After helping the little girls dry off the seawater, Lin Lan returned to the White Eagle Submarine Dormitory on a mass-produced submarine.

Before he and a group of little lolita walked from the submarine to the yard next year, he smelled the aroma of vegetables wafting from the hut.

Well, it looks like you're going to have a good meal tonight.

Lin Lan savored the aroma of the dish and said with a smile.

On the way to Hongye City, Helena had been serving as their head chef.

Since even Haima's cooking skills are so good, let alone her sisters.

After everyone got ashore, Spiny Fin took the mass-produced submarine back into the ship's storage space. The group walked through the small courtyard and returned to the hut.

After entering the house, Lin Lan briefly told a few girls about his experience at the bottom of the sea, and at the same time asked the fish to take the meat of the giant chrysanthemum snail to the kitchen.

Lin Lan didn't think these pieces of fresh meat were very big in the sea, but now they were piled up into a small mountain.

Seeing so many large pieces of fresh meat, Haima and Auntie Sheng, who were wearing aprons, had expressions of astonishment on their faces.

This was their first time cooking monster meat, and they didn't know where to start.

But Lin Lan had already planned this. He took out his cell phone from his pocket, shook it and said with a smile:

When we are in doubt, we will check online. Although this is the first time we have obtained monster meat, this country in another world must have a way to prepare monster food.

After saying that, Lin Lan, Phoenix and Honolulu, and a group of little lolita sat in the living room to search for recipes on their mobile phones.

And the fact is just as he expected, there is always no shortage of pursuers of delicious food, whether in Blue Star or in other worlds.

In addition to the video of how to process monster meat that Oran officials released online more than ten years ago, there are also many Liaozhou resident netizens who enthusiastically share the Liaozhou cuisine production process in the forum.

Of course, there is also a way to cook giant chrysanthemum snails.

However, despite finding these recipes, in the end most of the chrysanthemum snail meat was used to make barbecue barbecue.

There's no way, it's not that Helena and St. Louis can't cook Liaozhou-style dishes, the main thing is that there are too many chrysanthemum snails.

Even in Liaozhou, this kind of monster living in the deep sea is very difficult to catch.

Even if they are caught by fishermen, the meat of chrysanthemum snails is often sent to large restaurants on the main island to be made into various expensive dishes.

If we really cook so much meat in the extremely exquisite way of Liaozhou's famous dishes, I'm afraid we can go there tomorrow.

Therefore, in addition to leaving some of the meat for Lin Lan to send back to the mall for the other White Eagle girls to taste, he directly chose to grill it and enjoy it in the simplest and most primitive way.

When the golden color of the setting sun gradually appeared on the sea, this extremely sumptuous meal was finally prepared with the joint efforts of Lin Lan and the girls of the White Eagle ship.

An electric barbecue grill was set up in the yard, and the tables were filled with a variety of delicious dishes and juices. Just looking at them made people feel appetite increased.

Lin Lan scooped up a spoonful of the chrysanthemum snail broth in front of him and put it into his mouth. His eyes widened immediately.

This soup was made by Helena, who was sitting next to him. She added some home-cooked condiments to the meat and boiled it into a thick white soup, which was extremely delicious.

The meat of chrysanthemum snails was full of aroma after entering the mouth, and the texture was slightly chewy but not greasy. It was significantly different from any kind of meat he had ever eaten.

Not only was he so surprised, Big Mackerel and the others also sighed after they started eating, saying they had never eaten such delicious food.

When the commander came back and said these were monster meat, I thought he was bragging. It wasn't until I ate them in my mouth that I realized I was wrong!

Phoenix put the fried meat on the fork into his mouth, chewing it while looking at Lin Lan and laughing heartily.

After taking off his mask, Boise took a sip of the broth, and a happy smile appeared on his face:

The meat of monsters is so delicious. Even if I encounter them while diving in the sea in the future, I can't let them go...

Hearing Boisi, who was still afraid of monsters in the sea, say this, Lin Lan also laughed out loud.

Sure enough, delicious food can really make people brave. Even shipgirls can't resist the temptation brought by delicious food.

Obviously, Sister Louise and I just made these meats using ordinary cooking methods, but it tastes so delicious. It's really because of the ingredients.

Helena helped Lin Lan bring a bunch of juicy barbecue grilled on the grill. After hearing the sighs from the sisters, she also smiled with relief.

It's not just about the ingredients, these dishes are more about your and St. Louis' thoughts.

Taking the kebab, Lin Lan smiled and replied to the cute blue-haired girl, causing a blush to appear on Helena's face.

Oh, these sultry tricks of the commander are old-fashioned, but who told us to just do it~

Compared to the shy Helena, Aunt Sheng is obviously more free and easy.

And her joking words also caused the surrounding White Eagle ship girls to laugh happily.

That's right, if the commander wasn't around, they wouldn't be as relaxed and happy as they are now.

It's great to have the Commander back.

The open-air dinner finally ended when the night sky was filled with stars. After helping the ship girls clean up the yard and kitchen, Lin Lan also said goodbye to the cute submarine lolita for the time being and made an appointment to see them again next time.

However, when leaving the White Eagle Submarine dormitory, the big mackerel quietly grabbed the corner of Lin Lan's clothes at the door of the cabin, who was the last to walk out.

Commander, do you remember that you still owed me a condition when we were at the artificial lake?

Lin Lan's mouth twitched slightly when he heard what the little blond lolita with a cunning smile on her face said in a low voice.

Of course he remembered it.

While walking around the artificial lake, the big mackerel openly forced him to make a condition by not being a perverted lolita.

The big mackerel didn't take the initiative to mention this matter this afternoon. He thought the big mackerel had forgotten about it.

Now that the big mackerel has taken the initiative to bring up this matter, could it be that this prank-loving little loli wants to cause trouble again?

Seeing the expression on his face as if he was facing a formidable enemy, the big mackerel chuckled, winked mischievously and then smiled at him:

Well~ I have decided on this condition, that is...

Lin Lan swallowed with a gulp and waited for the little loli with a bad smile to say the next thing.

That is to wait until the commander and everyone returns to the port area before using it. Commander, you can rest assured while you are on the artificial island, hehehe~

After saying that, the big mackerel gently pushed Lin Lan, who had not yet reacted:

Commander, go and work overtime tonight~

Looking at the little lolita in a swimsuit who was trying to tease him, Lin Lan also smiled helplessly.

Well, he does have to work overtime soon.

After all, his natal family are still waiting.

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