes were like missiles dragging white air waves, drawing white curves in the sea water and attacking the minnows at high speed.

But in this tense chase, Minnow used his dexterous posture and sharp turns to perfectly avoid the Peter Ray who was coming from behind.

Petre, who was walked away by the minnows, hit this huge coral reef due to inertia, instantly bursting out with a large ball of undersea fire. The powerful shock wave shattered a large area of ​​hard coral, and was shrouded in purple light. Slowly falling to the bottom of the sea.

But even though the power of the torpedo explosion was so huge, Minnow could always reach the next place with Peterei behind her before the shock wave of the explosion caught up with her.

Even during such a tense chase, this bold pink-haired submariner didn't forget to let out a hearty laugh in the communicator.

It was as if all this was like playing house to her.

Lin Lan, who witnessed all this through the camera in Minyu's hand, also clapped his hands sincerely.

At this time, this little pink-haired lolita in a racing swimsuit looked exactly like those handsome protagonists in aerial combat animations that use banma tricks.

She truly deserves to be a full-level submarine girl!

In this circus performance of minnows dancing on the tip of a knife, the originally huge coral reef was gradually exploded from above by the torpedo explosion.

Just as the minnow made a smart sudden stop and started drifting and turning again, suddenly, two thick flesh-colored tentacles poked out from the coral reef in her path!

There is no doubt that it is the giant snail hiding its body inside the coral reef!

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