Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 496 Atlanta-level girls (Part 1)

After a night of diligent overtime work, Lin Lan felt refreshed when she woke up the next day.

Although he only slept for about five hours in total, fortunately he had a brave physique, so these five hours of sleep were enough.

However, feeding the six light patrol girls naturally consumed a lot of his mental energy, and he already felt his stomach growling a little.

When Helena and the others left in the early morning, he vaguely remembered Haima gently saying in his ear that she had prepared breakfast for him, and he could just heat it up in the microwave.

Today it's their turn to patrol the Brooklyn-level island... What a coincidence.

Lin Lan recalled the discussion she heard when several girls left in the morning. While talking to herself, she sat up from the bed and put on her clothes.

He had also met the White Eagle shipgirl patrolling around the island before, when he, Enterprise and Essex went to visit the back mountain.

The patrol around the island that day was carried out by Fletcher with her sisters. It seemed that this patrol around the island was also directly formed with sister ships of the same class.

As the White Eagle camp has a large family and business, it seems that it can indeed be arranged like this, and the sisters also have companions to chat with when they go on missions together.

While Lin Lan was thinking about this, after washing up in the bathroom, he came to the corridor and prepared to go downstairs to eat the breakfast Haima and the others had left for him.

But just when he came to the stairs and was about to go downstairs, he suddenly heard the sound of the TV turning on and the noise of girls coming from the living room downstairs.

Santiago! That's the breakfast Helena and the others made for the commander. You're not allowed to eat it anymore!

Yeah~ Sister Atlanta, what does this have to do with~ Aren't Juno and San Juan still making other breakfasts for the commander in the kitchen?

...That's what I said, but that's not the reason why you should finish the hamburger that the others left for the commander by yourself!

I didn't eat alone. Look at Rino, she is still chewing the burger in her mouth.

Uh-huh...haha? Is this what Helena and the others left for the commander to eat? I, I, I was debugging the nano-gloves. Seeing Santiago eating so happily, I thought it would be okay to eat a little...

Well, Lin Lan listened to the conversation between the girls in the living room downstairs and already understood the identity of the visiting ship girl in his villa.

It is the White Eagle cruiser that has all been specialized in air defense and has full air defense attributes. It is the five Atlanta-class light cruiser girls.

When he came to the stairs, he saw three girls sitting side by side on the sofa in the living room.

The big screen TV has been turned on and a special effects movie is playing.

In addition to the stupid girl Santiago who went to Hongye City with him before, there was also a girl wearing a blue and white uniform of the same style, just like the JK school uniform.

She has long, smooth pink hair and wears white stockings, looking very youthful and energetic.

No need to think about it, she is Atlanta, the first ship of the Atlanta class.

But at this time, Atlanta was righteously preaching to Santiago with a silly smile on his face.

The other girl with short gray hair and black stockings, who used sci-fi black metal gloves to put the half-eaten hamburger into the lunch box in a panic, is the famous technology geek in the port area, his die-hard fan girl - Reno.

Hey, Commander finally woke up! Come and play, come and play!

When Santiago saw him coming down the stairs, he immediately stood up and waved hello to him with an excited giggle.

There were still bread crumbs in the corner of this silly girl's mouth. Jin Kaila didn't feel the slightest guilt about eating the breakfast Helena and the others left for him.

Don't change the subject...wait, Commander?

After Atlanta saw Santiago's actions, he immediately stood up and turned around to see Lin Lan with a smile on his face, with shock on his face.

Good morning, Santiago, Atlanta, and my good assistant Rino.

Lin Lan smiled and greeted the three lovely girls and walked into the living room.

Reno, who had just stuffed the hamburger into the lunch box, saw Lin Lan walking up to her, and realized that what she had just done must have been witnessed by Lin Lan, and his face was full of frustration and he was about to cry:

Wow...I'm sorry, Commander! As an assistant, I really didn't mean to eat your breakfast!

Okay, of course I know this, and Helena and the others shouldn't be angry. After all, Juno and San Juan have already gone to the kitchen to make breakfast again.

Lin Lan smiled and reached out to touch the head of this proud light patrol girl. Only then did Reno finally have a smile on his face again:

I knew Commander was the best~

Hey, I knew it would be like this. Commander, you just spoil them too much.

As her sister, Atlanta didn't care when she saw Lin Lan. She sighed helplessly, then looked at Lin Lan with a smile and said:

The reason why Santiago does whatever he wants is largely related to your connivance, Commander.

Before Lin Lan could speak, Santiago, who was dressed very casually, had already stepped forward to hold his arm, and said with a smile:

Hey, Commander, you won't be as strict as Sister Atlanta, right?

Santiago, I think you need to take care of yourself.

Seeing that this idiot sister actually dared to use the commander to criticize her, Atlanta gritted her teeth and clenched her fists with a sneer.

Although Jin Gaola is a fool, he is a clever fool.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, she had already hid behind Lin Lan, and at the same time made a face with her tongue sticking out at Atlanta.

Commander, please get out of the way first. As a sister, I need to teach Santiago the most basic etiquette...

Seeing that Atlanta was on the verge of an outbreak, a girl's voice suddenly came from the kitchen:

Atlanta, why are you fighting with Santiago? Come quickly and help serve the commander's breakfast.

Although she hasn't seen the person yet, Lin Lan has already heard that the person speaking is San Juan, the only Atlanta-class ship girl with a relatively normal personality, and the truly reliable girl among the Atlanta-class sisters.

After hearing San Juan's words, Atlanta finally calmed down. After taking two deep breaths to calm down, he showed an apologetic smile to Lin Lan:

Commander, I was a little impatient just now. Well...I'm going to help San Juan and Juno first.

Yeah, go, let me help you educate Santiago.

Lin Lan finished speaking to the girl with a smile, watched Atlanta go to the kitchen, and then turned to look at this cute silly girl.

You also know that your eldest sister has a bad temper, and yet you insist on teasing her on purpose. Are you looking for a beating?

He didn't really do anything to Jin Kaila, he just smiled and reached out to gently caress Jin Kaela's face, and patiently persuaded her.

Santiago didn't answer, he just looked at him with his blue eyes, showing his cute little tiger teeth and grinning.

Lin Lan didn't know if the red-haired girl with twin tails listened, but he still said what needed to be said. Anyway, with Atalanta's character, he wouldn't be serious about Santiago.

At this moment, Reno suddenly came up to him, with a sneaky look on his face, stared at him and said in a low voice:

Commander, did you, Brooklyn, Helena and the others go to Starsea Laboratory yesterday?

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