Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 495 For the glory of His Majesty and the glory of the Royal Navy! (2800 words)

As Count Zeppelin's words rang through the communicators of all the Iron-Blooded Ship Girls, more than a dozen Iron-blooded Ship Girls gathered at the front of the fleet and deployed their respective dragon and shark outfits.

Yawn~ Why didn't Seidritz call me even though the night siren was on duty? My night siren was never absent...

The battleship Lützow of the Iron-Blooded High Seas Fleet yawned lazily, surrounded by her dragons. She held a black shark pillow in her hand and complained very unhappily.

But except for this gray curly-haired slacker, the other Iron-blooded ship girls all had serious expressions on their faces.

The Siren fleet that my carrier-based aircraft just discovered is type IV. Everyone, the end is right in front of us. We must not take it lightly in this pre-dawn darkness.

Zeppelin's scarlet eyes looked around at his iron-blooded companions who had experienced bitter battles along the way, and said in a solemn tone.

And as soon as she finished speaking, all the Iron-Blooded Ship girls saw a faint green sheen slowly flashing in the dark sea water with flying snow in front of them.


There was no need for Count Zeppelin to continue to command. All the Iron-Blooded Ship girls opened their formations and aimed their main guns and torpedo tubes forward.


With the sound of large splashes breaking out of the sea, countless mass-produced Siren warships surrounded by dark green light patterns emerged from the sea, blocking the Iron-Blooded Fleet's return to the port area.

Executors of various types whose main guns and ship equipment were shining with a dark green luster also appeared from under the sea water, looking coldly at the iron-blooded ship girls who came from afar.

Such a huge Type IV Siren fleet even turned half of the sky on the sea into a dark green.

With a cold smile on his face and a huge black manta ray suit on his back, the senior siren tester also slowly appeared in front of the huge Type IV fleet, staring intently at the iron-blooded ship girls in front of him.

That's right, all Type IV sirens with green energy light patterns as the main color have diving functions!

This kind of mass-produced siren with extremely strong combat capabilities is exactly the most powerful mass-produced combat capability of the Siren Experimental Agency in the perception of the ship girls in the port area.

Unless it is dealing with the most difficult enemy, the Siren will never easily mobilize the Type IV fleet.

But obviously, for the Siren, Lin Lan's ship girls are definitely the enemies that deserve the most attention!

Fire! Destroy them!

Without too much hesitation, all the Iron-Blooded Ship Girls launched a fierce attack on the Siren Fleet.

It's not that they have never fought against Type IV sirens. Under the guidance of their commander, they have already adapted to fighting against this level of sirens.

The Siren fleet immediately opened fire without mercy, launching an all-round attack on the front line opened by the Iron-Blooded Ship Girls.

Violent explosions of main guns and aerial bombs, roars of anti-aircraft guns and airborne machine gun sweeps from carrier-based fighters instantly erupted across the sea.

Almost as soon as they met, the sea burst into flames.

In the sky, fighter jets from both sides exchanged fire, and the falling carrier-based aircraft was like a burning meteor, falling from a high altitude instead of snowflakes.

Z-drivers pay attention to anti-submarine warfare and block Type IV lurkers and mass-produced submarines!

Don't expose the wolves for the time being. Wait for the tester's mass-produced machine to fall from the sky, then focus your fire and attack with torpedoes!

Such a massive battle soon woke up the other iron-blooded ship girls who were still resting on the mass-produced battleships, and they all opened their ship uniforms and joined the battle.

Bismarck and Frederick the Great also discovered that the Sirens seemed to be serious about tonight's battle, and they also came to the front of the fleet.


As Frederick the Great stood on the sea, controlling the ship dragon behind her, it used the main gun to make a deafening roar. The ship of the tester's mass-produced machine was instantly hit by the explosion and fell into the sea.

When we captured the Siren Stronghold and Fortress before, we did not see the high-level Siren's mass production machine appear. It seems that the Siren has analyzed our path and plans to kill us all here.

Bismarck, holding the flag, watched coldly as the tester mass-produced machine stood up from the sea unsteadily. While the ship's main gun beside him opened fire, he also understood why the Siren would dispatch such a large number of IVs tonight. The fleet intercepted them.

Just now, the carrier-based aircrew released by August had discovered that a large number of Type III siren fleets were surrounding them on the surrounding sea.

They had destroyed five Siren fortresses along the way, and the Sirens did not have any countermeasures.

On the contrary, the Sirens directly chose to mobilize a large number of fleets, calculate in advance their only way back to the port area, and intercept them here.

Using the powerful Type IV fleet and tester mass-produced aircraft as the main interceptors to hold back the Iron-blooded fleet, and then letting the surrounding Type III Siren fleet outflank it, is really the usual style of the Sirens.


A large-caliber main gun shell fired by the Type IV Breaker hit Bismarck directly, but was directly blocked by a silver-haired girl holding a giant metal shield.

The cannonball exploded violently on the giant shield, and the fire even swallowed the girl directly.

As expected~ Siren has no intention of letting us go back to the port comfortably.

After the smoke dissipated, the silver-haired girl was knocked back several steps on the sea by the huge explosion shock wave. She turned her head to look at Bismarck and said with a playful smile.

It was Prince Eugen.

So, do you regret not bringing Geryon out, Lord Bismarck~

Even at this critical moment, Prince Eugen did not forget to joke with Bismarck.

Bismarck was both angry and amused when he heard the sarcastic words of his old partner who had a bad personality but was very reliable.

At this time, the Iron-Blooded Ship Girls in front of the front line had already entered into fierce close combat with the Type IV Siren Fleet.

Even Seidlitz and Mainz have picked up the sharp blades in their hands and are ready to enter the Siren Fleet camp.

It is not difficult to imagine that this will be a very brutal battle. Even if it is a victory, it is very likely that several iron-blooded ship girls will be severely injured.

Are you still going to pretend? Don't tell me that you and Frederick didn't prepare for this situation.

Seeing the expression on Bismarck's face, Prince Eugen seemed to have noticed something, and continued to smile with a relaxed expression.

It seems that this seemingly tragic battle is just...

Bismarck and Frederick the Great accompanied the sirens in a scene.

I really can't hide anything from you, Eugen.

Amid the violent explosions that resounded across the sea, Bismarck's face was also illuminated by the flashing flames of the explosion.

And Frederick the Great, standing on the sea, was already surrounded by the giant dragon on the ship beside him, looking at the distant night sky with a smile.

It was as if she was expecting something to come.

If it were me in the past, I would definitely prefer to use our iron-blooded camp's own strength to destroy the enemy and change our destiny.

Otherwise, I would not choose to leave Azur Lane and establish a red central axis.

The corners of Bismarck's mouth raised slightly, revealing a smile of memories. He looked at Prince Eugen and smiled calmly:

But now, with the efforts of the commander, I have understood that the camps are not necessarily full of hatred and interests.

But we can become partners who trust each other, rely on each other, and can trust each other's back.

As Bismarck said these words, a childish and wild voice full of vitality suddenly sounded from the communicators of all the Iron-blooded ship girls:

Ah hahaha! It's rare for me to hear such disgusting words from this guy!

The familiar yet abrupt voice that suddenly appeared in the communication channel immediately stunned all the Iron-Blooded Ship Girls who were fighting the Type IV Sirens.

Even the shark-type destroyer Z16 couldn't dodge and was directly hit in the face by a cannonball from the Type IV Chaser in front of her.

The explosion of the main cannon made her grin in pain, but it also reminded her of the owner of this familiar voice, and she said angrily: hurts so much! Elizabeth! You idiot, you killed me!

That's right, the owner of this childish and delicate voice is none other than Elizabeth, the queen and flagship of the royal camp who stayed in the port area!

Not only Z16, but all other Iron-Blooded Ship Girls are aware of this.

Even the Type IV Enforcers of the Siren Fleet who were standing in front of the Iron-Blooded Ship Girls all stopped their attacks and turned their backs to look behind them.

At this moment, as if time stopped, a large number of carrier-based aircraft suddenly rushed down from the clouds, and countless aerial bombs and airborne torpedoes poured down like strong winds and rain.

Violent flames instantly bloomed in the Type IV Siren fleet, and in this short moment, nearly one-third of the Type IV Siren exploded into sky-high wreckage!

And this is just the beginning!

For the glory of His Majesty and the glory of the Royal Navy, fire!

Royal Maid Corps, follow me and wipe out the enemies with elegant fighting methods.

Thank you for your hard work. Dear friends of the Iron-Blooded camp who have returned, please be safe. A more dazzling light than before will soon shine on the battlefield~

As these three different voices sounded simultaneously in the communicators of the Iron-Blooded Ship Girls, this battle that was supposed to be a tough battle was already over in advance.

The Siren fleet without an arbitration agency, no matter how large the number is, would never be able to face the ships from both camps at the same time.

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