Azur Lane: I took the graduation port area through time

Chapter 497 Atlanta-level girls (Part 2)

Xinghai Laboratory? We didn't go there yesterday. I plan to go tomorrow.

Looking at this mysterious light patrol girl, Lin Lan replied with some doubts.

And with the two of them so close, his eyes couldn't help but move to Reno's chest.

As the youngest of five Atlanta-level sisters, Reno's figure perfectly crushes her sisters.

He suddenly remembered that Reno once said this line to him in the game:

There were times when I dreamed of becoming a hero and wanted to train myself, but this... a little strenuous exercise would make me shake badly... I'm so envious of the flat-chested ships...

Reno's words, which seemed like complaints, were very interesting compared with the words of his eldest sister Atlanta:

Bigger is better, more is beautiful, don't you think?... Hey! Where are you looking? I'm sorry it's not big enough!

Thinking of this, Lin Lan couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Is this the legendary saying that there is no harm without comparison?

I haven't gone yet... I thought the commander had already obtained the finished product, and was planning to invite the commander to go to the training sea area to appreciate your elegance up close.

After hearing Lin Lan's words, Lino finished speaking with some disappointment, but found Lin Lan's gaze that had just moved away from her.

In an instant, a few blushes appeared on the face of this tech nerd girl with short light gray hair:

Well, Commander, if you want to touch me now, you have to hurry up, the sisters will come out soon...

Ahem, don't be in a hurry yet, don't be in a hurry yet.

When Lin Lan saw the shy girl, she didn't understand what Lino was thinking about, so she coughed twice and said.

As the last of the five Atlanta-level sisters to join Minato, Reno took on the role of his assistant after taking the oath. The number of costume changes in the game far exceeds that of her sisters.

Swimwear, cheerleading uniforms, black silk bunny outfits, Donghuang style long skirts...

This heroic righteous hero Kitchen Patrol Girl can be said to be the official darling of the game. She is much happier than her sisters.

This also led to Lin Lan often asking Reno to dress up and set it up as a secretary ship.

Lin Lan no longer wanted to recall what the commander would do to the ship's secretary ship.

Sin, sin.

But apart from this, the finished product that Reno mentioned also made him extremely curious.

It seems that Reno, a technology expert from the White Eagle camp, has also joined the project of creating the so-called surprise for him.

What exactly will that surprise be?

And since Reno mentioned inviting him to the acting sea area, it can't be that his White Eagle ship girls made him a ship suit, right?

The commander personally leads the team in the ship's uniform to handle the sirens?

No, no, no, this is outrageous, absolutely impossible.

Lin Lan quickly shook his head and threw this bold idea out of his mind.

This is a little too forward-thinking.

But no matter what, he has made up his mind to go to Xinghai Laboratory tomorrow to see what surprise Memphis has prepared for him.

While he was talking to Reno, the three light patrol girls in the kitchen also came to the restaurant carrying freshly baked breakfast.

Commander, it's not okay for you to sleep in lazily like this all the time. The breakfast Helena and the others made for you has gone cold.

The light patrol girl with beautiful long sandy brown hair put the bread plate in her hand on the dining table, looked at Lin Lan and said hello with a smile:

Although Juno and I are not as good at cooking as Helena and the others, it is still more hearty than a hamburger sandwich. Come and eat together.

This girl is San Juan, the fourth ship of the Atlanta class. Among the sisters of the Atlanta class, she is a truly reliable mother-type girl, and also has the title of little angel.

In the game, the rarity of San Juan is not high, but Lin Lan understands that this seemingly ordinary light patrol girl has a remarkable experience in the history of Blue Star.

As a member of the first batch of TF58, she has escorted the Enterprise, Saratoga, Wasp, and almost all Dumpling-class aircraft carriers assigned to TF58.

Like Santiago, San Juan also witnessed the victory of the war against Chongqing.

The reason why San Juan has the title of little angel is because she has helped many White Eagle soldiers who were captured by Chongying return to their homeland, taking care of them tirelessly along the way.

So Lin Lan had always known that this girl who seemed to have a strict personality and always made strict demands on him had a gentle and kind heart.

When he smiled and nodded to San Juan to express his gratitude, and motioned for Jin Jialu and Rino to walk to the restaurant with him, his eyes were attracted by the weak girl who clung to Atalanta's side.

Commander, good morning...

As if she noticed Lin Lan looking at her, the extremely fair face of this frail girl with short, light yellow hair and two slender beards and bangs was immediately filled with blush.

She seemed to have mustered up all the courage to speak, and greeted Lin Lan with a pitiful, delicate and trembling voice.

Juno, thank you for your hard work, and...

I am very happy to see that you are safe and sound now.

Lin Lan walked directly to the girl and said the name of the light cruiser girl.

At the same time, he gently held Juno in his arms and stroked the poor girl's back with great distress.

After being hugged by him, Juno was stunned for a moment, then a happy smile appeared on her face, and she hugged him gently.

This heartwarming scene put a relieved smile on the faces of the four Atlanta-level girls around them.

Even the corners of stupid girl Santiago's eyes were slightly moist at this moment, but she quickly wiped them away without anyone noticing.

The second Atlanta-class ship, Juno.

This lovely light patrol girl who looks very weak and timid, like Helena and York City, was very introverted when she first joined Lin Lan's port area.

It can even be said to be a bit timid.

However, at that time, Lin Lan did not specifically understand Juno's character. He just regarded Juno as a shy and ordinary White Eagle light cruiser girl who was not very rare. However, it is a cultivation of brush pictures.

If that was the case, he might have to wait a long, long time before he mends the vow ring of the ship girl and learns that this poor girl is suffering from a serious disease——

The aftermath of war.

The reason why he discovered this light patrol girl's illness in time was due to the PVP mode exercises in the game at that time.

In the exercise, players can use their own ship girls to form an offensive fleet to fight against other players' defensive fleets.

After victory, players can improve their ranking and military rank in the server and obtain more meritorious rewards.

Originally, this was just a normal PVP gameplay. Even if you lose, it will not be counted as the ship girl being sunk. It is just a competition.

Therefore, Lin Lan has always been very Buddhist in training, but thanks to his generosity, his ranking at the end of each training season is not low.

Until one day, Lin Lan suddenly discovered during the exercise that many of the players he had refreshed had been incorporated into Juno in the defensive fleet.

This made him puzzled at the time. Why did this light cruiser girl, whose strength and rarity were not high, suddenly become a popular ship girl in the exercise?

Until he was fighting a defensive fleet with Juno, he found that all the other fleet's ships were sunk after Juno was sunk, and they all recovered a quarter of their durability, reversing the situation that should have been a loss. .

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