Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 493 Hidden threats, future plans

With Lin Lan, one car couldn't accommodate so many people, so Brooklyn used her cell phone to call for an extra self-guided car.

The dormitory of the Brooklyn-level sisters was on the mountain of the artificial island, so Lin Lan simply suggested that he could live in the villa arranged for him in New Jersey.

This opinion was agreed by all the girls. After all, it is not good that the commander has not stayed in his villa since he came back.

Lin Lan was riding in the same car as Helena, St. Louis, and Phoenix, and Auntie Sheng was in charge of driving.

Although the cars on the artificial island now have self-driving functions, the shipgirls still prefer to drive by themselves.

After everyone drove out of the town at night, Lin Lan also looked towards the amusement park below the front mountain.

Akashi had told him before that it would only take three days to complete the renovation of the theme amusement park, but he didn't know if he was bragging or if it could really be completed.

But now it seems that there is no movement of reconstruction and construction in the amusement park shrouded in darkness. It is quiet and even the lights are not on.

Commander, what are you looking at? Is there anything interesting there?

Phoenix Phoenix noticed his eyes looking out the window and followed his gaze curiously and asked.

Yesterday, Akashi said she wanted to renovate the amusement park. I thought she was bragging. Three days is not enough to complete the renovation of the theme amusement park.

Lin Lan joked with a smile, shook his head and looked away.

To be honest, with the help of Ariel and the Barbarians, Akashi may indeed be able to complete the transformation of the virtual world amusement park in the style of the Teaching Kingdom.

But three days is a bit exaggerated.

However, Helena thought for a moment and said to him seriously:

Commander, if Akashi goes to the sea of ​​​​stars to ask Memphis and the others for help, it may be possible to complete the transformation of the virtual world amusement park in three days.

After hearing Helena's words, Lin Lan looked out the window at the night view of the mountain again and fell into deep thought.

Haima was right, if Akashi and Ariel alone plus Manju, three days for such a large renovation project is indeed not enough.

But if you add those supercomputers in the star sea to assist Ariel in constructing the virtual world, it would be hard to say.

Haima's words also reminded Lin Lan from the side that the main focus of the amusement park renovation work is still in the virtual world. In fact, various facilities in the real world do not need to be modified too much.

At most, Akashi sent the Manju construction team to decorate it on the last night.

It seems that when I go to Xinghai Laboratory the day after tomorrow, I have to inspect the work of this little profiteer.

Lin Lan smiled and said, while also making plans for the itinerary.

It's not that he doesn't want to go to Xinghai Laboratory tomorrow, it's mainly because he was previously booked by Reno to play with their Atlanta class tomorrow.

And speaking of it, he still had many things to discuss with Memphis after going to Xinghai Laboratory.

For example, improving the combat effectiveness of mass-produced ships, the network connection from the port area to the artificial island, and the mysterious surprises that the White Eagle ship girls have prepared for him in the past two days...

There is also important information he got from the builder - world folding technology.

Although he has not taken the initiative to mention this word in the past two days, the company must have discussed it with New Jersey and Saratoga.

Siren was able to bring his entire port ship girls to this other world without even knowing it. To be honest, he was a little scared to think about it.

What conspiracy does Siren have, and how many of his cards have not yet been revealed?

There is also the good guy Richard, the first meta ship girl who appeared in the previous game event story. That is also a threat that he cannot ignore.

This crazy girl with an abnormal mental state is always thinking about making all normal ship girls fall into metamorphosis.

Not to mention that this game has never really revealed to players from beginning to end the mysterious enemy that completely destroyed the original world.

If he remembered correctly, in the original world at that time, in addition to many ship girls, the use of Rubik's Cube technology in the military was also very advanced.

Not to mention that the sirens created by Dr. Aosta at that time also stood on the same front as humans to fight against the mysterious enemy.

But such a powerful primitive world was directly destroyed by the mysterious enemy. In the end, only the sirens and corporate metas were left, including the ship girls who had fallen into the metamorphosis of the primitive world.

For these reasons, he once saw someone complaining in Blue Star's forum, saying that although this is a casual game for raising wives, it is full of crises except for the port area.

Although this netizen's point of view is a bit exaggerated, no matter what, as the commander of his own ship girls, Lin Lan feels that he still needs to be prepared.

If that mysterious enemy really comes to this other world, he can't just sit back and wait to be killed.

When thinking of this, Lin Lan suddenly heard Phoenix asking Helena about their experience in Hongye City.

The moment he heard Helena talking to Phoenix and St. Louis about walking with him in Hongye Naval Academy in Hongye City, an idea came to Lin Lan's mind:

Maybe... I don't have to let my ship girls fight against the mysterious enemy?

Yes, Lin Lan realized a very critical issue at this time.

That is, if a mysterious enemy really comes to this different world one day in the future, there is a high probability that this different world will be destroyed directly and indiscriminately like the original world.

Before this world-destroying catastrophe comes, he can completely use the power of various countries in this different world to face the mysterious enemy together!

After all, in the original world, there were no means of using elements in the Liaozhou, the magic of the Teaching Kingdom, or the ultimate masters of the Natlan Empire.

Even the United States of Oran was a not weak country in another world before using the Rubik's Cube energy.

Don't forget, a hundred years ago, Oran had already created the Tyrant Mecha, a heavy weapon capable of flying and fighting, as well as the giant mobile sea base, Huanyang Fortress.

These are black technologies unique to other worlds that Blue Star did not possess before he traveled through time.

Ignoring other countries for now, let’s just talk about the United States of Oran. Due to various reasons, except for the Tianxing Consortium and the Noah Desin Consortium, most of the United States of Oran has basically fallen into his hands.

Then he could start with the United States of Oran and let Ariel supervise Jian Qianou through the Internet to recreate these other-world technological crystals.

Although these weapons may not be powerful enough compared to Rubik's Cube technology, they are still better than nothing at all.

Lin Lan kept this plan in his mind for the time being, and he had to discuss it with his ship girls in the long run before it was safe.

Now, as the car entered the construction area on the artificial island mountain, Lin Lan understood that there were more important things that he needed to do tonight.

That was to fulfill his duties as a commander and work the extra night shift that was due.

Otherwise, his lovely ship girls will be unhappy before the mysterious enemy arrives.

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