Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 494 The Return of the Iron-Blooded Camp (3100 words)

On the way back to the villa, Lin Lan found that many rooms in the tall buildings on the mountain were lit up.

This is more than a little more popular than when he woke up on the artificial island mountain before.

He was not surprised at all. This should be the original appearance of the White Eagle girls living on the artificial island.

At that time, Saratoga and New Jersey, in order not to let the cheerful White Eagle ship girls disturb his recovery, asked the ship girls to go to the mountains for vacation.

Now that the vacation is over, most of the White Eagle girls have returned to their dormitories on the mountain.

After returning to the villa, Lin Lan also sat on the sofa in the living room and read the news on his mobile phone while the six patrol girls borrowed the bathroom to take a shower.

The current situation in the United States of Oran is still improving, and Jian Qianou also sent him an electronic plan for a giant corporate government.

Lin Lan did not look at this plan in detail, but just glanced at it.

He was going to go back to discuss with Little Jia Jia and summon the White Eagle Ship girls to discuss and agree on it. Anyway, this plan could not be implemented until the Tianxing Consortium and the Noah Deshin Consortium were resolved, so there was no rush at this moment.

But in addition, his teacher Ji Chenlin also sent him a summary of the actions of the Navy's port commanders on the Siren fleet in recent days.

I don't know if it is because the builders were frustrated in Hengyue City, but the number of scattered Siren mass-produced models and executors in the sea areas around many cities in the Eastern Continent has dropped sharply.

Sirens have even disappeared on the routes between several cities.

This is a situation that has never happened in the United States of Oran since the Siren Disaster broke out.

So much so that Ji Chenlin expressed some worry to him, whether the Siren was preparing for a new round of large-scale attack.

Regarding his teacher's concerns, Lin Lan thought for a moment and replied:

The naval commanders in each city are required to strengthen the vigilance of the surrounding sea areas and send liaison reports to the headquarters at a fixed time every day to report the situation of the day. The port commander of Huanyang City must communicate twice a day.

If a commander misses the contact time, please teacher immediately dispatch a fleet to the city the commander is responsible for and inform me.

Lin Lan understood that Ji Chenlin's worries were not unreasonable.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster. The Siren suddenly withdrew the mass-produced models and executors deployed at sea to block the routes in various places. It is indeed very possible that he is planning some conspiracy.

Especially since he also knew that the Sirens were most likely entrenched in the headquarters of the Tianxing Consortium in Huanyang City, so he naturally had to take more precautions.

After doing all this, Lin Lan looked at the weather forecast of the Eastern Continent and learned that within a week, the second cold wave would also land in the Eastern Continent.

This also made him sigh.

If it weren't for the fact that it was winter, he would have really wanted to take the White Eagle Fleet to Huanyang City and take over the headquarters of the Tianxing Consortium.

Mainly, he had learned on the way back to the artificial island that the Tianxing Consortium had basically completely controlled the Noah Desin Consortium.

Once the Tianxing Consortium headquarters is destroyed, it is likely that the administrative agencies of more than a dozen cities under it will be directly paralyzed and plunged into chaos.

This is why he plans to wait until closer to the beginning of spring before taking the White Eagle Fleet to Huanyang City.

Even so, Lin Lan sent another message to Jian Qianou just in case, asking the old guy to be ready to take over the dozens of cities with arms at any time.

With this arrangement, even if the sirens suddenly attack, he will not be caught off guard and will have enough countermeasures.

As soon as he put down the phone, he heard the bathroom door upstairs being opened, and Phoenix's happy voice came with the sound of water splashing:

Commander! Come and take a shower together!

Although this was an invitation from a phoenix girl with short orange hair, Lin Lan knew without thinking that since Phoenix dared to invite him like this, he must have obtained the consent of the other sisters.

He even seriously doubted that this idea was brought up by Old Siji St. Louis.

Lin Lan stood up from the sofa with a smile, put the phone on the coffee table, and smiled a little:

Okay, I'll come right away!


On the sea covered with light snow, a huge black-red mass-produced fleet was cutting through the waves and heading forward at high speed.

In the night sky covered by snow clouds, from time to time a group of carrier-based aircraft penetrated the clouds and landed on the mass-produced aircraft carrier in this large fleet, and a new carrier-based aircrew greeted the mass-produced aircraft carrier from the runway. Taking off in the falling snow.

The searchlight light emitted from the mass-produced battleship is like a torch in the dark night, dispersing the darkness on the sea in front of the fleet.

Although many mass-produced hulls have scars from gunfire attacks, they can be paired with thick black and red-style paint to give them a more chilling feeling of iron and blood.

There is a flagpole standing on the bow of each mass-produced ship, and the black and red Iron Cross flag indicates the camp to which they belong——

The iron-blooded fleet departs from the Western Continent and returns to the port area!

In the center of this huge iron-blooded mass-produced fleet, in the largest mass-produced battleship, Bismarck, wearing iron-blooded military uniforms, and Frederick the Great were standing in a study-like command room.

They were looking at a large map hanging on the wall.

On this map, the route marks of their iron-blooded camp from the Western Continent to the present have been outlined with a pen.

But this route, which was supposed to be a straight line, actually had a lot of crosses drawn with red pens, and the route also bypassed the places where these crosses were located.

I really didn't expect that the Sirens have penetrated this world so deeply and have built so many strongholds and fortresses in the depths of the ocean.

Bismarck, who wore a military hat and had blond hair, held his chin, looked at the map on the wall, frowned and said softly.

On the way back to the port area from the western continent, they had already encountered more than a dozen attacks by the Siren fleet.

There are even many Siren fleets with Type III Executors as the main force.

Moreover, when they set out to the Western Continent, they clearly did not find the large fortress built by the Siren. When they returned to the port area this time, they had discovered no less than five of them on the original route.

Although these strongholds have all been captured and destroyed by their iron-blooded camp, any ship girl in the port area knows that the speed at which the Sirens build strongholds or fortresses is completely abnormal.

It may not even take a month for these large fortresses to be rebuilt by the sirens.

Bismarck sighed bitterly. It seemed that their idea of ​​establishing a safe oil transportation route between the port area and the Western Continent would most likely fail.

And Frederick the Great, who was standing side by side with her in front of the map, although he still had a calm smile on his face, his black and golden eyes also shone with an uncertain luster.

Bismarck, these are not the most important things.

Frederick the Great spoke slowly, taking out a black baton in his hand that looked like a conductor of an orchestra, and pointed at a red cross on the map in front of them:

Do you still remember what we found in this fortress...

You are right, Frederick, this is the information we most need to return to the port area and report to the commander.

Bismarck understood what Frederick the Great was referring to and responded directly.

Their iron-blooded camp discovered the representative of the Arbitration Organization in this Siren Fortress stronghold.

Although they had learned of the existence of Strenkus through their previous contact with the White Eagle camp, the agent they found in the Siren Fortress was not the agent of Strenkus VIII Determination.

It is Agent XIV Equilibrium (Balance), an agent affiliated with Arbiter Templarus XIV.

Although they have already known through Helena's meta information that there is more than one arbiter in the arbitration body in this world.

However, as the representative of the Arbitration Agency, Tempalance is acting together with the experimental agency fleet. This is undoubtedly a situation that requires great attention.

They must return to the port area as soon as possible and report this situation to the commander and the White Eagle camp, so as to prevent the commander from suffering a big loss due to insufficient intelligence.

By the way, Bismarck, how is the new kid doing now?

Seeing that Bismarck had realized the importance of this matter, Frederick the Great showed a satisfied look, and then asked Bismarck.

She was quite fond of the child named Sui Qiong, but he seemed to have some health problems not long ago and had been resting alone on the mass-produced battleship.

Moreover, Bismarck specifically ordered all the Iron-Blooded Ship Girls not to get close to the mass-produced ship, and only asked Ron, Mainz, Egil and other project ship girls to take turns taking care of Shattered Qiong.

As for the reason, due to the continuous combat during this period and the arrangement of shift vigilance and logistics work for the Iron-Blooded Ship girls, she did not bother to ask Bismarck.

Now, if nothing happens, they will arrive at the port area early the next morning, and Frederick the Great finally has the leisure to mention this matter.

Shattered Sky...

Bismarck was asked this question by Frederick the Great, and a bit of worry flashed in his blue eyes.

I told you before that she is a 'mecha' made by the Yuan Rubik's Cube, which is fundamentally different from our 'ship'.

With the Commander by her side, her metamorphosis is still in a suppressable state, but now that she is separated from the Commander, the Metacube in her body can no longer suppress her metamorphosis even if she uses meta crystals.

Frederick the Great nodded slightly, his smile remained unchanged, and he seemed not too worried about this matter:

No wonder you only arranged for the children from the plan ship to take care of Sui Qiong. With the Yuan Magic Cube and Meta, it is really not suitable for other children to come into contact with her.

Bismarck sighed, seeming to notice something, and moved his gaze to the sea under the night outside the window.

This strong child reminds me of my former self. Tomorrow I will ask Geryon to help her contain the meta energy in her body.

But at the moment, it seems that the Siren does not want us to return to the port area so smoothly.

Frederick the Great also turned his head slightly and looked out the window. The smile on his face faded and was replaced by a gloomy coldness.

The next second, the faint sound of gunfire and flames came from the dark night outside the window.

A large-scale Siren interception fleet was discovered on the right front of the fleet! The members of the escort tonight will join me in bringing despair deeper than death to the enemies who block the iron-blooded march!

Count Zeppelin's murderous attack order came from the communicator on the table in the command room.

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